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양념갈비烤牛肋骨 (醃) 二條Marinated Beef Short Ribs二條
$320.00烤牛肉소불고기 Korean Style Barbecued Beef
$200.00궁중갈비찜韓宮式炆牛肋骨 Royal Braised Beef Short Rib
$298.00🌶️海鲜汤麵 (辣) 짬뽕Handmade Noodle in Spicy Seafood Soup
$180.00한방제육보쌈韓式包豬肉 Boiled Pork with Herbs Serve with Lettuce & Radish Kimchi
$380.00숙성우설구이烤牛脷 (無醃) Aged Ox Tongue
$190.00궁중소고기잡채韓宮式炒牛肉粉絲 Royal Stir-fried Sweet Potato Noodle with Beef
$180.00삼계탕人蔘雞湯 Ginseng Chicken Soup 1隻
$290.00후라이드치킨韓式炸雞 Korean Fried Chicken
$220.00烤雞肉닭구이 Boneless Chicken
麵 Noodles Soup
炸醬麵 짜장면Handmade Noodle with Veggies, Pork & Black Soybean Sauce
$150.00韓式年糕水餃湯 떡만두국Dumpling with Sliced Rice Cake Soup
$148.00海帶湯 配白飯 미역국 Seaweed Soup
$120.00凍蕎麥麵 물냉면Chilled Buckwheat Noodle Soup
$148.00🌶️辣蕎麥麵 (辣) 비빔냉면Marinated Buckwheat Noodle with Spicy Sauce
$158.00🌶️海鲜汤麵 (辣) 짬뽕Handmade Noodle in Spicy Seafood Soup
$180.00海鮮手打麵 해물칼국수Seafood Noodle Soup
$170.00鷄肉麵닭칼국수 Chicken Noodle Soup
煲&湯 Stew & Soup
갈비탕 牛排骨湯 ,配白飯 Beef Short Rib Soup
$175.00🌶️해물순두부찌개 豆腐海鮮雜錦湯(辣) 配白飯 Soft Tofu with Seafood in Soup
$165.00설렁탕雪濃湯配白飯Beef & Noodle in Ox Bone Soup
$165.00🌶️김치찌개 泡菜豬肉湯 (辣) 配白飯 Kimchi Soup
$165.00차돌된장찌개 豆醬牛胸片雜錦煲 配白飯 Tofu with Beef Brisket in Soy Bean Soup
$165.00우거지갈비탕 乾白菜牛排骨湯 配白飯 Beef Rib with Cabbage in Doenjang Soup
$165.00해물된장찌개 豆醬海鮮雜錦湯 (辣)配白飯 Tofu with Veggie in Soy Bean Soup
$165.00삼계탕人蔘雞湯 Ginseng Chicken Soup 1隻
$290.00🌶️육개장 辣牛腩湯 (辣) 配白飯 Spicy Beef with Vegetable Soup
$165.00순댓국 韓式豬腸湯 ,配白飯 Korean Sausage with Pressed Pork Head Soup
鍋煲 Hot Pot
🌶️부대전골腸仔火腿雜錦火鍋 (辣) Supreme Spicy Ham & Sausages Hot Pot
$490.00🌶️감자탕白菜幹脊骨土豆湯 Pork Backbone with Potato & Dried Cabbage Stew
$520.00곱창전골牛腸牛肚鍋 Spicy Korean Stew Made by Boiling Beef Tripe, Vegetables and Seasonings in Beef Broth
$520.00🌶️김치떡만두전골泡菜水餃鍋 Kimchi, Dumpling with Rice Cake & Pork Hot Pot
飯類&年糕 Mixed Rice & Rice Cakes
石頭飯돌솥비빔밥 Mixed Vegetables Rice with Beef in Sizzling Stone Pot
$130.00雜錦拌飯 비빔밥Mixed Vegetables Rice
