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NOC Coffee Co.
肯德基 KFC | Halal-friendly
Pret A Manger
祥興記上海生煎包 Cheung Hing Kee Shanghai Pan-fried Buns - TST
龍點心 Lung Dim Sum
Pho 5 火五越式牛肉粉專門店
% Arabica
APT. Coffee - Elements
Omotesando Koffee
Macau Restaurant 澳門茶餐廳
Macau Cafe 澳門冰室
Hooman By The Sea
樂樂大街市 Lok Lok Wet Market
儀發大街市 Yee Fat Wet Market
🚚 Fruits around The corner 角落果籽 - 店家自送 Delivered By Store (KL)
咖啡工作室 Studio Caffeine
元祖三上大喜屋 Happy House
盛記粥麵 Shing Kee Congee Noodle
佳記冰室 Kai Kee Cafe
天下第二 World Second