滷肉飯 Braised Pork Rice
$61.60$88.00台式肉燥麵 Braised Minced Pork Noodles
$61.60$88.00黃金脆皮雞腿卷 Golden Crispy Chicken Roll
$31.50$45.00素 - 千層地瓜拉餅 Veg - Layered Sweet Potato Pancake
$33.60$48.00甜不辣 Taiwanese Tempura
$31.50$45.00椒麻皮蛋拌麵 Sichuan Pepper Century Egg Noodles
$61.60$88.00麻醬拌麵 Sesame Sauce Noodles
$31.50$45.00素 - 千層紅豆拉餅 Veg - Layered Red Bean Pancake
$33.60$48.00牛肉胡椒餅 Pepper Beef Pastry
$38.50$55.00柚香蓮藕 Citrus Lotus Root Salad
台式拌麵 Taiwanese Noodles
台式肉燥麵 Braised Minced Pork Noodles
台式特製肉燥,以多種香料慢火熬製,香氣四溢。 Taiwanese-style braised minced pork, slow-cooked with various spices, aromatic and flavorful.$61.60$88.00椒麻皮蛋拌麵 Sichuan Pepper Century Egg Noodles
注: 微辣 Mild Spicy 麻香四溢的椒麻醬配上滑嫩皮蛋,搭配特製拌麵,層次豐富。Numbing Sichuanpepper sauce withsilky century egg, paired with special noodles, creating rich layers of flavor.$61.60$88.00麻醬拌麵 Sesame Sauce Noodles
香濃麻醬與特製拌麵的完美結合,濃郁不膩。 Perfect combination of rich sesame sauce and special noodles, flavorful yet not overwhelming.$31.50$45.00
台式拌飯 Taiwanese Rice
嘉義雞肉飯 Chiayi Chicken Rice
經典台式小吃,以特製醬油及雞油拌炒的香嫩雞肉配上油亮飯粒,簡單卻令人回味。Classic Taiwanese dish featuring tender chicken pieces seasoned with special soy sauce and chicken oil, served over glossy rice. Simple yet memorable.$61.60$88.00滷肉飯 Braised Pork Rice
台灣國民美食,以多種香料慢火燉煮的香濃滷肉,搭配油亮白飯,層次豐富。 Taiwan's national comfort food aromatic braised pork slow-cooked with various spices, served over steamed rice, creating rich layers of flavor.$61.60$88.00鹵水豬手飯 Braised Pork Knuckle Rice
軟嫩多汁的豬手經特製滷汁慢燉,膠質豐富,配上白飯完美襯托醬汁。 Tender and juicy pork knuckle slow-braised in special sauce, rich in collagen, perfectly complemented by steamed rice.$61.60$88.00
寶島小食餡餅 Taiwanese Snacks - Pastries
牛肉胡椒餅 Pepper Beef Pastry
特製黑胡椒醬汁醃製牛肉,包入酥皮中烘烤,香辣可口。Beef marinated in special black pepper sauce, baked in flaky pastry.$38.50$55.00手工蔥抓餅 Handmade Scallion Pancake
現場手工製作,層次分明,外酥內軟,蔥香四溢。 Freshly handmade with distinct layers, crispy outside and chewy inside, fragrant with scallions.$20.93$29.90素 - 千層地瓜拉餅 Veg - Layered Sweet Potato Pancake
香甜地瓜泥層層堆疊,純素製作,健康美味。Sweet potato paste layered in vegan pancake, healthy and delicious.$33.60$48.00宜蘭蔥餡餅 Yilan Scallion Stuffed Pancake
採用宜蘭三星蔥,搭配特製餡料,香氣逼人。 Made with premium Yilan scallions and special filling, incredibly aromatic.$20.93$29.90素 - 千層紅豆拉餅 Veg - Layered Red Bean Pancake
細緻紅豆餡搭配千層餅皮,純素製作,甜而不膩。Fine red bean paste in layered vegan pancake, perfectly sweet.$33.60$48.00
炸物小食 Taiwanese Fried Snacks
鹽酥雞 Taiwanese Popcorn Chicken
台式鹹酥雞,以特製粉漿裹粉,香脆可口。 Taiwanese-style fried chicken with special coating, crispy and flavorful.$31.50$45.00黃金脆皮雞腿卷 Golden Crispy Chicken Roll
精選雞腿肉,外皮酥脆,內裡多汁。Selected chicken thigh meat, crispy exterior with juicy interior.$31.50$45.00經典台灣香腸 Classic Taiwanese Sausage
統台式香腸,甜中帶鹹,肉質紮實多汁。Traditional Taiwanese sausage with perfect balance of sweet and savory, juicy and firm texture.$29.40$42.00酥炸花枝丸 Crispy Fried Squid Balls
花枝丸外層金黃酥脆,內裡彈牙。Handmade squid balls, golden crispy exterior with chewy interior.$29.40$42.00甜不辣 Taiwanese Tempura
傳統台式炸物,外酥內軟,搭配特製醬料。Traditional Taiwanese fried snack, crispy outside and soft inside, served with special sauce.$31.50$45.00
湯 Taiwanese Soups
新竹貢丸湯 Hsinchu Pork Ball Soup
$25.90$37.00寶島魚丸湯 Taiwanese Fish Ball Soup
涼拌小菜 Appetizers
柚香蓮藕 Citrus Lotus Root Salad
脆嫩蓮藕片佐以柚子醬汁,清新爽口,營養豐富。Crispy lotus root slices with yuzu dressing, refreshing and nutritious.$38.50$55.00涼拌黑木耳 Black Fungus Salad
新鮮黑木耳配以特製醬汁,爽口清甜,富含膠質。Fresh black fungus in special dressing, crunchy and naturally sweet, rich in collagen.$22.40$32.00豆腐干絲麵 Shredded Dried Tofu Noodles
細切豆腐干絲搭配特製醬汁,清爽開胃,口感豐富。Thinly sliced dried tofu with special sauce, refreshing and rich in texture.$22.40$32.00
台式飲品 Drinks
麥香奶茶 Wheat Milk Tea
特製麥香配上濃郁奶茶,香醇可口,回味無窮。Special wheat aroma with rich milk tea, aromatic and memorable.$13.93$19.90阜杭豆漿 Fu Hang Soy Milk
傳統台式早餐飲品,以優質黃豆製成,香濃滑順,無糖更健康。Traditional Taiwanese breakfast drink made from premium soybeans, rich and smooth.(包裝飲品,口味固定)$20.93$29.90冬瓜茶 Winter Melon Tea
傳統冬瓜茶,清涼解暑,天然甘甜。Traditional winter melon tea, cooling and naturally sweet.(包裝飲品,口味固定)$13.93$19.90烏梅汁 Plum Juice
酸甜可口的烏梅飲品,開胃解渴,生津止渴。Sweet and sour plum beverage, appetizing and thirst-quenching.$20.93$29.90桂花烏梅汁 Osmanthus Plum Juice
桂花與烏梅的完美結合,清甜解渴,具有傳統中式風味。Perfect blend of osmanthus and preserved plum, refreshingly sweet with traditional Chinese flavor.(包裝飲品,口味固定)$20.93$29.90
其他 Other
環保餐具 Cultery
$1.40$2.00白飯 Rice