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🚚 儀發大街市 Yee Fat Wet Market - 店家自送 Delivered By Store
Frozen Food
Fresh Food
4.3 Very good
'Fresh produce'
Opens at 07:30
$300.00 minimum
$120.00 delivery
Allergens and more
No location selected
Delivered by 🚚 儀發大街市 Yee Fat Wet Market - 店家自送 Delivered By Store
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🦀 秋冬之選 Fall Specials 🍂
🍲 今晚煲靚湯 Best Soup Tonight 🍲
👨🏻🍳 今晚食乜餸 Best Dishes Tonight 🥢
💪🏻 抗疫湯水凉茶 Anti-epidemic Soup and Herbal Tea ☕
🍅 本地蔬菜 Local Vegetables
🥬 綠葉蔬菜 Leafty Vegetables
🍆 瓜類蔬菜 Gourd Vegetables
🌽 根莖類植物 Root Vegetables
🍇 新鮮水果 Fresh Fruits
🥚 雞蛋 Eggs
🌶️ 配菜類 Chilli, Onion and Ginger
🫒 豆類 Beans
🫔 豆製品 Soy Products
🍄 菇類 Mushrooms
♨️ 邊爐必食丸類 Hotpot's Meat and Fish Balls 🍥
🐖 新鮮豬肉 Fresh Pork
🥓 急凍豬肉 Frozen Pork
🐄 新鮮牛肉及羊肉 Fresh Beef & Lamb 🐑
🐄 急凍牛肉及羊肉 Frozen Beef & Lamb 🐏
🍗 急凍雞類 Frozen Poultry
🐔 即劏活雞 Fresh Chicken
🦐 生猛海鮮 Fresh Seafood
🐟 魚類 Fish
🌹 鮮花 Flowers
🫘 殼物豆類 Beans
🧂 調味料 Spices & Seasoning
🥡 燒味滷味 Ready to Eat 🥡
🍜 粉麵類 Noodles
發售各國進口瓜菜 Import Vegetables
🍚 糧油雜貨 Rice, Oil & Grocer
🥜 南貨及乾貨 Dried Goods
🥤 健康飲品 🥤
This place is currently closed. Check back during business hours to place an order.