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鲍鱼辣椒炒肉 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$166.00鲜炒黄牛肉 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$179.00油豆腐焖拆骨肉 Stewed Tofu with Pork
$127.00酸萝卜炒牛肚 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$127.00招牌湖蝶鱼 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$127.00青椒焖老鸭 Braised Duck with Green Chillies
$205.00大蒜苗炒臘牛肉 Spicy Chicken Offals Rice Bowl
$166.00雙椒蒸魚頭(配麵條) Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$205.00经典酸菜鲈鱼 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$205.00大蒜炒腊肉 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
鲍鱼辣椒炒肉 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
鮮嫩乳鮑、土豬四分之一前腿嫩肉與桂東基地香軟皮椒爆炒!更香更下飯!$166.00鲜炒黄牛肉 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$179.00大蒜炒腊肉 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$166.00经典酸菜鲈鱼 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
蘿蔔燜羊肉/小份 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
Currently sold out$283.00招牌湖蝶鱼 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$127.00蒜蓉粉丝虾仁 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$153.00乡里蒸扣肉 Hunan Steamed Sliced Braised Pork Belly
$127.00蘿蔔燜羊肉/大份 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
Currently sold out$387.00
雙椒蒸魚頭(配麵條) Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$205.00青椒焖老鸭 Braised Duck with Green Chillies
$205.00柴火烟笋 Stewed Mutton with Mung Bean Noodles
小火烹炒,口感爽脆,新鮮嘗得到!$101.00油豆腐焖拆骨肉 Stewed Tofu with Pork
$127.00大蒜苗炒臘牛肉 Spicy Chicken Offals Rice Bowl
$166.00酸萝卜炒牛肚 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$127.00青椒炒土鸡蛋 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$75.00酸辣雞雜 Spicy Chicken Offals Rice Bowl
$88.00砂鍋酸菜肥肠 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$166.00乾鍋鹿茸菌 Spicy Chicken Offals Rice Bowl
$127.00土胡蘿蔔炒肉 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
Currently sold out$101.00幹鍋臘三樣 Spicy Chicken Offals Rice Bowl
Currently sold out$205.00酱油土豆丝 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli(2)
Currently sold out$75.00手撕包菜 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli(2)(2)
Currently sold out$75.00小土豆焖牛腩 Braised Duck with Green Chillies(2)
Currently sold out$205.00肉炒海参 Braised Duck with Green Chillies(2)(2)
Currently sold out$244.00
肉沫水蒸蛋 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$75.00黃燜白豆腐 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$192.00糖醋酥肉 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$179.00香芋蒸排骨 Steamed Pork Ribs with Taro
大碗花菜 Stir-Fried Cauliflower
人人都愛的家常小炒,家的味道(可免辣)$88.00清炒毛白菜 Stir-Fried Cabbage
$75.00條根白炒油渣 Stir-Fried Cauliflower
$101.00青椒豆豉炒苦瓜 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
Currently sold out$70.00
松茸土鸡汤/位 Chicken Soup with Matsutake
選自走地老母雞(一人食)$49.00洪湖藕汤 Stir-Fried Beef with Celery and Camellia Oil(2)
$114.00海带脊骨汤 Stir-Fried Beef with Celery and Camellia Oil(2)
红烧老甲鱼 Stir-Fried Braised Turtle
大湖裏養殖的好甲魚,鮮嫩的滋補好菜$478.00茶油炒土雞 Stir-Fried Braised Turtle
$205.00霸王酱椒肘子 Stewed Mutton with Mung Bean Noodles
$426.00红烧生态老甲鱼 Stewed Mutton with Mung Bean Noodles
泰國香米/碗 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$16.00老麵花卷 Steamed Mandarin Rolls
衡陽特色小吃,軟軟糯糯很香甜,老少皆宜$38.00鲜肉米粉 Noodle Soup with Minced Pork
$62.00咸蛋黄烧麦 Shao Mai with Salted Egg
衡陽蛋黃糯米燒麥,軟糯彈牙,皮薄餡又大入口全是料$51.00高压锅红薯饭 Wuchang Steamed Rice with Sweet Potato and Red Dates
满杯维C橙 Majestic Orange Juice
$42.00香水柠檬茶 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
$47.00霸气玉油柑 Majestic Jade Tangerine
$42.00王老吉310ml Wanglaoji
$18.00屈臣氏矿泉水280ml Watsons Mineral Water
$8.00零度可口可乐330ml Coca-Cola Zero
$16.00雪碧330ml Sprite
$16.00可口可乐330ml Coca-Cola
青岛啤酒绿罐高罐500ml Tsingtao Premium Lager Beer 500ml
$36.00蓝妹啤酒高罐500ml Blue Girl Beer 500ml
擂辣椒皮蛋 Pan-Seared Green Chillies with Century Egg
湖南郴州安仁土菜,湘菜中的經典菜,乾飯神器!香辣且過癮$90.00柠檬凤爪 Stir-Fried Pork with Abalone and Chilli
Currently sold out$58.00香辣刁子鱼 Spicy Anchovies