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農家小炒肉 Stir-fried Meat in a Farmhouse
$142.00梅菜扣肉 Braised Pork with Plum Vegetables
$142.00孜然羊肉 Cumin Lamb
$178.00京蔥羊肉 Scallion Mutton
$154.00萵筍絲炒鱔片 Lettuce Silk Fried Eel Slices
$238.00時菜豆腐魚片湯 Tofu and Fish Filler Soup with Seasonal Vegetables
配1款涼拌菜, 1款主食, 1款主菜, 1款配菜, 1款菜類及1款甜品
涼拌菜 Cold Dish
脆嫩爽口, 鮮香撲鼻 | 涼菜有"見面菜"或"迎賓菜"之稱, 脆嫩爽口, 麻辣酸甜, 鮮香撲鼻, 形神具備, 已成大衆食客和國外嘉賓最受歡迎的開胃菜
擂椒茄子皮蛋 Eggplant Preserved Egg with Pepper
$82.00香辣魚皮 Spicy Fish Skin
冰爽美味的開始將決定您的味覺回想$94.00開胃雲耳 Apperizer Cloud Ear
$58.00麻辣豬耳朵 Spicy Pig Ears
$82.00麻辣烏雞爪 Spicy Black Chicken Feet
$82.00手拍青瓜 Clap Your Hand on the Melon
$58.00香蔥豆幹粒 Dried Chives and Beans
$58.00皮蛋豆腐 Tofu with Preserved Eggs
$70.00麻辣牛𦟌 Saute Beef with Cayenne Pepper
鮮湯類 Fresh Soup
功夫靚湯, 細細品味
時菜豆腐魚片湯 Tofu and Fish Filler Soup with Seasonal Vegetables
時令食物根據餐廳存貨量提供, 如有查詢請致電餐廳 | The availability of seasonal food depends on the restaurant’s inventory. For any inquiries, kindly contact the restaurant directly$142.00粟米魚肚羹 Fish Maw Soup with Corn
$154.00鹹蛋時菜肉片湯 Sliced Pork Soup with Salted Egg
時令食物根據餐廳存貨量提供, 如有查詢請致電餐廳 | The availability of seasonal food depends on the restaurant’s inventory. For any inquiries, kindly contact the restaurant directly$142.00鮮茄豆腐魚片湯 Fish Fillet Soup with Tomato and Tofu
炒飯類 Fried Rice
鄉土情懷, 味道最好
白飯 White Rice
$16.00老成都炒飯 Old Chengdu Fried Rice
$106.00揚州炒飯 Yang Zhou Fried Rice
$106.00蠔仔肉碎粥 Porridge with Shredded Oyster Meat
$142.00金銀饅頭 Gold and Silver Steamed Bread
小炒類 Small Fry Class
南北精華, 精細烹調
萵筍絲炒鱔片 Lettuce Silk Fried Eel Slices
$238.00青椒炒鱔魚 Fried Eel with Green Peppe
$238.00擂貴族辣椒 Lei Noble Pepper
鮮生活味無窮 Shrimp
香辣蝦 Spicy Shrimp
$226.00蒜蓉粉絲蒸蝦 Steamed Shrimp with Garlic Vermicelli
$274.00豉油王蝦 King Shrimp in Soy Sauce
麻辣水煮魚 Spicy Boiled Fish
香辣極, 辣可辣, 惹味的辣 | Spicy may burn is spicy$274.00水煮田雞 Boiled Frog
$238.00毛血旺 Trichosanguine
$226.00水煮牛肉 Sliced Beef in Chili Oil
$226.00泡椒田雞 Frog with Pickled Pepper
農家小炒肉 Stir-fried Meat in a Farmhouse
$142.00靈芝菇萵筍絲 Shredded Ganoderma Mushrooms and Lettuce
$94.00手撕包菜 Hand Tear Cabbage
$94.00梅菜扣肉 Braised Pork with Plum Vegetables
$142.00京蔥羊肉 Scallion Mutton
記憶中的味道經得起時間考驗$154.00蒜蓉炒時蔬 Stir-fried Vegetables
時令食物根據餐廳存貨量提供, 如有查詢請致電餐廳 | The availability of seasonal food depends on the restaurant’s inventory. For any inquiries, kindly contact the restaurant directly$94.00孜然羊肉 Cumin Lamb
$178.00攸縣香幹炒肉 Youxian Dried Fried Meat
$130.00農家一碗香 A Bowl of Incense
$154.00小炒黃牛肉 Stir-fried Brown Beef
$166.00香辣鐵板魷魚須 Spicy Iron Plate Squid Beard
$166.00鐵板土豆片 Iron Plate Potato Chips
$106.00鐵板牛肉 Beef Steak Served on Sizzling Iron Plate
