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$198.00酸菜魚 (生魚)
$340.00麻辣大蜆 Numbing Spicy Clams
$92.00水煮田雞 Sichuan Spicy Boiled Frog
午市套餐 Set Lunch
套餐奉送飲品 Served with Drink (供應時間 Available at: 11:00am-17:00pm)
酸菜魚片 Boiled Fish Fillet with Chinese Pickled Cabbage
配飯/麵 Served With Rice/Noodle$79.00口水雞飯 Steamed Chicken in Sichuan Spicy Suace, Rice
$66.00四川回鍋肉飯 Sauteed Twice-Cooked Sliced Pork with Pepper & Chili, Rice
$64.00水煮牛肉 Boiled Bee in Spicy Sauce
配飯/麵 Served With Rice/Noodle$79.00野山椒牛肉飯 Fried Shredded Beef & Pepper, Rice
$68.00麻婆豆腐飯 Sauteed Tofu in Hot and Spicy Sauce, Rice
$64.00酸辣土豆絲飯 Sour and Spicy Shredded Potatoes, Rice
$55.00水煮魚片 Boiled Fish Fillet in Spicy Sichuan Sauce
配飯/麵 Served With Rice/Noodle$79.00泡椒牛肉飯 Shredded Beef & Pickled Peppers, Rice
$68.00四川梅菜扣肉飯 Sichuan Style Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetable, Rice
$66.00泡椒肥腸飯 Pig's Intestines & Pickled Peppers, Rice
$64.00肉沫老干媽炒飯 Fried Rice with Spicy Chili Crisp & Minced Meat
$61.00魚香茄子飯 Spicy Eggplants & Minced Pork, Rice
$64.00夾沙肉飯 Steamed Pork Slices & Red Bean Paste, Rice
$66.00水煮肥腸 Boiled Pig's Intestines in Spicy Sichuan Sauce
配飯/麵 Served With Rice/Noodle$75.00麻婆鴨血飯
Sauteed Duck Blood Cube in Hot and Spicy Sauce On Rice$64.00鹵水雞脾飯
川渝粉麵套餐 Sichuan & Chonqing Noodle Set
套餐奉送飲品 Served with Drink (供應時間 Available at: 11:00am-17:00pm)
Stewed Rice Noodles with Chinese Pickled Cabbage$63.00紅油炒手 Spicy Dumpling
$53.00四川擔擔麵 Sichuan Spicy Noodle in Peanut Sauce
$46.00肥腸酸辣粉 Hot & Sour Potato Noodle with Pig's Intestines
$46.00肥腸麵 Pig's Intestines Noodles
$46.00肉沫酸辣粉 Hot & Sour Potato Noodle with Minced Meat
Sichuan Spicy fried Rice Noodles$63.00
鮮魚 Fresh Fish
$340.00酸菜魚 (生魚)
$352.00水煮魚 (生魚)
$222.00青椒魚 (生魚)
烤魚 Grilled Fish
烤鉗魚 (一條)
$340.00烤海鱸魚 (一條)
$340.00烤江團魚 (一條)
雞煲 Chicken Hot Pot
佐酒小食 Snacks to Pair with Alcoholic Drinks
蝦 Shrimp
香辣蝦 Prawn Vindalo
$186.00椒鹽蝦 Deep-fried Shrimps with Spiced Salt
$186.00麻辣小龍蝦 Spicy Peppercorn Crayfish
蟹 Crab
香辣蟹 Sautéed Crab in Hot and Spicy Sauce
$340.00香濃咖哩炒蟹 Stir-fried Curry Crab
蜆 Venus Clam
豉椒大蜆 Stir-fried Clams in Salted Black Beans and Chili Sauce
$127.00麻辣大蜆 Numbing Spicy Clams
涼菜$92.00水煮大蜆 Spicy Boiled Venus Clams
魚頭 Fish Head
田雞 Bullfrog
水煮田雞 Sichuan Spicy Boiled Frog
$163.00辣子田雞 Sauteed Frog with Chili Pepper HK$ 152
$163.00乾鍋田雞 Griddled Frog
$163.00泡椒田雞 Stir-fried Frog with Pickled Peppers
私房小炒 Home-Style Stir-fry
四川涼菜 Sichuan Cold Snacks
$68.00紅油炒手 Spicy Dumpling
時蔬 Vegetables
湯 Soups
番茄蛋花湯 Tomato Egg Drop Soup
$80.00時菜豆腐湯 Seasonal Vegetable Tofu Soup
$80.00魚骨腩豆腐湯 Fish Bone Belly Tofu Soup
飯/主食 Rice/Main Dish
生炒牛肉飯 Fried Rice with Beef
$98.00炸饅頭 (6件) Deep-fried Steamed Bun (6 pcs)
$45.00白飯 White Rice
$92.00蒸饅頭 (6件) Steamed Bun (6 pcs)
$45.00鴛鴦饅頭 (各6件) Steamed Buns (6 pcs) and Deep-fried Buns (6 pcs)
$80.00瑤柱雞蛋炒飯 Dried Scallop and Egg Fried Rice
川渝粉麵 Sichuan & Chonqing Noodle
肥腸酸辣粉 Hot & Sour Potato Noodle with Pig's Intestines
$47.00四川擔擔麵 Sichuan Spicy Noddle in Peanut Sauce
$47.00肉沫酸辣粉 Hot & Sour Potato Noodle with Minced Meat
$47.00肥腸麵 Pig's Intestines Noodles
甜品 Dessert
飲品 Drinks
零系可樂 Zero Coke
$12.00雀巢檸檬茶 Nestle Lemon Tea
$18.00可樂 Coke
$12.00雪碧 Sprite
$12.00芬達 Fanta
$12.00忌廉 Cream Soda
火鍋配料 Hot Pot Ingredients
$47.00牛黄喉 (牛心管)
$163.00鮮雞件 (半隻)
$47.00雞蛋 (每隻)
$6.00出前一丁 (每個)