椰菜花炒瘦肉 (3至4人份量) Stir-fry pork with cauliflower (Serve 3-4 People)
$100.00韭黃炒蛋 (3至4人份量) Scrambled eggs with fresh chives (Serve 3-4 People)
$60.00青豆角炒叉燒 (3至4人份量) Stir fried Chinese Long-Bean with BBQ pork (3至4人份量)
$80.00青豆角炒蛋 (3至4人份量) Fried Egg with Chinese Long Beans
$80.00鮮百合蘆筍仔淮山炒瘦肉 Stir Fried Pork with Fresh Chinese Yam and Lilies
$180.00椰汁香芋南瓜准山煲 (3至4人份量) Taro and Pumpkin in Coconut Sauce (Serve 3 to 4 People)
$120.00韭菜炒蛋 (3至4人份量) Scrambled eggs with Chinese chives (Serve 3-4 People)
$50.00梅菜蒸肉餅 Movie Treating You Open,(3至4人)
$88.00魚鬆炆蘿蔔 Yes Some More, but (三至四人)
$78.00芥蘭炒牛肉 (3至4人份量) Stir-Fried Beef With Chinese Broccoli (Serve 3-4 People)