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🌶️麻婆帶子豆腐 Braised Mapo Tofu with Scallop and Minced Pork in Chilli Sauce
$142.00蝦頭油蝦仁帶子炒飯 Fried Rice with Shrimp and Scallop
$178.00原盅花膠雲吞雞湯 Double-Boiled Chicken, Wonton and Fish Maw Soup
$130.00🌶️宮保雞丁 Stir-Fried Diced Chicken with Dried Chilli and Cashew Nut
$130.00江南鮮魚湯泡飯 Rice in Fish Soup with Sliced Fish and Vegetable
$190.00杭州龍井河蝦仁 Stir-fried Shrimp with Longjing
$214.00椒鹽小黃魚 (2條) Deep-fried Small Yellow Croaker with Salt and Pepper (2pcs)
$168.00紅燒蝦籽獅子頭伴西蘭花苗 Braised Minced Pork Ball with Shrimp Roe and Baby Broccoli
$154.00🌶️XO醬炒花菜 Stir-Fried Cauliflower with XO Sauce
$118.00咕嚕肉 Fried Pork in Sweet and Sour Sauce
大廚推介 Chef's Recommendation
鮑汁扣海中寶 (鮑魚, 花膠及海參) Braised Abalone, Fish Maw and Sea Cucumber
$394.00拇指生煎包 (6隻) Pan-Fried Mini Jiangnan Xiao Long Bao (6 pcs)
$82.00紅燒蝦籽獅子頭伴西蘭花苗 Braised Minced Pork Ball with Shrimp Roe and Baby Broccoli
$154.00蝦籽鍋塌豆腐 Braised Fried Tofu with Shrimp Roe
$166.00鵝肝燒賣 (3粒) Goose Foie Gras Dumpling (3 pcs)
知補滋補 Claypot Dish
黑蒜淮山牛尾煲 Braised OX Tail with Black Garlic and Chinese Yam in Casserole
健脾益肺$190.00花雕淮山醉雞煲 Drunken Chicken with Chinese Yam and Huadiao Wine in Casserole
滋補強身$214.00🌶️風味海鮮大蝦煲 Braised Prawn, Clam with Mushroom and Vermicelli in Thai Sour and Spicy Sauce in Casserole
前菜 Appetizer
桂花黑醋小排骨 Braised Spare Rib in Black Vinegar
推薦 | 汁濃肉嫩, 甜而不膩, 酸爽可口$102.00酒香醉雞髀 Drunken Chicken Thigh
推薦 | 以多種秘製醬料腌製, 嫩滑的雞髀肉具有濃郁的酒香, 口感醇厚$130.00脆脆水母花 (海蜇頭) Premium Jellyfish Head Marinated with Aged Vinegar
推薦$102.00陳醋西芹拌黑木耳 Chilled Black Fungus Tossed in Aged Vinegar
素食$66.00江南尖筍烤麩 Braised Gluten with Mushroom and Bamboo Shoot
素食 | 燜煮尖筍, 黑木耳及菇菌至烤麩軟腍, 醒胃入味$82.00麻醬雞絲粉皮 Shredded Chicken and Bean Starch Sheet in Sesame Sauce
$82.00🌶️涼拌白菌腐竹 Chilled Mushroom, Black Fungus, Dried Beancurd Sheet Tossed in Sweet and Spicy Sauce
素食 | 辣$72.00🌶️川味口水雞髀 Chilled Chicken Thigh with Spicy Sichuan Sauce
辣$130.00🌶️蒜泥白肉 Sliced Pork Belly, Bean Starch Sheet and Shredded Cucumber with Chilli Garlic Sauce
肉類 Meat
🌶️宮保雞丁 Stir-Fried Diced Chicken with Dried Chilli and Cashew Nut
辣 | 腰果雞粒香辣脆嫩, 集於一身$130.00咕嚕肉 Fried Pork in Sweet and Sour Sauce
酸甜掛汁, 無骨啖啖肉$130.00京蔥爆安格斯牛柳條 Sauteed Angus Beef Tenderloin with Scallion
推薦 | 爽脆京蔥為頂級安格斯牛柳條提鮮, 鑊氣十足$274.00傳統東坡肉 Braised Pork Belly Served with Vegetable
