About Murray Lane@ The Murray
香港美利酒店推出 Rails Café 鐵路咖啡館,專為酒店賓客及前往乘坐山頂纜車的遊客打造。賓客可以盡情享用多款清爽透心的冰純茶及特色珍珠奶茶,以及一系列西式及東方美饌,為您的城市探索之旅注入活力。 The Murray, Hong Kong, proudly unveils the newly opened Rails Café, offering a tranquil oasis for visitors seeking refreshment before or after embarking on their The Peak Tram journey or “City Walk” adventure. From thirst-quenching Iced Tea to Bubble Tea, gourmet bites from Western delicacies to Oriental flavours, the Rails Café by The Murray is set to fuel up your day.
Pure Iced Tea 冰純茶系列
Earl Grey Black Tea 伯爵紅茶
經典的伯爵紅茶散發柔和的佛手柑香氣,茶味醇厚且口感清新,帶來優雅的品味體驗。Classic Earl Grey tea with a subtle hint of bergamot, offering a rich, refreshing flavor and an elegant tasting experience.$48.00Jasmine Green Tea 茉莉綠茶
茉莉花香與綠茶的清新融合,馥郁芬芳,每一口都如置身花園般清新。A delightful blend of fragrant jasmine and refreshing green tea, evoking a garden-fresh aroma with every sip.$48.00Oolong Tea 烏龍純茶
精心烘焙的烏龍茶葉,散發出濃郁的花香和輕微的焦糖風味,茶味順滑,餘味悠長。Carefully roasted Oolong tea leaves with a rich floral aroma and a hint of caramel, offering a smooth texture and a lingering aftertaste.$48.00
Bubble Tea 珍珠奶茶系列
Earl Grey Bubble Milk Tea 伯爵珍珠奶茶
以伯爵紅茶為基底,搭配軟糯的珍珠和絲滑鮮奶,香氣濃郁,回味無窮。A blend of Earl Grey tea with chewy tapioca pearls and creamy milk, delivering a fragrant and rich flavor.$48.00Bubble Milk Green Tea 珍珠鮮奶綠茶
鮮奶的濃郁搭配綠茶的清香,混合軟糯的珍珠,清新自然,口感豐富A refreshing combination of creamy fresh milk and aromatic green tea, complemented by chewy tapioca pearls for a naturally fresh taste$48.00Oolong Bubble Milk Tea 烏龍珍珠奶茶
以烏龍茶的香氣和深度為基礎,融合醇厚的奶香和軟糯珍珠的口感,體驗獨特的茶飲之旅A unique blend of fragrant, robust Oolong tea with rich milk fragrance and chewy tapioca pearls, offering a complex and delightful tea experience$48.00