About 東哥點心籠仔蒸飯專門店 Dong Gor Dim Sum
我們以新鮮食材,精心製作出美味的點心、足料燉湯及籠仔蒸飯,令您以實惠的價錢得到味蕾的享受。 Experience a delightful dim sum restaurant that offers both affordability and freshness. Indulge in a wide variety of steamed rich dishes and flavorful Chinese double-boiled soup, all made with fresh ingredients.20% off entire menu
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點心拼盤(8隻)(蝦餃、潮州粉果、菜苗餃、叉燒包) Dim sum platter (8pcs)
$63.00籠仔鳳爪排骨飯 Steamed rice with chicken feet and spare ribs
$63.00東哥蝦餃皇 Shrimp and pork dumplings (Har gow)
$47.00黑松露燒賣 Siu Mai with Black Truffle
$42.00籠仔蒜蓉蝦蒸飯 Steamed rice with garlic shrimp
$76.00多湯小籠包 Minced port soup dumplings (Xiao long bao)
$37.00鮮蝦腐皮卷 Pan-fried Shrimp bean curd sheet rolls
$42.00金箔流沙包 Salted egg custard buns
$37.00花膠海皇灌湯餃 Fish maw and seafood soup dumplings
$45.00越式米網炸兩腸 Vietnamese Twisted Cruller in Rice Rolls
招牌籠仔蒸飯 🍚 Signature steamed rice
以香氣濃郁的荷葉蒸煮,搭配豐富配料,讓人食指大動。 Fragrant and flavorful, steamed rice cooked with aromatic lotus leaves, infusing it with a distinct aroma and elevating its taste.
籠仔冬菇蟲草花蒸雞飯 Steamed rice with Chicken and Cordyceps Flowers and Mushroom
$63.00Popular籠仔豉汁白鱔飯 Steamed Rice with White Eel in Soy Sauce
$89.00籠仔鳳爪排骨飯 Steamed rice with chicken feet and spare ribs
$63.00Popular籠仔三寶臘味飯 Steamed Rice with Chinese Cured Meat
$76.00Popular籠仔蒜蓉蝦蒸飯 Steamed rice with garlic shrimp
$76.00Popular籠仔鹹魚肉餅飯 Steamed rice with salted fish and minced pork patty
燉湯 🍽 Chinese style double boiled soup
慢火熬燉的滋補湯品,凝聚食材精華,每一口都帶來身心滋養。 Slowly boiled nourishing Chinese soup, infused with the essence of selected ingredients, providing a comforting experience every sip.
響螺燉肉排湯 Double-boiled sea couch soup with pork ribs
$55.00蟲草花燉土雞湯 Double Boiled Chicken Soup with Cordyceps Flowers
$55.00川弓白芷燉魚頭湯 Double boiled fish heap soup with cnidium roots and angelica roots
Currently sold out$55.00
蒸蒸日上 🥟🥢Steamed dim sum
精緻手工點心,呈現傳統風味 Exquisitely handcrafted dim sum, offering a a delightful fusion of traditional flavors and textures, creating a truly mouthwatering experience.
點心拼盤(8隻)(蝦餃、潮州粉果、菜苗餃、叉燒包) Dim sum platter (8pcs)
$63.00Popular東哥蝦餃皇 Shrimp and pork dumplings (Har gow)
$47.00鮮竹牛肉球 Steamed minced beef balls with dried beancurd stick
$34.00蟲草花北菇棉花雞 Steamed chicken with fish maw and mushroom
$37.00黑松露燒賣 Siu Mai with Black Truffle
$42.00懷舊大米雞 Sticky rice wrapped in lotus leaf with meat
$47.00沙嗲金錢肚 Steamed OX Trip with Satay Sauce
$45.00鵪鶉蛋燒賣 Steamed Siu Mai with Quali Egg
$35.00必食鮑汁雞腳 Braised chicken feet with abalone sauce
$34.00多湯小籠包 Minced port soup dumplings (Xiao long bao)
$37.00鮮蝦菜苗餃 Shrimp and vegetables shoots dumplings
$37.00百醬蒸鳳爪 Steamed chicken feet in mixed sauce
$34.00花膠海皇灌湯餃 Fish maw and seafood soup dumplings
$45.00蠔皇鮮竹卷 Pork Dumplings in Beancurd Sheet with Oyster Sauce
$38.00香芋豉蒜蒸排骨 Steamed pork ribs with taro, black bean sauce and garlic
$37.00潮州蒸粉果 Chiu Chow style steamed dumplings
包羅萬有🥧Buns and cakes
鬆軟綿密的蒸包,啖啖帶來愉悅口感。 Soft and fluffy texture, along with unique mouthfeel, provide a delightful and satisfying eating experience.
懷舊原籠馬拉糕 Steamed brown sugar sponge cake
$37.00蜜汁叉燒包 Barbecued pork buns
$35.00金箔流沙包 Salted egg custard buns
$37.00上海菜肉包 Steamed Vegetables and Meat Bun
妙脆人生 🥠 Crunchy
酥脆可口,令人回味無窮。 With their satisfying and irresistible crispiness, these treats will leave you craving for more!
蒜香蝦春卷 Garlic shrimp spring rolls
$39.00鮮蝦腐皮卷 Pan-fried Shrimp bean curd sheet rolls
$42.00安蝦鹹水角 Deep fried dried shrimp dumplings
$33.00脆皮炸鯪魚球 Deep-fried Fish Balls
$37.00麥味雞蛋散 Chines style egg waffles
$33.00香煎蘿蔔糕 Pan fried turnip cakes
$32.00燒汁釀茄子 Eggplant with barbecued sauce
$33.00金腿蘿蔔絲酥 Puff Pastries Filled with Shredded Turnip and Chinese Dry-cured Ham
$55.00黑白擂沙芝麻球 Seasame & Peanut powder glutinous dumplings
灼灼有餘🥬Poached vegetables
白灼靚菜心 Poached Choy Sum (flowering cabbage)
Currently sold out$30.00白灼唐生菜 Poached Chinese Lettuce
Currently sold out$30.00
腸腸勝利 😋 Rice Rolls (Cheung Fan)
香滑腸粉填滿各種餡料或配以特調醬汁,為最受歡迎的點心之一。 Thin, delicate rice noodle sheet filled with a variety of delectable fillings or accompanied by special sauces, making them one of the most popular dim sum.
蜜汁叉燒腸 Rice rolls with barbecued pork
$34.00越式米網炸兩腸 Vietnamese Twisted Cruller in Rice Rolls
$44.00香茜牛肉腸 Rice rolls with minced beef and parsley
$34.00原隻鮮蝦腸 Rice rolls with shrimp and leek
$42.00羅漢齋腸粉 Rice Rolls with Mushrooms and Vegetables
口甜舌滑🍩 Desserts
品嚐美味甜點,讓每一場盛宴完美作結。 Savor delicious desserts, bringing every feast to a perfect conclusion.
千層薑汁糕 Ginger and coconut milk layered cake
$36.00虎皮斑蘭糕 Steamed Pandan Sponge Cake
$36.00五穀雜糧糕 Steamed Whole Grains Cake
$34.00香煎綠豆餅 Pan-fried green bean cake
可口可樂 Coca Cola
$13.00芬達 Fanta
$13.00雪碧 Sprite