$118.00鳳梨板肉 Pan-Fried Pork Loin with Pineapple
$190.00🌶️重慶水煮牛肉 Poached Beef in Sichuan Spicy Soup
辣 | 嫩滑牛肉配煙韌薯粉, 爽夾辣勁$202.00🌶️黃飛鴻乾煸圈子 Deep-Fried Pork Intestine with Huang Fei Hong Chilli and Peanut
推薦 | 辣 | 秘製醬料爆炒豬腸, 脆辣惹味$214.00
湯羹 Soup
原盅花膠雲吞雞湯 Double-Boiled Chicken, Wonton and Fish Maw Soup
推薦$130.00🌶️酸辣湯 Hot and Sour Soup
蔬菜 Vegetables
🌶️XO醬炒花菜 Stir-Fried Cauliflower with XO Sauce
$118.00🌶️XO醬津白粉絲煲 Stir-Fried Vermicelli with Preserved Sausage, Preserved Pork and White Cabbage with XO Sauce in Casserole
$118.00乾煸四季豆 Sautéed French Bean with Minced Pork
脆嫩四季豆, 免治豬肉及秘製醬料兜炒, 乾香辣爽$118.00竹笙上湯時蔬 Simmered Seasonal Vegetable with Bamboo Fungus in Soup
素食 | 時令食物根據餐廳存貨量提供, 如有查詢請致電餐廳$142.00火腿津白 Braised White Cabbage with Ham
津白吸收金華火腿鹹香, 甘鮮可口$106.00
海鮮 Seafood
杭州龍井河蝦仁 Stir-fried Shrimp with Longjing
推薦 | 河蝦仁中透淡淡茶香, 滑嫩鮮甜$214.00🌶️麻婆帶子豆腐 Braised Mapo Tofu with Scallop and Minced Pork in Chilli Sauce
$142.00椒鹽小黃魚 (2條) Deep-fried Small Yellow Croaker with Salt and Pepper (2pcs)
推薦$168.00蟹肉賽螃蟹 Sauteed Egg White with Conpoy and Crab Meat
真 ‧ 蟹肉加上蛋白模仿蟹肉, 雙重鮮甜細嫩$130.00冬瓜白蜆 Simmered Clam and White Gourd with Vermicelli
$130.00🌶️椒麻酸菜鱸魚 Simmered Sliced Seabass and Pickled Vegetable in Spicy Soup
辣 | 煙韌薯粉吸盡 ‧ 椒! 麻! 鮮! 香!$310.00黑蒜燒鮮河鰻 (4件) Braised Eel with Black Garlic in Casserole (4 pcs)
主食 Main
蝦頭油蝦仁帶子炒飯 Fried Rice with Shrimp and Scallop
推薦 | 用上濃香不膩蝦頭油, 炒飯粒粒分明, 鮮甜乾爽$178.00江南鮮魚湯泡飯 Rice in Fish Soup with Sliced Fish and Vegetable
推薦 | 以鮮魚熬製而成, 配搭鮮魚魚塊, 冬菇及蔬菜等配料, 鮮甜濃郁$190.00黑松露菌菇炒飯 Fried Rice with Mushroom in Black Truffle Sauce
素食 | 炒香鮮菌菇以黑松露調味翻炒, 芳香撲鼻並口感有層次$130.00雪菜肉絲炒年糕 Sauteed Rice Cake with Preserved Vegetable
$148.00嫩雞煨麵 Simmered Noodle with Diced Chicken
$130.00絲苗白飯 Steamed Rice
$20.00一口鮑魚家鄉炒飯 Fried Rice with Abalone
手工拉麵 Homemade La Mian
🌶️翡翠招牌擔擔拉麵 Crystal Jade Signature Dan Dan La Mian
推薦 | 辣 | 自家濃香芝麻花生醬, 醇香辣椒油及香醋, 必食!$94.00菜肉雲吞湯拉麵 La Mian with Minced Pork and Vegetable Wonton Soup
$94.00清湯牛𦟌拉麵 La Mian with Sliced Beef Shank
燜煮牛𦟌至合適韌度, 配合自家熬製湯頭, 啖啖清香撲鼻$118.00🌶️酸辣湯拉麵 La Mian in Hot and Sour Soup
$102.00蔥油乾撈拉麵 La Mian with Scallion Oil
素食 | 蔥脆油香 ‧ 拌手製拉麵, 充滿嚼勁$78.00上海排骨湯拉麵 La Mian in Soup Served with Deep-Fried Pork Cutlet
推薦 | 選用上等排骨炸至香脆內軟, 口感豐富$118.00紅燒鮑魚拌麵 La Mian Tossed with Braised Abalone
