About NUTTEA 堅果奶茶 (Central中環店)
誰說奶蓋奶茶不健康? NUTTEA 是全球第一家堅果茶飲品牌,以腰果、核桃、榛果、杏仁與夏威夷果仁,經冷壓萃取濃醇香的堅果奶,沒有牛奶沒有化工奶精!適合Vegan素食者及乳糖不耐症人士。 一起享受 NUTTEA 堅果奶茶飲的魅力吧!15% off entire menu
For orders over $120. T&Cs apply
Popular with other people
伯爵朱古力堅果奶蓋茶 Earl Grey Tea with Chocolate Nut Cream
$60.00蘋果脆脆楓糖堅果奶蓋茶 Apple Tea with Nut Cream & Crispy Apple Chips & Maple Syrup
$50.00焙茶堅果奶茶 Hojicha Nut Mylk Tea
$50.00蘆薈西柚茶堅果奶蓋 Grapefruit Tea & Aloe Vera with Nut Cream
$54.00朱古力榛果堅果奶 Chocolate Hazelnut Nut Mylk
$50.00火龍果茶堅果奶蓋 Dragon Fruit Tea with Nut Cream
$50.00焙茶堅果奶蓋茶 Hojicha with Nut Cream
堅果奶蓋茶 Tea with Nut Cream
只有堅果沒有牛奶的堅果奶蓋,一杯三種喝法,絕妙口感。 可供冷熱 Hot & iced available
伯爵朱古力堅果奶蓋茶 Earl Grey Tea with Chocolate Nut Cream
*推薦飲品 Signature*$60.00Popular烏龍堅果奶蓋茶 Oolong Tea with Nut Cream
$46.00Vegan茉莉綠堅果奶蓋茶 Jasmine Green Tea with Nut Cream
$46.00Vegan四季春堅果奶蓋茶 Four Seasons Tea with Nut Cream
$46.00Vegan焙茶堅果奶蓋茶 Hojicha with Nut Cream
*推薦飲品 Signature*$54.00Vegan台灣紅玉堅果奶蓋茶 Ruby Black Tea with Nut Cream
$46.00Vegan宇治抹茶堅果奶蓋茶 Matcha with Nut Cream
水果茶堅果奶蓋 Fruit Tea with Nut Cream
一杯三種喝法的堅果奶蓋茶,當季鮮果搭配台灣好茶,一杯美味好健康。 僅供冷飲 Iced only
蘋果脆脆楓糖堅果奶蓋茶 Apple Tea with Nut Cream & Crispy Apple Chips & Maple Syrup
僅供冷飲 Iced only$50.00Popular蘆薈西柚茶堅果奶蓋 Grapefruit Tea & Aloe Vera with Nut Cream
僅供冷飲 Iced only$54.00Popular火龍果茶堅果奶蓋 Dragon Fruit Tea with Nut Cream
內含西瓜 Contain Watermelons 僅供微糖/無糖 Light Sugar/No Sugar Only 冰度固定 Fixed Ice$50.00Vegan鮮檸茶堅果奶蓋 Lemon Tea with Nut Cream
僅供冷飲 Iced only$50.00Vegan
堅果奶 Nut Mylk
堅果奶與各式農產的結合,代餐的最佳選擇,一杯健康飽足好飲。 無咖啡因 Caffeine-free 可供冷熱 Hot & iced available
桂圓紅棗堅果奶 Longan & Red Dates Nut Mylk
[12oz] 冬季限定 Winter Limited 僅供熱飲 Hot Only 糖度固定 Fixed Sugar$48.00Vegan鮮檸堅果奶 Lime & Lemon Nut Mylk
僅供冷飲 Iced Only$49.00Vegan朱古力榛果堅果奶 Chocolate Hazelnut Nut Mylk
僅供冷飲 Iced Only 低咖啡因 Low-Caffeine$50.00Vegan黑糖原磨堅果奶 Brown Sugar Nut Mylk
僅供冷飲 Iced Only$49.00Vegan黑糖薑薑堅果奶 Brown Sugar Ginger Nut Mylk
[12oz] 冬季限定 Winter Limited 僅供熱飲 Hot Only 糖度固定 Fixed Sugar$46.00Vegan黑芝麻堅果奶 Black Sesame Nut Mylk
冬季限定 Winter Limited$54.00Vegan紫米堅果奶 Black Rice Nut Mylk
冬季限定 Winter Limited$54.00Vegan栗子堅果奶 Chestnut Nut Mylk
冬季限定 Winter Limited 僅供熱飲 Hot Only 糖度固定 Fixed Sugar$57.00Vegan
堅果奶昔 Nut Mylk Smoothie
當季鮮果搭配堅果奶,完全融合,滿足最健康的好味口感。 無咖啡因 Caffeine-free 僅供冷飲 Iced only 冰度固定Fixed Ice
