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三色芋圓紫米露 (熱) Black Glutinous rice with coconut milk & taro balls (hot)
$38.00巴斯克芝士蛋糕(伯爵茶味)basque Burnt Cheese Cake - Earl Grey
$38.00冬蔭功蝦撈烏冬 (5隻蝦)
$32.00鮮忌廉芋圓仙草凍 (凍) Grass jelly with taro balls, red beans & cream
$43.00三色芋圓紫米露 (凍) Black Glutinous rice with coconut milk & taro balls (cold)
$38.00椰汁芋圓仙草凍 (凍) Grass jelly with taro balls, red beans & coconut milk
$43.00三色芋圓西米露 (凍) Sago with coconut milk and Taro Balls
薑汁芝麻湯圓 8粒 Sesame Dumpling with Ginger Sweet Soup 8pcs
$28.00腐竹白果糖水 (熱) Dried Beancurd with Chinese pearl barley and ginkgo nuts soup (hot)
Currently sold out$32.00木瓜雪耳桃膠糖水
Currently sold out$32.00石磨芝麻糊 (熱) Home grinded black sesame soup
Currently sold out$36.00腐竹雞蛋薏米白果糖水(熱)
Currently sold out$36.00陳皮紅豆沙 (熱) Sweet Red beans soup (hot)
Currently sold out$32.00椰汁喳咋(熱)Mixed bean soup with coconut milk (hot)
Currently sold out$36.00薑汁花生湯圓(8粒)Peanut Dumpling with Ginger Sweet Soup (8pc)
$28.00薑汁花生湯圓併三色芋圓 Peanut Dumpling and Taro Ball with Ginger Sweet Soup
薑汁花生湯圓4粒,三色芋圓6粒Peanut dumpling 4pcs ,taro balls 6pcs$25.00海帶綠豆沙(熱)Green bean soup with dried kelp (hot)
Currently sold out$32.00薑汁芝麻湯圓併三色芋圓 Black Sesame Dumpling and Taro Balls with Ginger Soup
芝麻湯圓4粒,三色芋圓6粒Black sesame dumpling 4 pcs , taro balls 6pcs$25.00雪燕桃膠雪梨桂花茶(凍)
$32.00海帶綠豆沙 (凍)Green bean soup with dried kelp (cold)
三色芋圓紫米露 (熱) Black Glutinous rice with coconut milk & taro balls (hot)
內含8粒芋圓$38.00三色芋圓紫米露 (凍) Black Glutinous rice with coconut milk & taro balls (cold)
內含8粒芋圓$38.00椰汁紫米露 (熱) Black Glutinous rice with coconut milk (hot)
$31.00椰汁紫米露 (凍) Black Glutinous rice with coconut milk (cold)
$31.00蘆薈紫米露 (凍) Black Glutinous rice with coconut milk & Aloe (cold)
$36.00仙草紫米露 (凍) Black Glutinous rice with coconut milk & grass jelly (cold)
$36.00椰果紫米露 (熱)Black Glutinous rice with coconut milk & Nata De coco (hot)
$36.00蘆薈紫米露 (熱) Black Glutinous rice with coconut milk & Aloe (hot)
鮮忌廉芋圓仙草凍 (凍) Grass jelly with taro balls, red beans & cream
配料:三色芋圓8粒、紅豆蜜粒、雙色寒天粒粒。$43.00椰汁芋圓仙草凍 (凍) Grass jelly with taro balls, red beans & coconut milk
$31.00鮮忌廉仙草 Grass Jelly with Cream
$26.00椰汁仙草 Grass Jelly with Coconut Cream
$26.00蘆薈仙草(忌廉) Grass Jelly with Aloe (Cream)
$31.00椰果仙草(忌廉) Grass Jelly with Nata De Coco
$31.00紅豆仙草 (忌廉)Grass Jelly with Red Bean (Cream)
$15.00巴斯克芝士蛋糕(Basque Burnt Cheesecake)
$30.00雞蛋布丁( Egg Pudding)
$20.00巴斯克芝士蛋糕(伯爵茶味)basque Burnt Cheese Cake - Earl Grey
$32.00彩色啫喱球 jelly ball
$12.00提乾子曲奇-10塊 Raisin Cookies 10pcs
$24.00朱古力曲奇(10件) Chocolate Cookies
$24.00咖啡杏仁曲奇 - 10塊 Coffee Almond Cookies
$22.00開心果蛋白脆餅 70g
$36.00貓舌頭餅乾(蛋白脆餅)70g Langues De Chat 70g
$24.00咖啡貓舌餅(蛋白脆餅)70g Langues De Chat - Coffee 70g
$30.00朱古力味貓舌餅(蛋白脆餅)70g Langues De Chat -Chocolate 70g
$30.00芝麻貓舌餅(蛋白脆餅)-瓶裝 70g Langues De Chat - seasame 70g
$30.00迷你蝴蝶酥 Mini Palmier - 50g
魚蓉燒賣 (5粒) Fish Meat Shaomai 5pc
$12.00印尼撈麵 (辣/不辣) Indomie
$15.00鹹牛肉芝士飛碟三文治 Corned Beef & Cheese Jaffle
$36.00榛子朱古力香蕉飛碟 Nutella Banana Jaffle
$20.00氣炸芝士牛丸 3粒
$34.00海鮮辛辣麵(蝦5隻,蜆肉,蟹柳2條)(辣)Seafood Shin Ramyun Noodle Soup(Spicy)(Shrimp 5pc , Clam , Crab Sticks 2pc
$40.00純牛筋丸 - 3粒
$21.00粗粒花生醬煉奶飛碟 Peanut butter Condensed milk Jaffle
$20.00氣炸大魚蛋 (5粒)
$28.00香菇貢丸 - 3粒
$18.00氣炸芝士獅子狗卷 - 3件
$18.00午餐肉芝士飛碟三文治 Luncheon Meat & Cheese Jaffle
$40.00冬蔭功蝦撈烏冬 (5隻蝦)
$32.00吞拿魚芝士飛碟 Tuna Cheese Jaffle
$25.00墨魚丸 (3粒) Cuttlefish Ball 3pc
$18.00一口台灣腸 - 黑椒味(3條) Taiwanese Sausage - black pepper (3pc)
$12.00一口台灣腸 - 蒜味(3條)Taiwanese Sausage - garlic (3pc)
三色芋圓西米露 (凍) Sago with coconut milk and Taro Balls
$36.00士多啤梨西米露(凍) Sago with Coconut Cream & Strawberries
$42.00椰果西米露 (凍) Sago with coconut milk and Nata De Coco
$36.00椰汁西米露 (凍) Sago with Coconut milk
$26.00雙色寒天粒粒西米露 (凍) Sago with coconut milk and Konjac jelly
$31.00蘆薈西米露 (凍) Sago with coconut milk and Aloe
$36.00仙草西米露 (凍) Sago with coconut milk and Grass Jelly