點心 Dim Sum
江南小籠包 (4隻) Steamed Jiangnan Xiao Long Bao (4pcs)
皮薄餡靚,肉汁滿溢$66.00叁色小籠包 (3隻) (黑松露帶子, 蝦頭油鮮蝦及冬蔭功) Steamed Xiao Long Bao With 3 Flavors (Black Truffle With Scallop, Shrimp and Tom Yum)
推薦$82.00🌶️紅油抄手 (5隻) Minced Pork Wonton With Chilli Vinaigrette (5pcs)
$72.00韭菜盒子 (4件) Fried Chinese Chive Dumpling (4pcs)
$70.00江南水晶素菜餃 (3隻) Steamed Crystal Vegetable Dumpling (3pcs)
素食$58.00蘿蔔絲酥餅 (2件) Deep-Fried Radish Pastry (2pcs)
推薦 | 絲絲蘿蔔及層層酥脆餅皮, 鹹香爽甜$70.00糯香芋絲糕 (3件) Pan-Fried Taro and Glutinous Rice Cake (3pcs)
$66.00三鮮豚肉鍋貼 (3隻) Pan-Fried Pork, Shrimp and Chinese Mushroom Dumpling (3pcs)
推薦$60.00百步香蔥油餅 (2件) Deep-fried Scallion Pastry (2pcs)
$51.00三角海鮮餃 (2隻) Assorted Seafood Dumpling (2pcs)
推薦 | 嚼勁外皮包裹雜錦海鮮, 啖啖爽甜$70.00孜然羊肉春卷 (2件) Deep-fried Lamb Spring Roll (2pcs)
$70.00珍菌素春卷 (3條) Deep-fried Mushroom Spring Roll (3 pcs)
$58.00翡翠白菜餃 (4隻) Boiled Jade Dumpling with Pork & Chinese Cabbage (4 pcs)
$70.00菜肉雲吞湯 (4隻) Minced Pork and Vegetable Wonton Soup (4pcs)
甜品 Dessert
薑茶叁色湯丸 (3粒) 3 Flavors Glutinous Rice Dumpling in Ginger Soup (3pcs)
推薦$50.00桂花酒釀丸子 Glutinous Rice Ball with Osmanthus Flower in Fermented Rice Wine Soup
$46.00金沙奶皇流心角 (3粒) Deep-fried Golden Egg Custard Dumpling (3pcs)
香甜流心奶黃餡滑順不膩口, 外脆內軟$70.00擂沙湯丸 (2粒) Black Sesame Glutinous Rice Dumpling with Peanut Powder (2pcs)
$46.00迷你八寶飯 Steamed Mini Chinese Rice Pudding with 8 Delicacies
推薦 | 以糯米加入紅豆沙, 青提子乾, 紅棗, 芒果乾及紅腰豆等內餡, 再加上糖桂花而成, 美味甜蜜$46.00
飲品 Drinks
養顏豆漿 (凍) Soya Milk (Cold)
$32.00桂圓雪梨茶 (凍) Longan, Wolfberry and Pear Drink (Cold)
$32.00養顏豆漿 (熱) Soya Milk (Hot)
$30.00檸檬薏米水 (熱) Barley Water with Fresh Lemon (Hot)
$30.00無糖可樂 (罐) Coke Zero (Can)
$25.00檸檬薏米水 (凍) Barley Water with Fresh Lemon (Cold)
$32.00桂圓雪梨茶 (熱) Longan, Wolfberry and Pear Drink (Hot)
$30.00可樂 (罐) Coke (Can)
$25.00檸檬可樂 (凍) Coke with Fresh Lemon (Cold)
$32.00巴黎有氣礦泉水 Perrier
酒類飲品 Alcohol Drinks
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. | 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。
朝日啤酒 (350mL) Asahi Beer (350mL)
$50.00好卡頓啤酒 (350mL) Hoegaarden Beer (350mL)
外賣餐具 Disposable Cutlery
外賣餐具 Disposable Cutlery
為支持環保,即日起不再免費提供即棄餐具,如有需要,可以$1加購1套外賣餐具 | As a step towards environmental consciousness, we no longer provide disposable cutlery for free. You may purchase a set of cutlery for $1 per set$1.00