訂單消費滿 $120,即可享高達 $40。受條款與細則約束
派對飲品Party Drinks
盲調雞尾酒(含酒精)Blind Tasting Cocktails (With Alcohol) 30ml×12
歡迎來到**盲調雞尾酒**的奇妙世界!這款特別的雞尾酒套餐包含12支獨特調製的雞尾酒,每一支都是一場味覺的冒險。您將會發現,每款雞尾酒中都隱藏著不同的驚喜調味料,從微妙的芥辣、刺激的辣椒仔,到獨特的胡椒粉等,無一不挑戰您的味蕾!這是一個完美的選擇,無論是在聚會、遊戲之夜,還是與朋友共度的輕鬆時光。每次品嚐都是一個驚喜的旅程,讓您在猜測中享受無限的歡樂。您永遠不知道下一口會帶來什麼樣的風味,這種神秘感將為您的派對增添無窮的趣味。準備好迎接挑戰了嗎?讓**盲調雞尾酒**帶您進入一個充滿驚喜與歡笑的調酒之旅!$88.00Pina Colada派對雞尾酒1公升(含酒精)Party Cocktail 1L (With Alcohol)
讓您的派對更添色彩!我們的1公升派對雞尾酒是與朋友共享美好時光的完美選擇。所有材料均由我們提供,您可以自由調配,創造專屬於自己的口味!包含三款經典雞尾酒:1. *Nothing* - 清新獨特,讓您在聚會中享受無負擔的愉悅。2. *Sex on the Beach* - 混合伏特加、桃子利口酒、橙汁和蔓越莓汁,帶來熱帶的激情與甜蜜。3. *Pina Colada* - 經典的熱帶風味,結合朗姆酒、椰奶和菠蘿汁,讓您感受度假的氛圍。無論是慶祝生日還是隨意聚會,這款1公升派對雞尾酒都能為您增添歡樂!立即訂購,享受調配的樂趣!Add some color to your party! Our 1-liter party cocktail is the perfect choice for sharing great times with friends. All the ingredients are provided by us, so you can mix and create your own unique flavors! It in$117.99Sex on the Beach派對雞尾酒1公升(含酒精)Cocktail 1L (Alcoholic)
讓您的派對更添色彩!我們的1公升派對雞尾酒是與朋友共享美好時光的完美選擇。所有材料均由我們提供,您可以自由調配,創造專屬於自己的口味!包含三款經典雞尾酒:1. *Nothing* - 清新獨特,讓您在聚會中享受無負擔的愉悅。2. *Sex on the Beach* - 混合伏特加、桃子利口酒、橙汁和蔓越莓汁,帶來熱帶的激情與甜蜜。3. *Pina Colada* - 經典的熱帶風味,結合朗姆酒、椰奶和菠蘿汁,讓您感受度假的氛圍。無論是慶祝生日還是隨意聚會,這款1公升派對雞尾酒都能為您增添歡樂!立即訂購,享受調配的樂趣!Add some color to your party! Our 1-liter party cocktail is the perfect choice for sharing great times with friends. All the ingredients are provided by us, so you can mix and create your own unique flavors! It i$118.00Nothing派對雞尾酒1公升(含酒精)Party Cocktail 1 Liter (Alcoholic)
讓您的派對更添色彩!我們的1公升派對雞尾酒是與朋友共享美好時光的完美選擇。所有材料均由我們提供,您可以自由調配,創造專屬於自己的口味!包含三款經典雞尾酒:1. *Nothing* - 清新獨特,讓您在聚會中享受無負擔的愉悅。2. *Sex on the Beach* - 混合伏特加,帶來熱帶的激情與甜蜜。3. *Pina Colada* - 經典的熱帶風味,結合朗姆酒、椰奶和菠蘿汁,讓您感受度假的氛圍。無論是慶祝生日還是隨意聚會,這款1公升派對雞尾酒都能為您增添歡樂!立即訂購,享受調配的樂趣!Add some color to your party! Our 1-liter party cocktail is the perfect choice for sharing great times with friends. All the ingredients are provided by us, so you can mix and create your own unique flavors! It includes three$118.00
Signature Cocktails
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. | 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。
Blue Hawaii (220ml x 2 )
我們提供獨特的外賣產品,包含精選的雞尾酒調酒材料,讓您自由發揮,創造屬於自己的特色調酒體驗。We offer unique takeaway products that include a selection of cocktail mix ingredients, allowing you to unleash your creativity and create your own signature cocktail experience.$178.00一無所有Nothing
