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上海粗炒 Shanghainese Stir-fried Noodles
$122.00百頁小棠菜 Young Chinese Cabbage with Bean Curd Sheets
$122.00上海煙燻脆皮雞 (半隻) Shanghai Style Crispy Smoked Chicken (Half)
$248.00上海炒年糕 Stir-fried Glutinous Rice Cakes with Shredded Pork and White Cabbage
$122.00滬式醬油新牛鬆炒飯 Omni Beef Fried Rice with Soy Sauce
$122.00新豬肉魚香茄子煲 Eggplant with Omni Pork in Casserole
$148.00招牌十景揚州炒飯 Yangzhou Fried Rice
$122.00濃湯砂鍋餛飩雞 (半份) Braised Chicken and Pork Dumpling in Chicken Consomme (Half)
$258.00鹹肉火腿津白 Braised White Cabbage with Sliced Salt Cured Pork
$122.00排骨蛋炒飯 Egg Fried Rice with Spare Ribs
四喜烤麩 Roasted Bran Dough with Peanut and Black Fungus
$92.00清滋小排骨 Sweet and Sour Back Ribs
$102.00女兒紅醉雞 Aged Shaoxing Huadiao-brined Chicken
$120.00麻香雞絲粉皮 Vermicelli with Shredded Chicken, Cucumber & Sesame Paste
$98.00太雕醉乳鴿 Huadiao Brined Squab
$148.00醬香素鴨 Bean Curd Rolls in Brown Sauce
$92.00蘇式燻魚 Jiangsu Style Smoked Fish
$112.00手切蒜泥白肉 Hand-sliced Pork Belly with Mashed Garlic
$102.00淮鹽溏心燻蛋 (2隻) Smoked Soft-boiled Eggs with Spiced Salt (2 pcs)
$52.00涼拌陳醋紅蜇頭 Marinated Rosy Jellyfish Head with Aged Vinegar
$142.00鎮江冰官肴蹄 (水晶肴肉) Jiangsu Style Pork Trotter Aspic
$120.00蜜汁脆鱔 Honey-glazed Crispy Eels
$118.00淮揚五福拼盤 Huaiyang Appetizer Platter
淮揚韭黃軟兜 (鱔) Stewed Eels with Chives
$208.00乾燒蝦球鍋巴 Dry-braised Prawns Served with Crispy Rice Crackers (6pcs)
$258.00黃金蝦球 Wok-fried Prawns with Salty Egg Yolks
$258.00瑤柱賽螃蟹 Scrambled Egg White with Seafood and Dried Scallop
$112.00清炒河蝦仁 Wok-tossed River Shrimp
$258.00椒鹽小黃魚 (2條) Deep-fried Baby Yellow Croaker with Salt and Pepper (2pcs)
$122.00荔枝鳳梨魚柳 Sweet and Sour Fish Fillets with Lychee and Pineapple
$128.00蟹粉炒河蝦仁 Sauteed River Shrimps with Crab Roe
$268.00松鼠桂魚 Deep-fried Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish with Pine Nuts
$268.00醬油年糕海中蝦 Wok-fried Prawn & Glutinous Rice Cakes in Soy Sauce
$238.00紅燒年糕炆黃魚 Braised Yellow Croaker with Glutinous Rice Cakes
$298.00甜豆火丁蝦仁 Sauteed River Shrimps with Honey Peas and Jinhua Ham
$258.00蝦子蔥燒海參 Braised Wild Sea Cucumber with Shrimp Roe
濃湯砂鍋餛飩雞 (半份) Braised Chicken and Pork Dumpling in Chicken Consomme (Half)
$258.00濃湯砂鍋餛飩雞 (1份) Braised Chicken and Pork Dumpling in Chicken Consomme (Whole)
$498.00上海酸辣湯 (每位) Shanghai Style Hot and Sour Soup with Sea Cucumber (Per person)
$62.00海派醃篤鮮 Pot-au-feu Jinhua Ham Broth with Dried Bean Curd and Spring Bamboo Shoots
$168.00上海酸辣湯 (每鍋) Shanghai Style Hot and Sour Soup with Sea Cucumber (Per person)
$138.00宋嫂魚羹 (每位) Songsao Fish Potage (Per person)
$62.00宋嫂魚羹 (每鍋) Songsao Fish Potage (Per pot)
上海煙燻脆皮雞 (半隻) Shanghai Style Crispy Smoked Chicken (Half)
$248.00海派回鍋肉 Sauteed Sliced Pork Loin with Assorted Bell Peppers
$118.00香蔥鮑魚雞煲 Braised Chicken and Abalones with Scallion in Casserole
$298.00蘇式東坡肉 Jiangsu Style Dongpo Pork
$118.00張大千紅燒獅子頭 Traditional Braised Pork Ball in Brown Sauce
$118.00砂鍋燉牛面頰肉 Braised Beef Cheeks in Casserole
$188.00鐵板蔥爆羊肉 Braised Spare Ribs with Preserved Vegetable
$168.00鐵板蔥爆牛肉 Braised Spare Ribs with Preserved Vegetable
$168.00鮑魚紅燒肉 Braised Pork with Bean Curd Sheet in Brown Sauce
$318.00紅燒小元蹄 Braised Lucky Pork Knuckle
$262.00老上海樟茶鴨(半隻) Smoked Duck with Tea Leaves (Half)
$228.00百頁結紅燒肉 Braised Pork with Bean Curd Sheet in Brown Sauce
$198.00蓮香蜜餞火方 (4件) Honey-glazed Jinhua Ham with Lotus Seeds (4pcs)
