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原what to eat 台灣媽媽Tracy強勢回歸!請多多支持🙏🏻🙏🏻 8:30新推出台灣早餐,有三明治,蛋餅,滷肉飯可以吃囉! 14:30後更是有下午茶時間!歡迎老朋友和新朋友多多支持Tracy媽媽!
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滷肉飯便當 Braised Pork with Rice
$68.00蔥爆牛肉飯 Scallion Beef Stir Fry Bento
$108.00蕃茄牛肉麵 (牛肋) Tomato Beef Noodles (Ribs)👍
$88.00🌶️外省牛肉麵 (牛肋) Braised Beef Noodles (Ribs)
$88.00🌶️香辣單骨雞翅 Spicy Chicken Wings
$68.00🌶️辣炒牛柳 Stir-fried Beef with Chili
$88.00滷肉乾拌麵 Braised Pork Dry Noodles
$68.00🌶️外省牛肉麵 (半筋半肉) Braised Beef Noodles (Tendon and Meat)
$92.00椒鹽雞腿飯 Salt and Pepper Chicken Thigh Bento
$85.00培根炒高麗菜 Stir-fried Chinese Cabbage with Bacon👍
包括一款飯, 一款麵, 一款涼菜及兩款飲料$218.00四人套餐
包括兩款飯, 兩款麵, 一款涼菜及四款飲料$480.00
湯類 Soup
紫菜貢丸湯 Seaweed Pork Meatball Soup
$52.00福州魚丸湯 Fuzhou Fishball Soup
$58.00虱目魚湯 Milkfish Soup
麵類 Taiwanese Noodles
🌶️外省牛肉麵 (半筋半肉) Braised Beef Noodles (Tendon and Meat)
$92.00🌶️外省牛肉麵 (牛肋) Braised Beef Noodles (Ribs)
$88.00蕃茄牛肉麵 (牛肋) Tomato Beef Noodles (Ribs)👍
不辣$88.00🌶️外省牛肉麵 (牛腱) Braised Beef Noodles (Shank)
$90.00雞排蔥油拌麵 Chicken Chop with Scallion Oil Noodles
$76.00蕃茄牛肉淨湯麵及雞排 Tomato Beef Soup Noodles with Fried Chicken👍
不辣$85.00🌶️外省牛肉麵 (全筋) Braised Beef Noodles (Tendon)
$96.00🌶️外省牛肉淨湯麵及雞排 Braised Beef Soup Noodles with Fried Chicken
$85.00滷肉乾拌麵 Braised Pork Dry Noodles
便當 Bento
滷肉飯便當 Braised Pork with Rice
$68.00椒鹽雞腿飯 Salt and Pepper Chicken Thigh Bento
$85.00蔥爆牛肉飯 Scallion Beef Stir Fry Bento
$108.00鹽酥雞肉飯 Crispy Salted Chicken Bento
$78.00滷肉火鷄肉飯雙拼便當 Braised Pork and Turkey with Rice
$75.00辣炒牛肉飯 Chili Beef Stir Fry Bento
$108.00火雞肉飯便當 Turkey with Rice
$68.00香辣單骨雞翅便當 Spicy Chicken Wings Bento
$88.00炸豬排飯 Fried Pork Cutlet Bento
$78.00香雞排飯 Crispy Salted Chicken Fillet Bento
$78.00日式魚柳飯 Japanese Fish Fillet Bento
$78.00虱目魚飯 Milkfish Bento
$108.00鯖魚飯 Mackerel Bento
飯類 Taiwanese Rice
蕃茄牛肉湯泡飯 Rice in Tomato Beef Soup👍
$88.00🌶️外省牛肉湯泡飯 Rice in Braised Beef Soup
$88.00滷肉飯 (小碗) Braised Pork with Rice (Small)
$35.00虱目魚湯泡飯 Rice in Milkfish Soup
Currently sold out$88.00滷肉火雞肉雙拚飯 (小碗) Braised Pork and Turkey with Rice (Small)
$40.00火雞肉飯 (小碗) Turkey with Rice (Small)
$35.00福州魚丸湯泡飯 Rice in Fuzhou Fishball Soup
$68.00白飯 Plain Cooked Rice
