- 📣 注意:“此餐牌只適用於提前預訂” - 所有訂單均不設“即時“運送服務,敬請“忽略“系統顯示之120分鐘預計送餐時間。若顧客於下單時沒有選擇適當之送餐日期和送餐時間,該訂單將被視為無效,且戶戶送保留取消有關訂單之權利 | 此餐牌之最低消費金額為港幣$1500,並設有貨車運送服務。
- 📣 注意:如需即日或緊急安排運送或其他特殊要求 (例如過海運送服務),請發送電子郵件至 catering@deliveroo.hk 申請。 如需即時與客服溝通,請聯絡客戶服務部 5808 8718 以作跟進,謝謝!
由🎉 Mission Catering - 3 DAYS ADVANCE ORDER ONLY送遞
Please ensure you have selected the correct region, otherwise, orders without a delivery region chosen will be considered invalid. 請確保選擇準確的送餐區域,否則訂單會視之為無效。
Thanksgiving & Christmas Package
Serve 6 - 8
Roasted Whole Turkey Set (6 - 8 pax)
Roasted turkey (10-14lbs), cheddar hash brown casserole, roasted Brussel sprouts, truffle macaroni and cheese, and fudgy Hershey chocolate brownies$2,298.00Roasted Prime Rib Set (6-8 pax)
Roasted 120 days grain-fed prime rib (6.5 lb), cheddar hash brown casserole, roasted Brussel sprouts, truffle macaroni and cheese, and fudgy Hershey's chocolate brownies$2,998.00
🍴 Tableware 餐具 - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
Cutlery Set 餐具套裝
Knife, Fork, Spoon and Plate x 1刀、叉、羹、餐盤 (各1)$6.00Food Tong 1pc 食物夾 (1隻)
Food Tong 1pc 食物夾 (1隻)$10.00
🎊 Party Set - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
All party sets serve with tableware including knives, forks, spoons and plates. 所有套餐均附送餐具套裝包括刀、叉、羹及餐盤。
Set A (Serve 4 to 6)
Included 1 appetizer, 1 salad, 1 main and 1 pasta or risotto. (Serve with 6 sets of tableware, knife, fork, spoon and plate. 隨餐附送餐具6套刀、叉、羹及餐盤。)$1,022.00Set B (Serve 4 to 6)
Included 1 salad, 1 side dish, 1 main and 1 pasta or risotto. (Serve with 6 sets of tableware, knife, fork, spoon and plate. 隨餐附送餐具6套刀、叉、羹及餐盤。)$1,447.00Set C (Serve 8 to 12)
Included 1 burger set, 1 appetizer 2 side dish, 1 pasta or risotto and 1 dessert. (Serve with 12 sets of tableware, knife, fork, spoon and plate. 隨餐附送餐具12套刀、叉、羹及餐盤。)$1,838.00Set D (Serve 8 to 12)
Included 1 appetizer, 1 salad, 2 mains, 1 side dish, 1 pasta or risotto and 1 dessert. (Serve with 12 sets of tableware, knife, fork, spoon and plate. 隨餐附送餐具12套刀、叉、羹及餐盤。)$2,608.00
🍗 Appetizer 小食多滋味 - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
Fried Seafood Risotto Ball with Sweet and Sour Sauce 炸意大利海鮮飯丸 佐 泰式甜酸醬 (10 pcs)
10pcs$228.00Wild Mushroom Spring Roll with Truffle Mayonnaise 炸什菌春卷 佐 松露醬 (10 pcs)
10pcs$228.00Crab Rangoon with Sweet and Sour 酥炸忌廉芝士蟹角 佐 泰式甜酸醬 (15 pcs)
15pcs$228.00Fried Chicken Strips with Ranch 炸雞條 佐 田園沙律醬 (1000g)
1000g$228.00Taiwanese Salt and Pepper Fried Chicken 鹹酥雞 (1000g)
1000g$216.00Fried Chicken Wings on Stick with Sweet and Sour and Ranch 脆香炸雞翼 佐 泰式甜酸醬 和 田園沙律醬 (1000g)
1000g$262.00Selections of Mini Tarts 精選迷你塔 (24 pcs)
(24pcs) | (24件)$446.00
🥗 Salad 沙律 - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
German Potato Salad with Bacon 薯仔煙肉沙律 (1000g)
1000g$216.00🌱 Coleslaw Salad 菜絲沙律 (1000g)
1000g$193.00Classic Macaroni Salad 經典通粉沙律 (1000g)
1000g$193.00🌱 Mix Vegetable Sticks with Ranch 蔬菜條 配 田園沙律醬 (1000g)
1000g$205.00🌱 Classic Caesar Salad 凱撒沙律 (500g)
500g$216.00🌱 Roasted Pumpkin and Red Kidney Bean Salad with Walnut 南瓜紅腰豆合桃沙律 (1000g)
1000g$228.00🌱 Beetroot and Apple Salad with Lemon Pomelo Dressing 紅菜頭蘋果沙律 配 檸檬柚子蜜醬 (1000g)
🥘 Main 主菜 - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
Herb and Chili Roasted Chicken 香草火辣烤雞 (1 pc)
