消費滿 $100 即可享免運費
並天丼 / Regular Tendon
$94.00燒和牛丼 / Grilled Wagyu Don
$127.00帶廣名物稀有豚肉丼 (特盛) / Obihiro Meibutsu Premium Rare Pork Loin Don (Large)
$150.00上天丼 / Special Tendon
$107.00帶廣名物稀有豚肉丼 (並盛) / Obihiro Meibutsu Premium Rare Pork Loin Don (Regular)
$125.00什錦刺身丼 / Assorted Seafood Don
$94.00牛油粟米稀有豚肉丼 (並盛) / Premium Rare Pork Loin Don with Buttered Corn (Regular)
$101.00玉子鰻魚丼 / Grilled Eel with Egg Don
$146.00牛油粟米稀有豚肉丼 (特盛) / Premium Rare Pork Loin Don with Buttered Corn (Large)
$127.00辣味豚丼配溫泉玉子 (特盛) / Spicy Pork Loin Don with Poached Egg (Large)
康怡分店限定 / Kornhill Store Exclusive
燒雞丼配明太子 / Grilled Chicken Don with Mentaiko
$88.00牛油粟米稀有豚肉丼 (特盛) / Premium Rare Pork Loin Don with Buttered Corn (Large)
日本かみこみ豚 KAMMIKOMI 使用 / Use of Japanese KAMIKOMI$127.00牛油粟米稀有豚肉丼 (並盛) / Premium Rare Pork Loin Don with Buttered Corn (Regular)
日本かみこみ豚 KAMMIKOMI 使用 / Use of Japanese KAMIKOMI$101.00辣味豚丼配溫泉玉子 (並盛) / Spicy Pork Loin Don with Poached Egg (Regular)
$88.00辣味豚丼配溫泉玉子 (特盛) / Spicy Pork Loin Don with Poached Egg (Large)
$114.00炙燒芝士豚丼 (並盛) / Pork Loin Don with Grilled Cheese (Regular)
$101.00炙燒芝士豚丼 (特盛) / Pork Loin Don with Grilled Cheese (Large)
📆季節限定海鮮丼📆 / 📆Seasonal Special Seafood Menu📆
炙燒三文魚帆立貝丼 / Seared Salmon and Scallop Don
$114.00什錦刺身丼 / Assorted Seafood Don
"時令海鮮:穴子(時令海鮮根據季節而定)" / "Seasonal seafood: Anago(Seasonal seafood depends on the season)"$94.00脆蒜三文魚親子丼 / Crispy Garlic Salmon and Salmon Roe Don
$114.00炙燒海鮮丼 / Seared Seafood Don
$127.00北海道帆立貝大赤蝦丼 / Hokkaido Scallop & Jumbo Red Shrimp Don
🏆日本受賞丼物🏆 / Japan Award Winning Don
帶廣名物稀有豚肉丼 (特盛) / Obihiro Meibutsu Premium Rare Pork Loin Don (Large)
豚肉眼份量升級!【日本かみこみ豚使用】豚肉界的名牌,嚴選優質的豚肉眼 / Pork loin double up!【Use of Japanese KAMIKOMI Pork】Best quality & rare pork loin$150.00帶廣名物稀有豚肉丼 (並盛) / Obihiro Meibutsu Premium Rare Pork Loin Don (Regular)
【日本かみこみ豚使用】豚肉界的名牌,嚴選優質的豚肉眼 / 【Use of Japanese KAMIKOMI Pork】Best quality & rare pork loin$125.00日本產稀有豚肉天丼 / Japanese Premium Rare Pork Loin Tendon
【日本かみこみ豚使用】豚肉界的名牌,嚴選優質的豚肉眼 / 【Use of Japanese KAMIKOMI Pork】Best quality & rare pork loin$124.00
🔥網燒丼🍚 / Grilled Don
燒和牛丼 / Grilled Wagyu Don
$127.00帶廣名物稀有豚肉丼 (特盛) / Obihiro Meibutsu Premium Rare Pork Loin Don (Large)
豚肉眼份量升級!【日本かみこみ豚使用】豚肉界的名牌,嚴選優質的豚肉眼 / Pork loin double up!【Use of Japanese KAMIKOMI Pork】Best quality & rare pork loin$150.00鰻重 / Grilled Eel Rice Box
$231.00帶廣名物稀有豚肉丼 (並盛) / Obihiro Meibutsu Premium Rare Pork Loin Don (Regular)
【日本かみこみ豚使用】豚肉界的名牌,嚴選優質的豚肉眼 / 【Use of Japanese KAMIKOMI Pork】Best quality & rare pork loin$125.00玉子鰻魚丼 / Grilled Eel with Egg Don
$146.00稀有豚腩丼 (特盛) / Japanese Premium Rare Pork Belly Don (Large)
