超值午市套餐 Lunch Set
二人套餐 Set for 2
自選頭盤 (1款)、自選小菜 (2款)、飲品 (2杯)、絲苗白飯 (2碗)$368.00四人套餐 Set for 4
自選頭盤 (2款)、自選小菜 (3款)、飲品 (4杯)、絲苗白飯 (4碗)$688.00六人套餐 Set for 6
自選頭盤 (3款)、自選小菜 (4款)、飲品 (6杯)、絲苗白飯 (6碗)$968.00
即炒小菜套餐 Dish Lunch Set
均配絲苗白飯 Served with Rice
糖醋脆腩片 Crispy PorkBwith Bell Pepper & Pineapple InSweet &SourSauce
$82.00羅望子乾蔥燜腩排 Braised Pork Rib with Tamarindus & Shallot
$82.00鮮茄燴蝦球 Braised Shrimp with Fresh Tomato & Egg
$85.00韭黃滑蛋蝦仁 Stir-Fried Shrimp with Egg & Yellow Chives
走地靚雞套餐 Chicken Set
均配絲苗白飯 Served with Rice
🌶️ 火焰口水雞 Spicy Peanut Chicken
$88.00沙薑霸王雞 Poached Chicken with Ginger & Green Onion in Soy Sauce
🌶️ 香辣惹味套餐 Taste Of Spicy Set
均配絲苗白飯 Served with Rice
辣子雞丁 Wok-Fried Diced Chicken with Spicy Pepper
$82.00宮保雞丁 Sautéed Diced Chicken with Chilli & Nuts
$82.00福建花菜爆腩片 Wok-Fried Pork Belly with Cauliflower & Chilli
$82.00湖南小炒肉 Wok-Fried Pork Belly with Green Chilli
$82.00蝦球麻婆豆腐 Stewed Bean Curd with Minced Pork & Shrimp in Chili Sauce
粉麵飯套餐 Fried Rice & Noodles Set
匠心海鮮炒飯 Signature Seafood Fried Rice
$88.00瑤柱海鮮蛋白炒飯 Fried Rice with Seafood, Dried Scallop & Egg White
匠心推介 Recommend Dishes
$258.00翡翠花雕蒸蝦球 Steamed Shrimp & Egg with Asparagus in Huadiao Wine
$518.00特色蘿蔔糕燜蟹 Braised Crab With Turnip Cake & Green Onion
頭盤 Appetizers
🌱 話梅車遮厘茄 Marinated Cherry Tomatoes With Dried salty Plum
$88.00🌱 黑醋雲耳拌青瓜 Black Fungus& Cucumber in Aged Vinegar
$88.00陳皮滷牛展 Braised Beef Shank with Dried Tangerine Peel
$118.00特式脆皮燻魚 Special Crispy Smoked Fish
$118.00🌱 七味黃金豆腐粒 Crispy Bean Curd with Shichimi Powder
香辣惹味 Taste Of Spicy
$168.00🌶️ 香辣薯仔牛筋腩 Braised Beef Brisket & Beef Tendon with Potato in Spicy Sauce
海鮮 Seafood
韭菜煎蠔烙 Pan-Fried Oyster&Chinese Chives Cake
$218.00黑松露蝦球滑蛋 Stir-Fried Shrimp with Egg & Black Truffle Sauce
$308.00枝竹香菇燜斑頭腩 Braised Grouper Chop With BeanCurd
肉類 Meat
乾蔥羅望子排骨 Braised Pork Rib with Tamarindus & Shallot
$168.00🌶️ 新薯孜然焗肉排
$168.00沙薑霸王雞 (半隻) Poached Chicken with Ginger & Green Onion in Soy Sauce
主食 Rice & Noodles
濃湯雪菜龍躉麵 Simmered Noodles with Grouper Fillet & Preserved Vegetable
$168.00霧蝦蠔仔肉碎泡飯 Poached Rice with Oyster & Minced Pork in Fish Soup
$168.00海鮮盛滙泡飯 Poached Rice with Seafood in Fish Soup
$218.00匠心海鮮炒飯 Signature Seafood Fried Rice
$218.00荷香蒜蓉蒸頭腩 Steamed Fried Rice with Giant Grouper Chop in Garlic Sauce
炒飯底$308.00806 招牌富豪燜飯
$388.00絲苗白飯 Rice
菜蔬豆腐 Vegetables & Bean Curd
🌱 拍蒜醬油四季豆 Wok-Fried String Bean with Garlic in Soy Sauce
$128.00🌱 蠔皇花菇扒時蔬
清炒 Wok-Fried / 蒜蓉 Garlic / 上湯 Broth$168.00🌶️ 特色砂鍋啫時蔬
$168.00瑤柱金菇扒時蔬 Braised Vegetable with Dried Scallop & Enoki
飲品 Non-Alcoholic Drinks
低糖豆漿 Low Sugar Soya Milk
$20.00羅漢果烏梅茶 Dried Plum Tea With Luo Han Guo