1pc$308.00Slow Cook Duck Leg Confit with Sour Plum Sauce 慢煮鴨啤配酸梅醬汁 (8 pcs)
8pcs$377.00🌱 Baked Cheese Portobello Mushroom 藜麥波菜焗大啡菇 (8 pcs)
8pcs$446.00Almond and Herb Fan Scallop Crusted Fish Roulade with Lemon 杏仁香草檸檬魚卷 (8 pcs)
8pcs$527.00Honey Glazed Gammon Ham with Roasted Pineapple 蜜糖金門火腿 (1800g)
1800g$676.00Usa BBQ Pork Rib 美式燒烤豬肋骨 (1000g)
1000g$676.00Roasted Hanger Steak with Gravy and Roasted Garlic 香蒜焗封門牛扒 (1000g)
1000g$883.00Roasted 120-days Grain-fed Rib with Gravy 烤120日穀飼 帶骨肉眼牛扒 (3000g)
🍝 Pasta and Risotto 意粉及意大利飯 - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
Tomato Braised Beef Rib Risotto 蕃茄燉牛肋條意大利飯 (1200g)
1200g$331.00🌱 Black Truffle Baked Macaroni and Cheese 松露芝士焗通心粉 (1200g)
1200g$331.00Sichuan Spicy Prawn Penne with Lobster Broth 四川辣蝦長通心粉配龍蝦湯 (1200g)
1200g$366.00🌱 Truffle Wild Mushroom Risotto 松露什菌意大利飯 (1200g)
1200g$343.00🌱 Bolognese Pasta - Imposible Meat 蕃茄肉醬意粉 (素食版) (1200g)
Mini Burger Set 手撕迷你漢堡系列 - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
BBQ Pulled Pork Mini Burger Set BBQ手撕豬肉迷你漢堡套裝 (12 pcs)
With cabbage, tomato, taco sauce and 2" mini burger bread (Serve 12) | 包括生菜、蕃茄、芝士墨西哥醬汁和2吋迷你漢堡包 (12人份)$527.00Ranchero Shredded Chicken Mini Burger Set 墨西哥焗手撕雞迷你漢堡套裝 (12 pcs)
With cabbage, tomato, taco sauce and 2" mini burger bread (Serve 12) | 包括生菜、蕃茄、芝士墨西哥醬汁和2吋迷你漢堡包 (12人份)$492.00🌱 Mini Impossible Meat Burger 迷你素肉漢堡 (12 pcs)
🥦 Side Dish 配菜 - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
🌱 Baked Broccoli and Cauliflower with Cheese and Pumpkin 南瓜芝士焗西蘭花和椰菜花 (1000g)
1000g$216.00🌱 Mashed Potato with Baked Cheese 芝士白汁薯茸 (1500g)
1500g$205.00Fried Cauliflower with Barbecue Sauce 炸椰菜花 佐 BBQ醬 (1000g)
1000g$228.00Southern Sautéed Corn with Red Pepper 德州紅椒粟米 (1000g)
1000g$228.00🌱 Roasted Zucchini and Bell Pepper with Herbs 香草烤意大利青瓜甜椒 (1000g)
1000g$228.00Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta and Maple Balsamic Glaze 烤煙肉椰菜仔 (1000g)
🥧 Hot Pocket 咸批 - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
Cheddar Buffalo Chicken 車打芝士水牛城雞批 (12 pcs)
12pcs$387.00🌱 Spinach Tomato with Mozzarella 菠菜蕃茄水牛芝士批 (12 pcs)
12pcs$387.00Chicken Broccoli and Cheddar 車打芝士西蘭花雞批 (12 pcs)
12pcs$387.00Ham and Cheese 芝士火腿批 (12 pcs)
🧁 Muffin 鬆餅 - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
Blueberry 藍莓鬆餅 (12 pcs)
12pcs$308.00Apple Crumble 蘋果奶酥鬆餅 (12 pcs)
12pcs$308.00Chocolate Chip 朱古力鬆餅 (12 pcs)
🍰 Dessert 甜品 - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
Fudgy Brownie 朱古力布朗尼 (9"x9")
With Chocolate Chips and Vanilla Sauce$331.00Drunken Apple Pie 芝華士12年威士忌蘋果批 (9")
With Vanilla Sauce$446.00New York Cheesecake 紐約芝士蛋糕 (9")
With 100% Raskas Cream Cheese$608.00Oreo Cheesecake Oreo 芝士蛋糕 (9")
With Oreo Mousse and Oreo Buttercream, 100% Raskas Cream Cheese, 2500g/pc$642.00
🍪 Cookie 曲奇 - 只接受3天前預訂/MUST ORDER 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE
Chocolate with Marshmallow 朱古力棉花糖曲奇 (12 pcs)
12pcs$332.00Triple Chocolate 三重朱古力曲奇 (12 pcs)
12pcs$332.00Chocolate Chip 朱古力曲奇 (12 pcs)
12pcs$332.00Matcha White Chocolate 抹茶白朱古力曲奇 (12 pcs)
12pcs$332.00Oreo Chip Oreo曲奇 (12 pcs)
12pcs$332.00Rainbow Sprinkle 彩虹糖曲奇 (12 pcs)
12pcs$332.00Oatmeal with Walnuts 燕麥核桃曲奇 (12 pcs)
12pcs$355.00Peanut Butter and Jelly 花生和藍莓醬曲奇 (12 pcs)