About 果茶 Fruit Tea
期間限定優惠!!!! 手打檸檬茶$90三杯!!!!!!Free delivery
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檸檬茶系列 Lemon Tea
皇牌手打檸檬茶 Handmade Lemon Tea
$38.00特濃爆檸暴打檸檬茶 Extraordinary Handmade Lemon Tea
$42.00鴨屎香手打檸檬茶 Handmade Lemon Tea with Silver Flower Aroma
$38.00熱情果手打檸檬茶 Passion Fruit Handmade Lemon Tea
沙冰系列 Smoothie
芒果沙沙 Mango Smoothie
$46.00士多啤梨沙沙 Strawberry Smoothie
$46.00椰子芒果沙沙 Coconut and Mango Smoothie
$43.00青檸沙沙 Lime Smoothie
$43.00提子沙沙 Grape Smoothie
果茶系列 Fruit Tea
荔枝綠妍茶 Lychee Green Tea
$36.00百香果綠妍茶 Passion Fruit Green Tea
$36.00香橙冰茶 Orange Iced Tea
$36.00香提冰茶 Grape Iced Tea
$38.00新鮮水果茶 Fresh Fruit Tea
純茶系列 Green Tea
蜂蜜綠妍茶 Honey Green Tea
$26.00蜂蜜烏龍茶 Honey Oolong Tea
奶白系列 Blended Cream
雪山茉莉奶白 Jasmine Tea with Crème
$36.00雪山烏龍奶白 Oolong Tea with Crème
梳打系列 Soda
青檸梳打 Lime Soda
$38.00熱情果梳打 Passion Fruit Soda
$38.00荔枝梳打 Lychee Soda
90$3杯!!! 手打檸檬茶 期間限定優惠