外賣優惠3品套餐(2凍1熱)-Deliveroo Takeaway Special 3 Deli Set2C1H)-Deliveroo
$98.00外賣優惠3品套餐(1凍2熱)-Deliveroo Takeaway Special 3 Deli Set(1C2H)-Deliveroo
4品料理套餐 4 Deli Set
芝麻醬拌菠菜冬菇 (300克) Spinach & Shiitake Mushroom in Sesame Dressing (300g)
$120.00烤雜菌配半風乾番茄 Semi-Dried Tomato with Assorted Mushrooms
$110.00粟米枝豆馬鈴薯蛋沙律 (300克) Potato Salad with Corn & Edamame (300g)
$120.00春筍燴雜菜豆腐 (4份) Tofu with Braised Bamboo Shoots and Vegetables (4 portions)
$110.00甘筍白汁烤蔬菜 (300g) Baked Vegetables with Carrot Cream Sauce (300g)
芝麻醬拌菠菜冬菇 (300克) Spinach & Shiitake Mushroom in Sesame Dressing (300g)
$120.00櫻花蝦雜菜厚燒玉子 (4份) Sakura Shrimp & Vegetables Omelette (4 portions)
$110.00粟米枝豆馬鈴薯蛋沙律 (300克) Potato Salad with Corn & Edamame (300g)
$120.00柚子醬汁雞肉椰菜沙律 (300g) Chicken & Cabbage Salad in Yuzu Dressing (300g)
$110.00百香果醬牛油果海鮮沙律(300g) Avocado & Seafood in Passion Fruit Dressing(300g)
$120.00烤雜菌配半風乾番茄 Semi-Dried Tomato with Assorted Mushrooms
梅子醬豚肉 (300g) Pork with Plum Sauce (300g)
$120.00甜椒醬炸雞 (4份) Fried Chicken with Sweet & Chili Sauce (4 portions)
$120.00春筍燴雜菜豆腐 (4份) Tofu with Braised Bamboo Shoots and Vegetables (4 portions)
$110.00甘筍白汁烤蔬菜 (300g) Baked Vegetables with Carrot Cream Sauce (300g)
$110.00黑蒜醬汁炒豚肉雜菜 (300克) Sauteed Pork & Vegetables with Black Garlic Sauce (300g)
$120.00比目魚西京燒 (300g) Saikyo Miso Yaki Halibut (300g)
$140.00蒜香味噌雞翼 (4份) Baked Chicken Wings with Garlic & Miso (4 portions)
$120.00茴香奶油雙花蝦 (300g) Brocco-Cauli Shrimps with Creamy Fennel Sauce (300g)
宇治抹茶紅豆芝士蛋糕 Uji Matcha & Red Bean Cheesecake
$58.00檸檬芝士蛋糕 Lemon Cheesecake
美式咖啡(熱) Americano (Hot)
$42.00滴濾咖啡(熱) Drip Coffee (Hot)
$40.00滴濾咖啡(冷) Drip Coffee (Iced)
$45.00美式咖啡(冷) Americano (Iced)
烏龍茶(冷) Oolong Tea (Iced)
$40.00烏龍茶(熱) Oolong Tea (Hot)
$40.00琉球伯爵紅茶(熱) Ryukyu Earl Grey Tea (Hot)
$40.00琉球紅茶(熱) Ryukyu Original Blend Tea (Hot)
$40.00琉球伯爵紅茶(冷) Ryukyu Earl Grey Tea (Iced)
$40.00琉球紅茶(冷) Ryukyu Original Blend Tea(Iced)
橙汁 Orange Juice
$42.00蘋果汁 Apple Juice