女性衛生巾及護墊、高級浴巾、隱形眼鏡藥水、蚊怕水、防曬霜、美白爽膚水、卸妝濕紙巾、濕紙巾、雨傘。 Feminine sanitary napkins and pads, premium bath towels, contact lens lotion, mosquito repellant, sunscreen, whitening toner, makeup remover wipes, wet wipes, umbrellas.
紅外線探熱槍連電池 Infrared Thermometer and battery
$199.90轉換插頭 Travel Adaptor x1
$68.00Kotex 高潔絲夜用草本衛生巾35CM🌙X1Pack
$65.00Kotex 草本抑菌特長透氣1mm超薄貼身護墊 pantyliners X1pack
$55.00足浴養生套裝 (旅行居家必備) OMMI Foot Spa Set
$299.90樂敦C3隱形眼鏡護理液 500ML x1pc
$129.00樂敦c3 moist 眼藥水 13mL
$65.00垃垃袋 Trash Bag
$19.90Samsung MicroSDXC 64GB EVO Memory Card 三星記憶咭
$85.00Lenovo 手提按摩機 (顏色隨機)
$49.90酒精消毒殺菌濕紙巾 AST 75% Alcohol Antibacterial Wipes (-kills99.9% Infectious Bacteria 🦠 X1包
$59.00唯潔雅 2層盒裝面紙1盒裝 130張/ 盒
$9.90滴露經典松木沐浴露 Dettol Classic Shower Gel 950ML X1支裝
$70.00Durex 超薄安全套 Fetherlite Condom 3pcs
$139.90韓國直達🇰🇷Good Manner KF94 2D Mask 成人四層防護口罩 5PCS/1PACK
$55.00萬能防鏽潤滑劑 WD40
$89.90韓國🇰🇷入口~75%酒精殺菌消毒噴霧 Venüsamy Clean Mist Alcohol 75% X1支
$65.00頂級軟綿綿SPA大浴巾(白色)🧖🏽♀️🫧🧖🏽♂️ Premium Super Soft (SPA) Towel - White Colour X1PC
$165.00頂級軟綿綿SPA大浴巾(灰色)🧖🏽♀️🫧🧖🏽♂️ Premium Super Soft (SPA) Towel - Grey Colour X1PC
$165.00RITCHI RITCHI 速乾髮浴毛巾👱🏻♀️👩🏻🦱 灰+白 Quick Hair Drying Towel X1Set
$160.00前置濾芯 Dyson V6 V7 V8 SV10 SV11 DC58 DC59 DC61 DC62 無線吸塵機
$98.00打火機 (隨機款) Lighter (Random Colour) X 1pc
$15.90美舒律蒸氟暖宮40oc溫熱貼 X1盒
$75.00日本退熱貼 Cooling Gel Sheet x1 pack
$49.90高路潔殺菌漱口水 Colgate Plax Peppermint Fresh
$59.90快速測試檢測包 BIONTIBODY SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Detection Kit (Latex Chromatography) 1支
$49.90日本製L.MO 藥水膠布100枚入 Japanese L M O Bandages X1盒
$48.00強力清爽12小時持續蚊怕水噴霧 Ultra Fresh Anti Mosquito Spray X1支
$50.00🦟清爽無比蚊露 Mosquito Repellent
$50.00期間限定!日本製🇯🇵 Peanuts x Essential 洗頭水及護髮素 Shampoo & Conditioner
$138.00補鞋膠水 Shoes Adhesive
$69.90唯潔雅 3層超滑衛生紙/廁紙卷 1卷散裝 VIRJOY Tissue
$9.90RITCHI RITCHI's Automatic folding UV Protection Umbrella (RITCHI仕樣之雨傘Black)
$150.00RITCHI RITCHI Sun Safe Umbrella 全自動防UV縮骨遮/雨傘 (RITCHI仕樣之雨傘White)
$150.00RITCHI RITCHI's Automatic folding UV Protection Umbrella (RITCHI仕樣之雨傘Blue)