我們提供獨特的外賣產品,包含精選的雞尾酒調酒材料,讓你自由發揮,創造屬於自己的特色調酒體驗。We offer unique takeaway products, including carefully selected cocktail ingredients, allowing you to unleash your creativity and create your own signature cocktail experience.$178.00
Mocktail 無酒精雞尾酒
無酒精玫瑰荔枝梳打Non Alcoholic Rose Lychee Soda
$39.00無酒精龍舌蘭日出Non Alcoholic Tequila sunrise
$39.00無酒精莫吉托 Non-alcoholic Mojito (500ml)
$39.00無酒精桃莫吉托Non Alcoholic Peach Mojito
$42.00無酒精玫瑰荔枝莫吉托Non Alcoholic Rose Lychee Mojito
$42.00無酒精荔枝莫吉托 Non Alcoholic Lychee Mojito
$42.00無酒精荔枝馬丁尼 Non-alcoholic Lychee Martini (500ml)
$39.00無酒精香橙馬丁尼 Non-alcoholic Orange Martini (500ml)
$39.00桑格利亞Non-alcoholic Sangria
$42.00士多啤梨莫吉托(無酒精)Strawberry Mojito (Non-Alcoholic)
Cocktail 雞尾酒
可選擇濃烈一點 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. | 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。
冰川玫瑰荔枝 Frosted Lychee Rose
探索我們的冰川玫瑰荔枝飲品!這款清新又獨特的飲品結合了冰雪般的冰塊、香甜的玫瑰糖水、濃郁的荔枝酒、醉人的Rum,以及蝶豆花水的天然色彩,帶來一場味覺的盛宴。每一口都彷彿置身於熱帶天堂,讓你瞬間清新又愉悅,無論是炎熱的夏天還是任何時刻,都是完美的選擇!Discover our frosted lychee rose! This refreshing and unique beverage combines icy chill, sweet rose syrup, rich lychee liqueur, intoxicating rum, and the natural color of butterfly pea flower water, creating a delightful taste experience. Each sip transports you to a tropical paradise, bringing instant refreshment and joy. Perfect for hot summer days or any occasion, it$48.00長島冰茶 Long Island (500ml) (含酒精)
$48.00玫瑰荔枝莫吉托Rose Lychee Mojito
$48.00荔枝莫吉托Lychee Mojito
$48.00桃莫吉托Peach Mojito
$48.00雪球 Snowball (500ml) (含酒精)
$48.00士多啤梨莫吉托(含酒精) Strawberry Mojito (Alcoholic)
$48.00桑格利亞 Sangria (500ml) (含酒精)
$48.00冰與火(含酒精). Ice and Fire (Alcoholic)
$48.00玫瑰威士忌(含酒精) Rose Whiskey Sour (Alcoholic)
$48.00玫瑰荔枝梳打Rose Lychee Soda
$45.00龍舌蘭日出Tequila Sunrise
$45.00莫吉托 Mojito (500ml) (含酒精)
$45.00藍色大海的傳說The Legend of the Blue Sea
$45.00夏日的夢Summer Dream
$45.00蜜瓜金湯力Melon Gin Tonic
$45.00荔枝馬丁尼 Lychee Martini (500ml) (含酒精)
$45.00香橙馬丁尼 Orange Martini (500ml) (含酒精)
Draft Beer 生啤(扎啤)
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. | 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。
Super Bock葡萄牙啤酒(1L)
Refreshing, fruity and malty, well-structured bitterness.葡萄牙金獎啤酒。柔和麥味和輕盈果香,令人愉悅的辛辣口感,味覺豐富且複雜。$88.00O'Hara's愛爾蘭精釀氨氣黑啤 (1L)
Smooth & roast flavour, espresso-like finish & light liquorice notes.濃郁的烘烤風味,和意式濃縮咖啡的乾爽口感,多層次的黑巧克力夾雜著淡淡的甘草風味。$128.00生力啤酒 San Miguel Lager (1L)
(限時優惠3支) Warsteiner Premium Beer 德國特級拉格啤酒 330mL
