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- ⭐ TOPVALU精選 ⭐
- ⭐ 星期三限定 Wednesday Limited ⭐
- ♨️ 火鍋必備 Hotpot Essentials🍲
- 🍈 水果 Fruits 🍊
- 🥬 蔬菜及馬鈴薯 Vegetables & Potatoes 🥔
- 🐄 肉類及家禽 Meat & Poultry 🐓
- 🐟 魚類及海鮮 Fish & Seafood 🐠
- 🥚 乳製食品及雞蛋 Dairy & Eggs 🧀
- 🍖 火腿、肉腸及肉丸 Ham, Sausages, Sliced Meat & Meatballs 🥓
- 🥟 即食冷凍食品、餃子及點心 Dumplings & Dim Sum 🍗
- 🥛 牛奶及乳製或豆類飲品 Milk & Dairy and Soy-based Drinks 🐄
- 🧃 飲品 Beverages 🥤
- 🍵 茶、咖啡及即沖飲品 Tea, Coffee & Ready to drink Beverages ☕️
- 🍝 麵、意大利粉及穀類 Noodles, Pasta and Carbohydrates 🍜
- 🍱 即食餐品及漬物 Ready-to-Eat & Pickled Items 🍢
- 🍢 冷凍豆類製品及蒟蒻 Soy-based Items & Konjac 🍙
- 🍮 冷凍甜品 Chilled Desserts 🍰
- 🍟 脆片、薯片及其他零食 Crisps & Other Snacks 🍟
- 🍫 朱古力及糖果 Chocolate & Sweets 🍬
- 🍪 餅乾 Biscuits & Cookies 🍪
- 🍞 麵包糕點 Bakery 🧁
- 🥪 穀類早餐、果醬、蜜糖及三文治醬 Cereals, Jam ,Honey and Spreads 🍯
- 🌾 米及食油 Rice & Cooking Oil 🍚
- 🥫 罐裝及包裝餐類 Canned Packaged Food 🥫
- 🥣 即沖湯類、醬料、調味品及烹調材料 Soup Mix, Sauces, Condiments and Cooking Ingredients 🧂
- 🧂 醬料、調味品及烹調材料 Sauces, Condiments and Cooking Ingredients 🍴
- 🍺 啤酒、黑啤及蘋果酒 Beer, Stout & Cider 🍻
- 🍶 日本酒 Japanese Alcohol 🌸
- 🍾 香檳及汽酒 Champagne & Sparkling Wine 🥂
- 🥃 白蘭地、威士忌及烈酒 Brandy, Whisky & Spirit 🍸
- 😷 保健產品及藥物 Healthcare & Medicine 💊
- 🧴 護膚品及個人護理 Skin & Body Care 🛀
- 🧻 紙巾、廁紙、廚房及家居用品 Tissue, Toilet Rolls, Kitchenware & Household Goods 🧽
- 🐶 寵物用品 Pet Supplies 🐱