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餐具包 Utensils Pack
本餐廳響應環保,不主動提供餐具,如有需要請在此選擇 To promote sustainability, utensils are available upon request. Please select below if they are needed. Thank you!
餐具包 Utensils Pack
生炒牛鬆飯Stir-fried Beef with Fluffy Rice
$159.00楊州炒飯Yeung Chow Fried Rice
$153.00星洲炒米粉Fried Vermicelll in Singapore
$159.00干炒牛河Stir-fried Beef Ho Fun
$153.00豉油皇吊片絲炒麵Soy Sauce Fried Noodles with Shredded Pork Strips
$153.00瑤柱蛋白炒飯Stir-fried Rice with Dried Scallop and Egg White
$164.00太極鴛鴦炒飯Tai Chi Yin Yang fried rice.
$159.00生雞絲炒飯Stir-fried Rice With Shredded Chicken
$153.00生雞絲炒飯Stir-fried Rice With Shredded Chicken
$153.00咸魚雞粒炒飯Fried Rice with Salted Fish and Chicken
$159.00福建炒飯Fried Rice with Fujian-Style Ingredients
$159.00廈門炒米粉Xiamen Fried Rice Noodles.