訂單消費滿 $150,即可享高達 $50。受條款與細則約束
秘製鎮江骨 Chef's Special Veggie Zhenjiang Bone
$158.00蜜汁叉燒 Veggie BBQ Pork
$164.00乾鍋山珍百葉豆腐 Spicy Sichuan Sauce Wok-fried Frozen Tofu with Mushroom
$176.00緻素坊素鵝 Chef Special Veggie Goose
$164.00緻素坊片皮鴨 Veggie Beijing Duck
$164.00魚香茄子煲 Braised Eggplant in Casserole
$128.00咕嚕猴頭菇 Sweet and Sour Wok-fried Monkey Head Mushroom
$158.00乾炒叉燒河 Stir-fried Flat Rice Noodles with Veggie BBQ Pork
$128.00松子黑松露炒飯 Pine Nut Truffle Sauce Fried Rice
$148.00麻婆豆腐 Sichuan Mapo Tofu
滋潤湯美 Soup
酸辣豆腐羹 Hot and Sour Thick Soup
$56.00粟米豆腐羹 Sweet Corn and Bean Curd Thick Soup
前菜推介 Appetizers
蜜汁叉燒 Veggie BBQ Pork
$164.00緻素坊片皮鴨 Veggie Beijing Duck
$164.00緻素坊素鵝 Chef Special Veggie Goose
特色川菜 Sichuan Dishes
麻婆豆腐 Sichuan Mapo Tofu
$128.00乾鍋山珍百葉豆腐 Spicy Sichuan Sauce Wok-fried Frozen Tofu with Mushroom
$176.00秘製酸菜魚 Veggie Fish Fillet in Sour Sichuan Soup
$308.00四川水煮魚 Veggie Fish Fillet in Spicy Sichuan Soup
熱辣辣煲仔菜 Sizzling Casserole
有機番茄雲吞煲 Organic Tomatoes and Wonton in Great Soup
$128.00魚香茄子煲 Braised Eggplant in Casserole
$128.00金牌榆耳竹笙煲配時菜 Elms and Yellow Fungus in Casserole Served with Lettuce
時令食物根據餐廳存貨量提供 , 如有查詢請致電餐廳 The availability of seasonal food depends on the restaurant’s inventory. For any inquiries, kindly contact the restaurant directly.$320.00紅燒鶯鴦豆腐 Braised Tofu and Frozen Tofu in Casserole
$128.00胡椒豬肚煲 Pepper and Pickled Assorted Mushroom in Casserole
$128.00特色咖喱煲配香椿法式麵包 Chef's Recipe Curry in Casserole Served with Toona Bread
粵式小廚師 Guangdong Dishes
秘製鎮江骨 Chef's Special Veggie Zhenjiang Bone
$158.00咕嚕猴頭菇 Sweet and Sour Wok-fried Monkey Head Mushroom
$158.00鬼馬炒雙蔬 Stir-fried Mixed Vegetables with Fried Dough a Water Chestnuts
$128.00糖醋松子仙斑 Pine Nut Taro Fish
$148.00有機蕃薯淮山浸時蔬 Poachad Organic Sweet potatoes and Vegetables
時令食物根據餐廳存貨量提供 , 如有查詢請致電餐廳 The availability of seasonal food depends on the restaurant’s inventory. For any inquiries, kindly contact the restaurant directly.$128.00
特色主食 Rice and Noodles
乾炒叉燒河 Stir-fried Flat Rice Noodles with Veggie BBQ Pork
$128.00松子黑松露炒飯 Pine Nut Truffle Sauce Fried Rice
$148.00榆耳果仁炒飯 Elms, Cashews and Dried Fruit Fried Rice
$128.00星洲炒米 Veggie Singaporean Noodles
$128.00川式擔擔淮山麵 Sichuan Style Dan Dan Noodles (Per Head)
$72.00黑松露炒麵 Truffle Sauce Fried Noodles
$148.00羅漢齋炒麵 Lohan Style Stir-fried Crispy Noodles
$148.00肉絲炒麵 Crispy Noodles with Veggie Shredded Meat
$148.00素菜燴淮山麵 Braised Noodle Soup with Green Vegetables
$56.00山珍酸辣粉 Sichuan Style Flat Noodles in Sour and Spicy Soup
$62.00欖菜肉鬆炒飯 Fried Rice with Pickled and Minced Veggie Meat
小食之選 Snack
齋滷味三寶 Veggie 3 Treasure
$68.00乾煸欖菜四季豆 Fried Long Beans with Pickled and Minced Veggie Meat
$92.00椒鹽豆腐 Spicy Salt Tofu Cube
$86.00脆皮蘿蔔糕 Crispy Turnip Cake
$86.00手撕杏鮑菇 Crispy Shredded Abalone Mushroom
$86.00手拍涼拌青瓜 Smashed Cucumber
$68.00芝麻醬日式凍豆腐 Cold Tofu with Sesame Dressing
$56.00醬油蘿蔔塔 Turnip Cube in Soy Sauce Dressing
$78.00椒鹽脆茄 Spicy Salt Crispy Eggplant
精美甜品 Dessert
原隻椰皇燉桃膠 Whole Coconut Double Boiled with Peach Gum
$56.00金箔棗蓉糕 Golden Foil Date Cake
$54.00椰香擂沙湯 Black Sesame Glutnous Rice Balls
$50.00特色芒果布丁 Mango Pudding
$56.00原隻椰皇燉雪燕 Whole Coconut Double Boiled with Veggie Snow Swallow Net
緻素坊特饮 Drinks
黑麥汁 (瓶) Rye Juice (Bottle)
$41.00白麥汁 (瓶) Rye Juice (Bottle)
$41.00新鮮豆漿 (杯) Fresh Soy Milk (Glass)
$29.00礦泉水 Distilled water
$41.00芬達橙味 (罐裝) Fanta Orange (Canned)
$24.00可樂 (罐裝) Coke (Canned)
$24.00雪碧 (罐裝) Sprite (Canned)