豚腩肉份量升級!【日本かみこみ豚使用】豚肉界的名牌,嚴選優質的豚腩肉 / Pork belly double up!【Use of Japanese KAMIKOMI Pork】Best quality & rare pork bell$140.00鰈魚西京燒配飯 / Grilled Halibut with Saikyo Miso and Rice
$101.00稀有豚腩丼 (並盛) / Japanese Premium Rare Pork Belly Don (Regular)
【日本かみこみ豚使用】豚肉界的名牌,嚴選優質的豚腩肉 / 【Use of Japanese KAMIKOMI Pork】Best quality & rare pork belly$114.00
🍤天丼🍚 / Tendon
並天丼 / Regular Tendon
海老 (2隻)、山芋、野菜及紫菜 / Shrimp (2 pcs), Yam, Vegetables and Seaweed$94.00上天丼 / Special Tendon
海老 (3隻)、特大皇帝蟹柳、山芋、野菜及紫菜 / Shrimp (3 pcs), Jumbo Crab Stick, Yam, Vegetables and Seaweed$107.00日本產稀有豚肉天丼 / Japanese Premium Rare Pork Loin Tendon
【日本かみこみ豚使用】豚肉界的名牌,嚴選優質的豚肉眼 / 【Use of Japanese KAMIKOMI Pork】Best quality & rare pork loin$124.00特上天丼 / Deluxe Tendon
北海道產帆立貝、海老、三文魚、魷魚、沙錐魚、山芋、野菜及紫菜 / Hokkaido Scallop, Shrimp, Salmon, Squid, Kisu Fish, Yam, Vegetable and Seaweed$153.00野菜天丼 / Vegetables Tendon
選用時令新鮮野菜(時令野菜會根據季節而定) / Use seasonal fresh vegetables(Seasonal vegetables will be determined according to the season)$85.00雞肉野菜天丼 / Chicken and Vegetables Tendon
雞肉、半熟蛋、山芋、野菜及紫菜 / Chicken, Soft Boiled Egg, Yam, Vegetables and Seaweed$91.00
🍤單品天婦羅🍤 / A La Carte Tempura
海老&稀有豚肉天婦羅 / Shrimp & Japanese Premium Rare Pork Loin
各1件 / 1 pc per each$44.00天婦羅 5點 / Tempura Platter (5 pcs)
北海道產帆立貝、海老、春菊、茄子、南瓜 / Hokkaido Scallop, Shrimp, Crown Daisy, Eggplant, Eggplant$62.00海老&南瓜天婦羅 / Shrimp & Pumpkin
各1件 / 1 pc per each$25.00特大皇帝蟹柳 / Jumbo Crab Stick
$13.00海老 / Shrimp
$20.00南瓜 / Pumpkin
$13.00天婦羅 3點 / Tempura Platter (3 pcs)
海老、沙錐魚、雞肉 / Shrimp, Kisu Fish, Chicken$42.00帆立貝 / Hokkaido Scallop
$28.00雞肉 / Chicken
2件 / 2 pcs$25.00稀有豚肉 / Japanese Premium Rare Pork Loin
【日本かみこみ豚使用】 2片 / 【Use of Japanese KAMIKOMI Pork】2 pcs$48.00沙錐魚 / Kisu Fish
$28.00茄子 / Eggplant
$13.00紫菜 / Seaweed
$12.00半熟蛋 / Soft Boiled Egg
🍜烏冬🍜 / Udon
冷烏冬 / Cold Udon
$48.00湯烏冬 / Udon
😋單品 😋 / A La Carte
味噌湯 / Miso Soup
$29.00德島魩仔魚漬蕃茄 / Tokushima Shirauo Pickled Tomato
$36.00帶廣豚角包 / Obihiro Pork Bun
$49.00特上刺身 / Deluxe Sashimi
🍹飲品🍶 / Beverage
青森蘋果梳打 / Aomori Sparkling Apple Juice
$36.00可口可樂 / Coca-Cola
$15.00青森蘋果汁 / Aomori Apple Juice
$22.00無糖可樂 / Coke No Sugar
$15.00雪碧 / Sprite
🍹酒精飲品🍶 / Alcoholic Drinks
根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 / Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
札幌啤酒 (枝) / Sapporo Beer (Bottle)
🍴外賣餐具🍴 / 🍴Takeaway Cutlery🍴
為支持環保,我們不會因在落單上選了要餐具而派發,有需要的請選購,謝謝支持環保 ! / Let’s save our Earth, we will NOT distribute any cutlery set even you tick yes on selection, please purchase below if needed.
外賣餐具 / Cutlery
🌏本餐廳響應環保,不會免費提供餐具,如有需要可以$1加購。 / 🌏To promote sustainability, we will not provide disposable cutlery for free, you may p$1.00