$120.00🌶️辣炒年糕 (辣) 떡볶이Spicy Rice Cakes
$150.00海鮮石頭飯 해물돌솥비빔밥Mixed Vegetables Rice with Seafood in Sizzling Stone Pot
$150.00雜錦蛋拌生牛肉飯 육회비빔밥Seared Prime Beef Tartare with Mixed Vegetables Rice
$220.00🌶️泡菜豬肉炒飯(辣) 김치볶음밥Kimchi & Pork Fried Rice
$160.00🌶️泡菜午餐肉炒飯 (辣) 김치햄볶음밥Kimchi & Ham Fried Rice
$18.00🌶️芝士炒年糕치즈떡볶이 Spicy Cheese Rice Cake
頭盤 Appetizer
간장게장醬油蟹 二隻紫菜飯一碗Traditional Raw Crab Marinated in Soy Sauce with Herbs (2pcs)
$470.00육회蛋拌生牛肉 Seared Prime Beef Tartare
沙律&前菜 Salad & Side Dish
🌶️新鮮泡菜 (辣) 겉절이Fresh Kimchi
烤肉&炸雞件 Extra Boneless Grill & Fried Chickens
烤牛肉소불고기 Korean Style Barbecued Beef
$200.00烤雞肉닭구이 Boneless Chicken
$80.00烤豬肉 돼지불고기Korean Style Barbecued Pork
燒烤 BBQ Grill
양념갈비烤牛肋骨 (醃) 二條Marinated Beef Short Ribs二條
$320.00숙성우설구이烤牛脷 (無醃) Aged Ox Tongue
$190.00왕새우구이烤大蝦 Marinated King Prawns 6隻
$248.00살치살烤雪花牛肉八件 (無醃) Chuck Tail Flap 8件
$320.00생갈비烤牛肋骨 (無醃)二條 Supreme Aged Beef Short Ribs
$320.00숙성삼겹살烤豬腩片(無醃) Aged Pork Belly
$248.00조개살구이烤帶子 Marinated Scallops
$230.00통오징어구이辣醬燒魷魚 (辣) Spicy Marinated Squid
炒&燒物 Stir-fried & Grilled
🌶️두부김치炒泡菜豬肉拼豆腐 (辣) Stir-fried Kimchi & Pork with Boiled Tofu
$290.00🌶️오징어볶음辣炒魷魚 (辣) Stir-fried Spicy Squid
$298.00궁중소고기잡채韓宮式炒牛肉粉絲 Royal Stir-fried Sweet Potato Noodle with Beef
$180.00🌶️치즈불닭芝士辣雞塊 Cheese Topped Stir-fried Spicy Chicken
$260.00🌶️낙지볶음辣炒八爪魚 (辣) Stir-fried Spicy Octopus
$298.00🌶️직화김치제육值火烤豬肉 (辣) Stir-fried Spicy Pork Jowl with Kimchi
$250.00🌶️삼겹살두루치기炒香辣豬腩片 (辣) Stir-fried Spicy Pork Belly with Scallion
炒&零食 Pan-fried & Snack
🌶️김치전泡菜煎餅 (辣) Kimchi Pancake
$148.00해물파전海鮮煎蔥餅 Seafood Pancake with Scallion
$160.00후라이드치킨韓式炸雞 Korean Fried Chicken
$220.00부추해물파전海鮮煎韭菜餅 Seafood Pancake with Leek
$158.00군만두煎餃子 Pan-fried Dumplings 8隻
$120.00🌶️치즈김치전芝士泡菜饼 Cheese Topped Kimchi Pancake
炆 Braised
궁중갈비찜韓宮式炆牛肋骨 Royal Braised Beef Short Rib
$298.00한방제육보쌈韓式包豬肉 Boiled Pork with Herbs Serve with Lettuce & Radish Kimchi
$280.00🌶️매운갈비찜炆辣牛肋骨 Spicy Braised Beef Short Rib
$298.00안동찜닭安東炆辣雞 Braised Chicken with Veggies