About 洪發茶行 Hung Fat Tea Co.
品味純正的中國茶 — 我們以傳統方法泡茶,讓您品嚐最真實的滋味| Experience the purest form of Chinese tea with traditional brewing method, bringing out the most authentic flavour.
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人參烏龍 Ginseng Oolong Tea
$33.00桂花烏龍 Osmanthus Oolong Tea
$33.00極品香六安 Exquisite Scented Luk On Tea
$38.00金毫茉莉花茶 Golden Tip Jasmine Tea
茶 Tea
可選擇熱或凍 Can choose hot or cold.
人參烏龍 Ginseng Oolong Tea
茶湯橙黃明亮,入口甘甜,喉韻強勁,生津止渴 | The ginseng oolong tea has a bright amber colour, it displays the unique flavour and sweetness of ginseng, and leaves a strong and persistent aftertaste.$33.00金毫茉莉花茶 Golden Tip Jasmine Tea
茉莉花香撲鼻,口感清新,是一款經典的茶飲 | Indulge in the fragrant and refreshing taste of this classic jasmine tea that is sure to delight your senses.$33.00極品香六安 Exquisite Scented Luk On Tea
米仔蘭混入六安黑茶,蘭香清幽,口感醇和 | A unique blend of aglaia odorata flowers and luk on black tea, with a subtle floral aroma and a smooth and mellow taste.只限熱茶 | Hot drink only$38.00桂花烏龍 Osmanthus Oolong Tea
桂花與烏龍茶完美融合,茶湯金黃清澈,花香馥郁,回甘悠長 | Experience the perfect harmony of oolong tea and osmanthus petals in this golden, clear brew with a rich floral aroma and lingering sweet finish.$33.00荔枝紅茶 Lychee Black Tea
紅茶葉以荔枝熏制而成,沖泡出帶有荔枝甜香的濃郁紅茶,十分迷人 | The black tea leaves are roasted with lychee, resulting in a rich black tea with the sweet aroma of lychee. Absolutely enchanting!$33.00胎菊玫瑰花茶 Chrysanthemum Rose Tea
花香怡人,口感清爽,有助舒緩壓力,放鬆心情 | Experience a delightful floral aroma and a refreshing taste that helps to ease stress and relax your mind.$33.00珍藏普洱 Reserved Grade Pu Erh Tea
茶湯醇厚,口感順滑,回味悠長 | Savour the richness and smoothness of this pu erh tea with a long and satisfying aftertaste.只限熱茶 | Hot drink only$33.00鳳凰單叢 Feng Huang Dan Cong
鳳凰單叢為潮州名茶,茶香馥郁,山韻濃厚,別具層次 | A sought-after tea from Chaozhou, known for its rich and fragrant aroma, as well as its complex and layered palate.$43.00