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鹽酥雞排鮮菇蓋飯 Rice with Fried Chicken Fillets and Mushroom
$94.00黑麻油雞翅 Chicken Wings with Black Sesame Oil
$58.00烤手工香腸鮮菇蓋飯 Rice with Grilled Homemade Sausages and Mushroom
$94.00風味紅燒牛肉湯麵 Stewed Beef with Noodles in Soup
$106.00香辣紅燒牛肉湯麵(辣) Spicy Stewed Beef with Noodles in Soup
$106.00鳳梨甜酸里肌 Sweet and Sour Pork with Fruit
$106.00高湯櫻花蝦浸娃娃菜 Baby Cabbage with Sakura Shrimp in Fish Soup
$82.00香煎沙朗鮮菇蓋飯 Rice with Fried Sirloin Steak and Mushroom
$94.00手工津菜豬肉水餃湯麵 Dumplings with Noodles in Soup
$94.00鄉土手撕鹽水鴨 Hand-shredded Salted Duck
農家作物米飯 Rice/ Noodles
鹽酥雞排鮮菇蓋飯 Rice with Fried Chicken Fillets and Mushroom
$94.00烤手工香腸鮮菇蓋飯 Rice with Grilled Homemade Sausages and Mushroom
$94.00滿山鴨腿鮮菇蓋飯 Rice with Duck Drumstick and Mushroom
$106.00香煎沙朗鮮菇蓋飯 Rice with Fried Sirloin Steak and Mushroom
$94.00溫泉蛋鳳梨肉燥飯 Rice with Soft-boiled Egg, Pineapple and Marinated Minced Pork
$82.00農場溏心蛋鮮菇蓋飯 Rice with Soft-boiled Egg and Mushroom
$82.00鮮菇雞絲湯漬飯 Mushroom and Shredded Chicken Ochazuke
$94.00鹽酥排骨鮮菇蓋飯 Rice with Fried Ribs and Mushroom
農家作物湯麵 Handmade Noodles
湯麵採用牛肉湯底 Noodle soup uses beef soup base
香辣紅燒牛肉湯麵(辣) Spicy Stewed Beef with Noodles in Soup
$106.00手工津菜豬肉水餃湯麵 Dumplings with Noodles in Soup
$94.00風味紅燒牛肉湯麵 Stewed Beef with Noodles in Soup
$106.00香滷牛三寶湯麵(辣) Three Treasures Beef with Noodles in Soup
$106.00黑麻油雞翅湯麵 Chicken Wings with Black Sesame Oil with Noodles in Soup
$94.00道地紅蔥醬燒豬軟骨湯麵 Marinated Stewed Pork Brisket Bone with Noodles in Soup with Shallot Sauce
自家配方手工麵條 Handmade Noodles
鮮干貝奶油烏魚子手工麵條 Handmade Noodles with Mullet Roe and Scallop in Cream Sauce
$118.00鹽水鴨肉香油拌手工麵條 Handmade Noodles with Hand-shredded Salted Duck
$94.00花枝麻醬拌手工麵條 Handmade Noodles with Squid in Sesame Paste
$82.00紅燒牛肉椒麻拌手工麵條(辣) Spicy Handmade Noodles with Stewed Beef
$106.00松露奶油培根手工麵條 Handmade Noodles with Bacon in Cream Sauce
鄉土小菜 Dishes
鳳梨甜酸里肌 Sweet and Sour Pork with Fruit
$106.00農村杏鮑三杯土雞 Fresh Chicken and King Oyster Mushroom in Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil and Wine
$94.00高湯櫻花蝦浸娃娃菜 Baby Cabbage with Sakura Shrimp in Fish Soup
$82.00鄉土手撕鹽水鴨 Hand-shredded Salted Duck
$94.00慢煮黑醋豬軟骨 Braised Pork Soft Bones with Black Vinegar and Mirin
$94.00滿山秘製五味豬手 Five Flavoured Pork Knuckles
$94.00農家花雕醉雞卷 Drunken Chicken Roll
$94.00紅蔥地瓜燉牛頰肉 Braised Beef Cheek with Sweet Potatoes and Shallot Sauce
$94.00火龍果柑桔鱸魚柳 Sea Bass Fillets with Dragon Fruit and Marmalade
停不了口的小吃 Snack
黑麻油雞翅 Chicken Wings with Black Sesame Oil