$154.00辣子肥腸 Spicy Fat Sausage
$166.00川式蠔烙 Sichuan-style Oyster Bake
$154.00肉沫蒸水蛋 Steamed Egg with Minced Meat
$106.00貴族辣椒鮑魚片 Noble Chili and Abalone Sliced
厨師推介 | 拿起筷, 美味就舌尖纏繞, 喜悅在您的口中漫步, 風景也從您的心中展開, 原來生活可以如此的美好 | 我們少的只是一次相遇, 期待著您的光臨$238.00麻辣嗦螺 Spicy and Wordy Snail
$154.00孜然牛肉 Cumin Beef
$142.00炸鹹豬手 Fried Salted Pork Hand
外皮酥脆, 内裏軟糯$226.00辣子雞 Peppery Chicken
$190.00小炒子雞 Stir-fried Chicken
$142.00椒鹽魷魚須 Salt and Pepper Squid Beard
$142.00京蔥牛肉 Scallion Beef
$142.00酸辣雞雜 Hot and Sour Chicken Mix
$130.00酸豆角肉沫 Minced Garlic Cabbage Moss
$106.00酸辣土豆絲 Hot and Sour Potato Shreds
$94.00上湯金銀蛋時蔬 Serve Soup with Eggs and Vegetables
永不變味, 充滿家鄉情的家常菜, 經典好味道總被人過口不忘 | 時令食物根據餐廳存貨量提供, 如有查詢請致電餐廳 | The availability of seasonal food depends on the restaurant’s inventory. For any inquiries, kindly contact the restaurant directly$106.00剁椒炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Chopped Peppers
$94.00熗炒包菜 I Fried Vegetables in a dish
$94.00鮮腐竹浸娃娃菜 Fresh Beancurd and Bamboo in Baby Cabbage
$106.00幹煸四季豆 Dried Flat Green Beans
以新鮮萃取, 營養健康, 時尚與口感為理念$94.00虎皮尖椒 Tiger Skin Prickly Pepper
$94.00茄子肉沫 Minced Eggplant
$106.00豬油渣炒時蔬 Stir-fried Vegetables with Pork Fat
時令食物根據餐廳存貨量提供, 如有查詢請致電餐廳 | The availability of seasonal food depends on the restaurant’s inventory. For any inquiries, kindly contact the restaurant directly$106.00大碗花菜 Big Bowl of Cauliflower
幹鍋類 Dry Pot
明亮鮮艷, 色相誘人
幹鍋肥腸 Griddle Pork Intestines
$154.00幹鍋黃骨魚 Dry Pot Yellow Bone Fish
$226.00幹鍋田雞 Dry Pot Frog
$166.00幹鍋花菜 Dry Pot Flower Talent
$118.00幹鍋千頁豆腐 Dried Pot Chiba Tofu
煲仔類 Pot
滋滋飄香, 十分惹味
滋補豆腐燉黃骨魚 Nourishing Tofu Stewed Yellow Bone Fish
$250.00砂鍋肥腸 Fat Sausage in a Casserole
$238.00麻婆豆腐煲 Mapo Tofu Potwith Garlic
$94.00粉絲蝦煲 Prawn Vermicelli
烤魚 Grill
桂花魚 Osmanthus Fish
$634.00江團鉗魚 Han Fish in the River
$406.00雙色剁椒大魚頭 Two Color Big Fish Head with Chopped Pepper
返璞歸真, 無法抵抗的味力, 傳統, 即使在外也能體驗家的味道$238.00
魚類 Fish
就海而食, 以鮮爲名
金湯酸菜魚 Sauerkraut in Golden Soupfish Wit
$274.00酸菜桂花魚 Pickled Cabbage Osmanthus Fish
香鍋 Incense Pot
自選香鍋 Incense Pot of Your Choice
甜品類 Dessert Category
甜甜蜜蜜, 點點心意
紅糖冰粉 Brown Sugarice Powder
$34.00紅糖糍粑 Brown Sugar Ciba
$70.00雷沙湯丸 (4粒) Lei Sha Soup Pills (4 Capsules)
$50.00酒糟湯圓 (4人) (份) Wine Lees Soup Pills (4 People)
$70.00花生 (碟)
藍妹啤酒 (大樽裝) (支) Blue Girl
原裝入口 | Imported premium beer, taste the real moment$46.00森堡啤酒 (大樽裝) (支)
$29.00好卡頓清新小麥白啤酒 (大樽裝) (支) Hoegaarden
$50.00哈爾濱啤酒 (大樽裝) (支)
$31.00王老吉 (罐)
$19.00檸檬可樂 (罐)
$18.00可口可樂 (罐)
$18.00無糖可樂 (罐)
$18.00雪碧 (罐)
$18.00忌廉 (罐)
$18.00橙汁 (罐)
$18.00梳打水 (罐)
$18.00蒸餾水 (支)
$12.00雀巢檸檬茶 (罐)
$18.00冰極檸檬茶 (罐)
$18.00蜂蜜雪梨茶 (罐)