$16.00貢丸湯泡飯 Rice in Pork Meatball Soup
蛋餅 Egg Roll
肉鬆起司蛋餅 Meat Floss and Cheese Egg Roll👍
$38.00肉鬆蛋餅 Meat Floss Egg Roll
$34.00火腿起司蛋餅 Ham and Cheese Egg Roll
$38.00起司蛋餅 Cheese Egg Roll
$32.00鮪魚起司蛋餅 Tuna and Cheese Egg Roll
$38.00九層塔蛋餅 Thai Basil Egg Roll
$32.00木魚花起司蛋餅 Bonito Flakes and Cheese Egg Roll
台灣小吃 Taiwanese Side Dish
塔香鹹酥雞 Deep-fried Diced Chicken with Thai Basil👍
$48.00培根炒高麗菜 Stir-fried Chinese Cabbage with Bacon👍
$78.00炒萵筍 Fried Lettuce
$68.00🌶️台式臭豆腐 Taiwanese Stinky Tofu
$58.00🌶️香辣單骨雞翅 Spicy Chicken Wings
$68.00甜不辣 Fried Taiwanese Rice Cake
$42.00燙青菜 Boiled Vegetables
$65.00🌶️辣炒牛柳 Stir-fried Beef with Chili
$88.00培根炒水蓮 Stir-fried White Water Snowflake with Bacon👍
$78.00滷牛鍵 Braised Beef Shank
$66.00椒鹽四季豆 Salt and Pepper French Beans
$42.00台式泡菜 Taiwanese Marinated Cabbage
$42.00蒜蓉炒時蔬 Stir-fried Vegetable with Chopped Garlic
$60.00蔥爆牛肉 Scallion Beef Stir Fry👍
$88.00雞排 Fried Chicken Fillet
$42.00虱目魚 Milkfish
$78.00涼拌茄子 Chinese Eggplant Salad
$48.00涼拌青瓜 Cucumber Salad
$45.00百頁豆腐 Taiwanese Tofu👍
$38.00滷水拼盤 Marinated Platter👍
$52.00蒜泥白肉 Sliced Pork with Garlic Sauce
$68.00皮蛋豆腐 Century Egg and Tofu
$46.00墨魚香腸 Squid Sausage
$48.00脆皮地瓜條 Fried Sweet Potato
$42.00滷大腸 Braised Pork Intestines
$62.00涼拌木耳 Black Fungus Salad
甜品 Dessert
榴蓮千層蛋糕 Durian Mille-crepe Cake
$38.00紐約芝士蛋糕 New York Cheese Cake
台式飲料 Drinks
烏龍奶茶 Oolong Milk Tea
$33.00珍珠奶茶 Bubble Tea
$38.00百香果紅茶 Passion Fruit Black Tea
$30.00炭焙烏龍茶 Roasted Oolong Tea
$28.00蘋果西打 Apple Sidra
$18.00荔枝紅茶 Lychee Black Tea
$30.00蜂蜜紅茶 Honey Black Tea
$30.00蜂蜜綠茶 Honey Green Tea
$30.00古早味紅茶 Taiwanese Black Tea
$28.00蜂蜜檸檬薄荷蘇打 Honey Lemon Mint Soda
$38.00百香果蘇打 Passion Fruit Soda
$38.00荔枝烏龍茶 Lychee Oolong Tea
$30.00百香果綠茶 Passion Fruit Green Tea
$30.00蜂蜜柚子綠茶 Honey Pomelo Green Tea
$32.00清香茉香綠茶 Jasmine Green Tea
$28.00紅豆奶茶 Red Bean Milk Tea
$38.00香濃奶茶 Milk Tea
$33.00茉香奶綠 Jasmine Green Milk Tea
$33.00四季春 Sijichun Oolong Tea
$28.00黑松沙士 HeySong Sarsaparilla
咖 啡 Coffee
美式咖啡 Americano
$32.00拿鐵 Latte
$34.00卡布奇諾 Cappuccino
三明治 Sandwich
火腿起司蛋三明治 Ham and Egg Cheese Sandwich
$36.00肉鬆火腿起司蛋三明治 Meat Floss Ham and Egg Cheese Sandwich👍
$42.00肉鬆火腿蛋三明治 Meat Floss Ham and Egg Sandwich👍
$38.00火腿蛋三明治 Ham and Egg Sandwich