Suspension of Delivery Service
To ensure the safety of our riders, our delivery service has been suspended until further notice due to severe weather conditions. We will fully refund any cancelled orders that are delivered by Deliveroo. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Team. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.About 有得撈 Yau Duck Lo
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For orders over $150 up to $60. T&Cs applyNew customers onlyFree delivery
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🔥 有得撈火辣精選 🔥
豪華大撈 三選一 (印尼撈麵2包🌶️ / 出前一丁1包 / 辛辣麵1包🌶️) + 魚蛋(4粒)、魚肉燒賣(3粒)、廚師腸(1條)、牛肉球(1粒)、芝士腸(2節) 送飲品$98.00🌶️ 撈辛辣麵 🌶️
撈辛辣麵 🌶️ 送飲品$88.00
豪華大撈 三選一 (印尼撈麵2包🌶️ / 出前一丁1包 / 辛辣麵1包🌶️) + 魚蛋(4粒)、魚肉燒賣(3粒)、廚師腸(1條)、牛肉球(1粒)、芝士腸(2節) 送飲品$98.00🌶️ 撈辛辣麵 🌶️
撈辛辣麵 🌶️ 送飲品$88.00全日有得撈套餐
配主食, 4款餸及飲品$88.00
單點 及 小食
$24.00魚蛋 (8粒)
$24.00陳皮魚蛋 (8粒)
$24.00魚蓉燒賣 (8粒)
$24.00牛肉球 (2粒)
$24.00廚師腸 (2條)
$24.00印尼撈麵🌶️ (1包)
[茶一刻]無糖綠茶 (罐)
$12.00[茶一刻]檸檬紅茶 (罐)
$12.00[Fiz]四季柑桔梳打 (罐)
$12.00[一刻果汁]鳳梨汁 (罐)
$12.00[維他]特濃港式奶茶 (紙包)
$12.00[維他]冰震蜜桃 (紙包)
$12.00[維他]冰震紅西柚 (紙包)
$12.00[維他]蘋果芒果 (紙包)
$12.00[維他]原味菊茶花 (樽)
$14.00可口可樂 (罐)
$12.00雪碧 (罐)
$12.00忌廉 (罐)
$12.00橙味芬達 (罐)