香蕉燕麥堅果奶昔 Banana & Oat Nut Mylk Smoothie
*推薦飲品 Signature* 僅供冷飲 Iced only 冰度固定 Fixed ice$50.00Vegan火龍果堅果奶昔 Dragon Fruit Nut Mylk Smoothie
內含西瓜 Contain Watermelons 僅供冷飲 Iced only 冰度固定 Fixed ice$54.00Vegan西瓜堅果奶昔 Watermelon Nut Mylk Smoothie
僅供冷飲 Iced only 冰度固定 Fixed ice$54.00Vegan香蕉朱古力堅果奶昔Choconana Nut Mylk Smoothie
低咖啡因 Low caffeine 可供冷熱 Hot & iced available 冰度固定 Fixed ice$57.00Vegan士多啤梨堅果奶昔 Strawberry Nut Mylk Smoothie
僅供冷飲 Iced only 冰度固定 Fixed ice$59.00Vegan
堅果奶茶 Nut Mylk Tea
堅果奶與好茶的絕妙搭配,不一樣的奶茶擁有濃郁的堅果味與豐富茶香,原來堅果奶茶這麼健康好喝。 可供冷熱 Hot & iced available
四季春堅果奶茶 Four Seasons Nut Mylk Tea
$45.00Vegan焙茶堅果奶茶 Hojicha Nut Mylk Tea
$50.00Vegan台灣紅玉堅果奶茶 Ruby Black Nut Mylk Tea
$45.00Vegan茉莉綠堅果奶茶 Jasmine Green Nut Mylk Tea
$45.00Vegan烏龍堅果奶茶 Oolong Nut Mylk Tea
$45.00Vegan伯爵堅果奶茶 Earl Grey Nut Mylk Tea
$45.00Vegan宇治堅果奶茶 Matcha Nut Mylk Tea
$48.00Vegan燕麥堅果奶茶 Oat Nut Mylk Tea
$48.00Vegan黑糖凍堅果奶茶 Nut Mylk Tea with Brown Sugar Jelly
咖啡 Coffee
嚴選優質巴西靚豆,媲美精品咖啡店,成就一杯濃香NUTTEA堅果奶咖啡。 可供冷熱 Hot & iced available
美式咖啡 Americano
[12oz] 預設無糖 Default Sugar Free$45.00Vegan堅果奶咖啡 Nutty Latte
[12oz]$48.00Vegan黑糖堅果奶咖啡 Brown Sugar Nutty Latte
[12oz] 不設無糖 No sugar free$50.00Vegan特濃朱古力堅果奶咖啡 Nutty Mocha
[12oz]$54.00Vegan美式咖啡堅果奶蓋 Americano with Nut Cream
$54.00Vegan美式咖啡朱古力堅果奶蓋 Americano with Chocolate Nut Cream
水果茶 Fruit Tea
只用鮮果萃取不使用濃縮汁,NUTTEA 水果茶都是鮮果。 可供冷熱飲 Hot & iced available
西柚綠茶沙冰 Grapefruit Tea Smoothie
僅供冷飲 Iced only 冰度固定 Fixed ice 糖度固定 Fixed sugar$46.00Vegan鮮橙茉莉綠茶 Orange Jasmine Green Tea
*推薦飲品 Signature* *新品 NEW 僅供冷飲 Iced Only$48.00Vegan鮮檸百香果紅茶 Passion Fruit, Lime & Lemon Ruby Black Tea
可供冷熱 Hot & Iced Available$46.00Vegan四季春水果茶 Four Seasons Fruit Tea
可供冷熱 Hot & Iced Available$46.00Vegan鮮檸茉莉綠茶 Lime & Lemon Jasmine Green Tea
可供冷熱 Hot & Iced Available$46.00Vegan
純茶 Pure Tea
NUTTEA 只用好茶,品質第一的 Nuttea 當然就用最好的茶創造每一杯驚豔。 可供冷熱 Hot & iced available
四季春茶 Four Seasons Tea
$34.00Vegan台灣紅玉茶 Ruby Black Tea
$34.00Vegan茉莉綠茶 Jasmine Green Tea
$34.00Vegan烏龍茶 Oolong Tea
$34.00Vegan伯爵茶 Earl Grey Tea
純堅果奶蓋 Pure Nut Cream
[16oz] 一整杯純堅果奶蓋,不是飲品喔~ A whole cup of nut cream, not a drink~
原味堅果奶蓋 Original Nut Cream
$78.00Vegan朱古力堅果奶蓋 Chocolate Nut Cream
純堅果乳 Pure Nut Mylk
家庭裝 Family Size 500ml
$90.00Vegan家庭裝 Family Size 1000ml