請注意蛋糕款式的送貨時間不是二小時!Please note that the delivery time for cake styles is not two hours部分款式需要提前預訂Some styles need to be ordered in advance
濃郁咖啡 Strong Coffee
$17.00人參枸杞酒Ginseng wine 500ml
$160.00人參松茸酒Ginseng wine 150ml
$48.00人參鹿茸血酒Ginseng wine 150ml
$48.00人參鹿鞭酒Ginseng wine 150ml
$48.00人參蟲草酒Ginseng wine 150ml
$48.00名貴花旗參蜜 American Ginseng Honey
$13.00高鈣低脂鮮奶High Calcium Low Fat Fresh Milk
$15.00高鈣脫脂鮮奶 High Calcium Skim Milk
$15.00優質奶滑咖啡 Coffee
$13.00名貴朱古力鮮奶Chocolate Fresh Milk
$15.00榛子咖啡 Hazelnut Coffee
$17.00抹茶咖啡 Matcha Coffee
$17.00巧克力咖啡 Chocolate Coffee
$17.00焦糖咖啡 Caramel Coffee
$18.00雲石牛奶咖啡Strong Milk Coffee
$20.00特濃巧克力咖啡 Espresso Chocolate Coffee