15% off entire menu
For orders over $200 up to $45. T&Cs apply
一人餐 Set for One
黑醬油叉燒雞肉拌麵 Cha Shu and Chicken Mixed-noodles in Kuro Sauce
配1款小食及1款飲品或味增湯 | Served with 1 snack and 1 drink or miso soup$168.00赤醬油叉燒雞肉拌麵 Cha Shu and Chicken Mixed-noodles in Aka Sauce
配1款小食及1款飲品或味增湯 | Served with 1 snack and 1 drink or miso soup$168.00
沙律輕盈餐 Salad Light Set
紫菜野菜沙律 Vegetbles Salad with Seaweed
$158.00涼拌黑松露紋甲墨魚沙律 Cuttlefish Salad with Black Truffle Dressing
定食 Teishoku
配沙律 | Served with salad
蒲燒鰻魚華味鳥定食 Grilled Eel and Chicken Don Set
$214.00慢煮醬汁安格斯牛肉飯 Slow Cook Angus Beef Don
$226.00自家製薑汁燒豚肉定食 Pork with Ginger Teishoku
配前菜及味增湯 | Served with appetizer and miso soup$144.00絕品蔥燒華味鳥定食 Scallion with Hanamidori Chicken Teishoku
配前菜及味增湯 | Served with appetizer and miso soup$168.00慢煮澳洲和牛丼飯定食 Slow Cook Australian Wagyu Beef Don Teishoku
配前菜及味增湯 | Served with appetizer and miso soup$192.00
拌麺 Mixed-noodles
配味噌湯或飲品 | Served with miso soup or drink
黑醬油叉燒雞肉拌麵 Cha Shu and Chicken Mixed-noodles in Kuro Sauce
$154.00赤醬油叉燒雞肉拌麵 Cha Shu and Chicken Mixed-noodles in Aka Sauce
飯類 Rice
燒豚肉叉燒小碗飯 Pork Belly and Cha Shu Mini Don
$70.00燒豚肉小碗飯 Seared Pork Belly Mini Don
$66.00慢煮叉燒小碗飯 Slow Cook Cha Shu Mini Don
$66.00慢煮醬汁安格斯牛肉飯 Slow Cook Angus Beef Don
配日替沙律, 前菜或漬物及蜆汁湯或冷泡烏龍茶 | Served with salad, appetizer or pickles and hamaguri soup or cold oolong tea$226.00蒲燒鰻魚華味鳥定食 Grilled Eel and Chicken Don Set
配日替沙律, 前菜或漬物及蜆汁湯或冷泡烏龍茶 | Served with salad, appetizer or pickles and hamaguri soup or cold oolong tea$214.00
小食 Snacks
和風昆布高湯炸大根 Fried Radish
$46.00紫菜野菜沙律 Vegetbles Salad with Seaweed
$58.00牛肚味噌煮 Braised Beef Tripe with Miso
$67.00京蔥味噌豆腐 Fried Soft Tofu with Miso Paste
$78.00自家製豚肉煎餃 Homemade Japanese Pork Dumplings
$84.00涼拌黑松露紋甲墨魚 Cuttlefish Salad with Black Truffle Dressing
$84.00鳥皮烏賊揚 Crispy Fried Cuttlefish
$84.00唐揚博多華味鳥 Fried Hanamidori Chicken
飲品 Drink
可樂 Coke
$25.00零系可樂 Coke Zero
$25.00冷泡烏龍茶 Oolong Tea
$25.00熱檸檬生薑蜜 Hot Lemon Ginger Honey
$35.00熱黑糖薑紅棗牛蒡茶 Hot Brown Sugar Burdock Rot Tea with Ginger and Red Dates
$35.00蘋果焙茶 Apple Roasted Tea
$38.00白桃焙茶 Roasted Roasted Tea
$38.00木村梳打汽水-完熟白桃 Ripe Peach Soda
$38.00木村梳打汽水-信州巨峰 Kyoho Soda
🍴 餐具包🍴
🌱🌎 本餐廳響應環保,不主動提供餐具,如有須要請在此選擇選擇 In our efforts to promote sustainability, utensils are available upon request. Please select below if they are needed. Thank you!
餐具包 Utensil (1份/ 1 Pack)