Warsteiner Brewery 是德國最大的私人啤酒廠之一。 他們使用品質卓越的超軟釀造水,這對於 非常適合飲用的優質比爾森啤酒,口感清爽、乾淨。 為了確保餘韻持久,細膩清爽的苦味,他們只使用來自巴伐利亞哈勒陶地區手工挑選的優質啤酒花。 在全球 60 多個國家,啤酒愛好者享用 Warsteiner 的優質啤酒,但無論在哪裡打開或裝瓶, 您始終可以獲得 Warsteiner 原廠的優質品質。Warsteiner Brewery is one of the largest private breweries in Germany. They use exceptionally high-quality ultra-soft brewing water, which is ideal for producing premium Pilsner beer with a refreshing and clean taste. To ensure a lasting aftertaste with a delicate and refreshing bitterness, the$48.99Warsteiner Premium Beer 德國特級拉格啤酒 330mL
Warsteiner Brewery 是德國最大的私人啤酒廠之一。他們使用品質卓越的超軟釀造水,這對於非常適合飲用的優質比爾森啤酒,口感清爽、乾淨。為了確保餘韻持久,細膩清爽的苦味,他們只使用來自巴伐利亞哈勒陶地區手工挑選的優質啤酒花。在全球 60 多個國家,啤酒愛好者享用 Warsteiner 的優質啤酒,但無論在哪裡打開或裝瓶,您始終可以獲得 Warsteiner 原廠的優質品質。$33.00喜力Heineken 330mL
$33.00生力清啤San Mig Light(330mL)
$29.00Super Bock STOUT葡萄牙黑啤細支裝330mL
Super Bock黑麥啤酒是一款獨特的黑啤,採用多種特別的小麥進行發酵,展現出非凡的香氣與口感。顏色:深黑色,搭配乳黃色的泡沫香氣:豐富且多層次,帶有可可和咖啡的香氣味道:甜中帶苦,泡沫持久,展現出甘苦之間的獨特平衡,真正展現黑麥的特殊風味。Super Bock STOUT beer is a unique dark beer made from a blend of special rye malts, showcasing extraordinary aroma and taste.- *Color*: Deep black with creamy beige foam- *Aroma*: Rich and multi-layered, featuring notes of cocoa and coffee- *Flavor*: Sweet with a hint of bitterness, complemented by lasting foam, presenting a unique balance between sweetness and bitte$26.00
$30.00公司三文治Company Sandwiches
$31.00滷水鵝腸Marinated Goose Intestines
$108.00麻辣夫妻肺片Spicy Sliced Beef and Ox Tongue in Chili Sauce
$98.00手拍青瓜Smashed Cucumber
$39.00即製爆谷 (焦糖味)
$33.00即製爆谷 (朱古力)
$33.00即製爆谷 (原味)
$33.00即製爆谷 (鹽味)
可口可樂Zero Sugar(黑罐)Coca-cola Zero Sugar (Black Can)
$18.00可口可樂 Plus膳食纖維 (無糖)Coca-cola Plus Dietary Fiber (Sugar-free)
Coca-Cola Plus加入了膳食纖維,用膳時飲用整罐330毫升Coca-Cola Plus,含有最少5克膳食纖維,有助減慢糖分攝取及減少脂肪吸收,並有助腸道健康!產品加入提取自粟米的難消化性糊精(膳食纖維)。Coca-Cola Plus is added with dietary fiber. Drink the entire 330ml can of Coca-Cola Plus during meals. It contains at least 5 grams of dietary fiber, which can help slow down sugar intake and reduce fat absorption, and promote intestinal health!The product contains indigestible dextrin (dietary fiber) extracted from corn.$18.00可樂Coca Cola
$16.00梳打水Soda Water
$16.00冰塊一杯A Glass of Ice
Jack Daniel's 美國傑克丹尼威士忌 700mL Jack Daniel's Whisky 700mL
$598.00軒尼詩V.S.O.P 700mL Hennessy V.S.O.P 700mL
$1,088.00Johnnie Walker Black Label 蘇格蘭威士忌 700mL Johnnie Walker Black Label Scotch Whisky 700mL