主食 Main Food
櫻花蝦蛋伴烏冬 Udon With Shrimp Egg (Sesame Sauce)
$78.00芝士忌廉明太子伴讚岐烏冬 Udon with Creamy Mentaiko Sauce
$88.00燒鰻魚蛋伴烏冬(燒汁蛋黃醬) Udon With Eel Egg (Eel Sauce, Mayonnaise)
$98.00韓式蜂蜜牛油厚吐(煙三文魚配沙律醬) Smoke Salmon with Mayonnaise on Honey Butter Toast
$68.00韓式蜂蜜牛油厚吐(玫瑰岩鹽焦糖棉花糖) Salted Caramel Marshmallow on Honey Butter Toast
$68.00韓式蜂蜜牛油厚吐(果仁朱古力棉花糖) Chocolate Nuts on Honey Butter Toast
小食 Snacks
雞軟骨脆餃子Chicken Cartilage Stick Dumpling(5pcs)
甜品 Dessert
自家巴斯克芝士蛋糕 Homemade Basque Cheesecake
低糖配方 | Low sugar formula.$48.00
台灣烘焙咖啡 Taiwan Roasted Coffee
本店採用台灣烘培新鮮咖啡豆 | All coffee beans are roasted in Taiwan.
走糖梳打咖啡 Espresso Soda (Sugar Free)
咖啡Soda碰撞衝擊下: 口感清爽,更有一層又厚又香醇咖啡脂 | Coffee with soda: refreshing, with a thick and smooth layer of crema.$55.00荔枝梳打咖啡 Espresso Soda (Lychee)
咖啡Soda碰撞衝擊下: 口感清爽,更有一層又厚又香醇咖啡脂 | Coffee with soda: refreshing, with a thick and smooth layer of crema.$55.00椰子梳打咖啡 Espresso Soda Coconut
咖啡Soda碰撞衝擊下: 口感清爽,更有一層又厚又香醇咖啡脂 | Coffee with soda: refreshing, with a thick and smooth layer of crema.$55.00柚子梳打咖啡 Espresso Soda (Citron)
咖啡Soda碰撞衝擊下: 口感清爽,更有一層又厚又香醇咖啡脂 | Coffee with soda: refreshing, with a thick and smooth layer of crema.$55.00粉紅西柚梳打咖啡 Espresso Soda (Grapefruit)
咖啡Soda碰撞衝擊下: 口感清爽,更有一層又厚又香醇咖啡脂 | Coffee with soda: refreshing, with a thick and smooth layer of crema.$55.00接骨木花梳打咖啡 Espresso Soda (Elderflower)
咖啡Soda碰撞衝擊下: 口感清爽,更有一層又厚又香醇咖啡脂 | Coffee with soda: refreshing, with a thick and smooth layer of crema.$55.00黑咖啡 Black Coffee
鍾情厚實濃郁nutty的,一試難忘。本店採用台灣烘焙新鮮咖啡豆。$40.00鮮奶咖啡 Latte
醇厚奶泡下,細味咖啡回甘。鍾情厚實濃郁nutty的,一試難忘。本店採用台灣烘焙新鮮咖啡豆。$48.00泡沫鮮奶咖啡 Cappuccino
醇厚奶泡下,細味咖啡回甘。鍾情厚實濃郁nutty的,一試難忘。本店採用台灣烘焙新鮮咖啡豆及日本鮮奶。$48.00朱古力鮮奶咖啡 Mocha
此描述僅供參考: 特濃咖啡加上牛奶及可可粉 | For reference only: espresso-based drink with milk and cocoa powder.$50.00榛子鮮奶咖啡 Hazelnut Latte
醇厚奶泡下,細味咖啡回甘。鍾情厚實濃郁nutty的,一試難忘。本店採用台灣烘焙新鮮咖啡豆及日本鮮奶。$50.00焦糖鮮奶咖啡 Caramel Latte
醇厚奶泡下,細味咖啡回甘。鍾情厚實濃郁nutty的,一試難忘。本店採用台灣烘焙新鮮咖啡豆及日本鮮奶。$50.00分層咖啡 Dirty
凍奶熱啡分層感受 | No iced.$48.00蜂蜜檸檬冰咖啡 Iced Honey Lemon Long Black
爲你消暑潤喉解渴提神 | Refreshes throat, quenches thirst and refreshes mind.$47.00薑蜜鮮奶咖啡 Ginger Latte
$50.00薑蜜黑咖啡 Ginger Long Black
$45.00椰子鮮奶咖啡 Coconut Latte
$50.00蜂蜜黑咖啡 Honey Long Black
無咖啡類飲品 Non Coffee
巨峰提子冰梳打 Kyoho Iced Soda
$40.00菊花蜜 Chrysanthemum Honey Drink
$42.00薑蜜 Ginger Honey Drink
$42.00柚子蜜 Citron Honey Drink
$42.00可可鮮奶 Choco Latte
特濃可可配以日本鮮奶。$55.00宇治鮮奶抹茶 Matcha Latte
採用特濃日本抹茶粉打造 | Using extra rich matcha powder.$55.00伯爵茶 Earl Grey Tea
此描述僅供參考: 英式茶混合佛手柑香油茶飲 | For reference only: British tea blend with oil of bergamot.$40.00早餐紅茶 Breakfast Tea
$40.00玄米抹茶 Brown Rice Green Tea