$168.00上海煙燻脆皮雞 (一隻)Shanghai Style Crispy Smoked Chicken (Whole)
$488.00蔥爆牛舌 Sliced Beef Tougue with Leek
$188.00老上海樟茶鴨(一隻) Smoked Duck with Tea Leaves (Whole)
鍋塌豆腐 Pan-fried Bean Curd with Shrimp Roe & Soy Sauce
$118.00百頁小棠菜 Young Chinese Cabbage with Bean Curd Sheets
$122.00鹹肉火腿津白 Braised White Cabbage with Sliced Salt Cured Pork
$122.00雪菜毛豆百頁 Simmered Bean Curd Sheets with Edamame and Pickled Cabbage
$118.00濃雞汁蘿蔔 Turnip in Supreme Chicken Soup
$128.00乾煸四季豆 Sauteed String Beans with Minced Pork Chili
$122.00拍蒜三層鹹肉炒萵筍絲 Sauteed Shredded Celtuce with Sliced Salt-cured Pork and Crushed Garlic
$128.00田園時蔬 Pan-fried Bean Curd
$90.00蟹肉扒菜苗 Baby Vegetables with Crab Meat
$168.00奶油津白 Braised White Cabbage in Cream Sauce
新豬肉魚香茄子煲 Eggplant with Omni Pork in Casserole
$148.00滬式醬油新牛鬆炒飯 Omni Beef Fried Rice with Soy Sauce
$122.00香辣新肉鬆螞蟻上樹 Spicy Sauteed Vermicelli with OMNI Pork
$128.00雙冬新豬肉糯米燒賣 Glutinous Rice Dumplings with Omni Pork, Mushrooms and Bamboo Shoots
$108.00老上海雪菜新魚茸羹 (每位) Old Shanghainese Style Soup with OMNI Classic Fillet and Pickled Cabbage (Per person)
$62.00紅炆新牛肉蘿蔔百貢結 Braised OMNI Beef with Turnip and Bean Curd Sheets
金牌小籠包 (6件) Signature Steamed Xiao Long Bao (6pcs)
$78.00鮮肉鍋貼 (5件) Pan-fried Pork Dumpling (5pcs)
$86.00脆煎灌湯小籠包 (5件)Pan-fried Xiao Long Bao (5 pcs)
$78.00上海菜肉餛飩 (8件) Shanghainese Pork and Vegetable Wonton (8pcs)
$78.00紅油抄手 (8件) Pak Choi Dumpling in Chicken Broth (8pcs)
$78.00鐵板灌湯生煎包 (4件) Sizzling Steam-fried Shanghai Pork Bun (4pcs)
$78.00大上海牛肉餅 (3件) Shanghainese Beef Pies (3 pcs)
$72.00香菇素菜包 (3件) Steamed Buns with Mushroom & Vegetable (3 pcs)
$76.00蘿蔔絲酥餅 (3件) Crispy Pastries with Silky Turnip (3 pcs)
$88.00百步香蔥油餅 (4件) Scallion Pastries (4pcs)
$68.00銀絲卷 (炸) Silver-thread Bun (Deep-fried)
$38.00荔枝蝦球 (4件) Crispy Shrimp Balls with Lychee (4pcs)
$108.00雪菜黃魚春卷 (6件) Yellow Croaker with Pickled Cabbage Spring Rolls (6pcs)
$108.00蓮蓉壽桃 (3件) Steamed Birthday Bun with Lotus Seed Paste (3pcs)
$76.00銀絲卷(蒸)Silver-thread Bun (Steamed)
上海嫩雞煨麵 Stewed Noodles with Chicken
$96.00上海粗炒 Shanghainese Stir-fried Noodles
$122.00上海擔擔麵 Shanghainese Noodles with Minced Pork and Spicy Peanut Sauce
$84.00上海炒年糕 Stir-fried Glutinous Rice Cakes with Shredded Pork and White Cabbage
$122.00珍珠米飯 Steamed Pearl Rice
$18.00蔥油開洋拌麵 Scallion Oil Noodles with Dried Shrimps
$84.00排骨蛋炒飯 Egg Fried Rice with Spare Ribs
$122.00原煲鹹肉菜飯 Shredded Jinhua Ham & Young Chinese Cabbage Rice in Clay Pot
$116.00招牌十景揚州炒飯 Yangzhou Fried Rice
$122.00經典家上海蝦蟹炒飯 Signature Shrimp and Crab Meat Fried Rice
$158.00雪菜黃魚煨麵 Stewed Noodles with Yellow Croaker and Pickled Cabbage
$108.00紅燒牛肉麵 Shanghainese Noodles Soup with Braised Beef in Brown Sauce
$96.00酸辣湯麵 Hot and Sour Noodles Soup
$84.00陽春麵 Plain Noodle Soup
$62.00薺菜肉絲炒年糕 Stir-fried Glutinous Rice Cake with Shredded Pork and Shepherd's Purse
$122.00金牌大排湯麵 Shanghainese Noodles with Minced Pork and Spicy Peanut Sauce
$128.00加大排 (每件) Add Crispy Pork Chop (1pc)
流沙奶黃千層酥 (3件) Puff Pastry with Molten Custard (3pcs)
$72.00豆沙鍋餅 Red Bean Paste Pancakes
$72.00楊枝甘露 Mango Pomelo Sago
$44.00夠薑湯丸 Glutinous Dumpling in Sweet Ginger Soup
$46.00高力豆沙香蕉 (4件) Deep-fried Souffles with Banana and Red Bean Paste (4pcs)
$82.00桂花拉糕 (4件) Osmanthus Puddings (4pcs)
$60.00酒釀丸子 Glutinous Rice Balls in Fermented Rice Soup