$58.00金黃無骨鹽酥雞 Fried Chicken Pieces
$58.00綜合滷味拼盤 Marinated Food Combo
$94.00台式酥脆甘梅地瓜條 Taiwanese Sweet Potato Fries
$58.00鹽酥甜不辣 Fried Tempura
$58.00蒜蓉麻辣豬耳朵(辣) Hot Garlic Pig Ears
$58.00外酥內嫩小酥肉 Crispy Fried Pork
$58.00農場溏心蛋 Soft-boiled Egg
$34.00烤手工香腸 Grilled Homemade Sausages
$58.00九層塔豆乳香酥雞 Fermented Tofu Fried Chicken Pieces with Basil
$58.00經典麻辣紅油抄手(辣) Wonton with Chili Oil
$70.00手工櫻花蝦花枝餅 Squid and Sakura Shrimps Cake
$70.00夜市小食拼盤 Snacks Combo
甜甜的那個 Sweets
黑糖芋圓仙草 Brown Sugar Taro Balls and Grass Jelly
$46.00芋泥起司熱壓吐司 Taro Puree and Cheese Toastie
$58.00白玉芋圓腰果露(熱) Cashew Nut Sweet Soup with Taro Balls and White Jade
$46.00白玉芋圓紅豆湯(熱) Red Bean Soup with Taro Balls and White Jade
$46.00金薯芋圓仙草(凍) Sweet Potato Taro Balls and Grass Jelly
田野果茶 Fruit Tea
土鳳梨手搖水果茶(凍) (Iced)Mixed Fruit Tea with Pineapple
$50.00土鳳梨手搖水果茶(熱) (Hot)Mixed Fruit Tea with Pineapple
$50.00原個檸檬紅茶(凍) (Iced)Black Tea with a Whole Lemon
$34.00奶蓋雪山芒芒冰(凍) (Iced)Mango Drink in Salted Cream with Tea
$46.00奶蓋雪山草莓冰(凍) (Iced)Strawberry Drink in Salted Cream with Tea
$46.00手調草莓青檸茶(凍) (Iced)Strawberry and Lime with Tea
$46.00Q彈愛玉檸檬茶(凍) (Iced)Lemon Aiyu Jelly with Tea
$46.00來一杯迷迭香柑桔蘇打(凍) (Iced)Rosemary Citrus Soda
$46.00百香果蜜香紅茶(凍) (Iced)Passion Fruit Black Tea
山間花果茶 Herbal Tea
好氣息玫瑰紅棗桂圓茶(熱) (Hot)Rose Red Dates and Longan Tea
$46.00清爽水蜜桃花果茶(熱) (Hot)Peach Flavoured Fruit Tea
$46.00清香鮮橙百香果茶(熱) (Hot)Orange and Passion Fruit Tea
$46.00暖暖玫瑰洋甘菊茶(熱) (Hot)Rose Chamomile
緩一下 Classic
農家芝麻豆漿(熱) (Hot)Black Sesame Soy Milk
$34.00洛神花柚子茶(凍) (Iced)Roselle Citron Tea
$34.00桂花豆漿(熱) (Hot)Osmanthus Soy Milk
$26.00玫瑰滿山紅茶(熱, 無糖) (Hot)Rose Black Tea
$26.00清香滿山烏龍茶(凍, 無糖) (Iced)Dongding Oolong Tea
$26.00生薑薑母茶(熱) (Hot)Ginger Tea
$34.00農家芝麻豆漿(凍) (Iced)Black Sesame Soy Milk
$34.00作物薏仁檸檬水(凍) (Iced)Lemon Barley Water
$34.00金橘冬瓜茶(熱) (Hot)White Gourd Tea
$34.00金橘冬瓜茶(凍) (Iced)White Gourd Tea
$34.00洛神花柚子茶(熱) (Hot)Roselle Citron Tea
台式奶茶 Taiwanese Milk Tea
心情好黑糖珍珠奶茶(凍) (Iced)Black Sugar Pearl Milk Tea
$34.00軟懦懦小芋圓芋泥奶茶(熱) (Hot)Taro Milk Tea with Taro Balls
$46.00心情好黑糖珍珠奶茶(熱) (Hot)Black Sugar Pearl Milk Tea
$34.00軟懦懦小芋圓芋泥奶茶(凍) (Iced)Taro Milk Tea with Taro Balls
$46.00滑溜溜黑糖仙草奶茶(凍) (Iced)Black Sugar Grass Jelly Milk Tea
. .$34.00好一朵茉莉花奶綠(熱) (Hot)Jasmine Green Milk Tea
$34.00好一朵茉莉花奶綠(凍) (Iced)Jasmine Green Milk Tea
咖啡 Coffee
山上濃香咖啡(熱) (Hot)Premium Coffee
$34.00山上濃香咖啡(凍) (Iced)Premium Coffee
$34.00打起精神摩卡(熱) (Hot)Mocha
$46.00打起精神摩卡(凍) (Iced)Mocha
$46.00綿密泡泡拿鐵(熱) (Hot)Latte
$46.00綿密泡泡拿鐵(凍) (Iced)Latte
$46.00雲頂晨露珈琲(凍) (Iced)Coffee with Salted Cream