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Young Master (Bundle of 3)
Pick 3 choice of beer$96.00
🍻Young Master Brewery 少爺啤酒廠🍻
PUB 1842 by Young Master seeks to deliver the convivial comfort of a traditional public house in a modern setting. Set in a cosy nook, brewery-fresh ales and lagers will flow from its 10 taps alongside a draft cocktail and a daily dram.
Classic Pale Ale 經典淡愛爾
ABV: 5% Designed to be versatile which you can drink this all day and in all seasons, The Classic has malty richness, paired with a thirst-quenching blend of delightful fruity and zesty hops. 經典淡愛爾是一款十分百搭的酒款,滿載花果及橘子的酒花香氣,與麥芽的細膩平衡令你輕鬆配搭不同的款式$33.001842 Island Imperial IPA 港島1842IPA
ABV: 8% The 1842 Island is an Imperial IPA with a powerful nose of spicy, floral and zesty hops. Designed for those who prefer a bold and powerful drink. 港島1842 IPA除了滿載鮮明澎湃的酒花香外,麥芽風味也十分濃郁飽滿,悠長的餘韻讓人欲罷不能!$33.00Another One All Day Session Ale 再來暢飲型愛爾
ABV:3.3% Crushable, juicy and refreshing, you will always want another one of this delightful session ale. 愉悅,果香,清爽。再來暢飲型愛爾是款會令你想再來一杯的啤酒$33.00Contemporary Pilsner 少爺皮爾森
ABV:4.5% A contemporary take on a classic Czech beer style. This beer uses traditional malts for a clean and crisp base and floral hops for an added flavour punch. 少爺版皮爾森拉格啤酒充滿陣陣清香草本花香,啖啖回甘。$33.00Cha Chaan Teng Gose鹹檸啤 (Salted Lime Sour Beer)
ABV: 4% A classic sour and salty Gose brewed with salted lime commonly found in local Cha Chaan Tengs in Hong Kong. 鹹檸啤靈感來自茶餐廳的鹹檸七,根據傳統德國萊比錫酸啤釀製而成,額外加入自家製鹹青檸,鮮明的乳酸加上微鹹的口感分外適合炎熱的夏天。$33.00