訂單消費滿 $200,即可享高達 $45。受條款與細則約束
紫蘇燒豚梅肉拉麵 Plum and Pork Belly Ramen
$118.00辛燒豚梅肉拉麵 Spicy Pork Belly Ramen
$118.00鹽燒牛舌拼五花豚便當 Ox Tongue and Grilled Pork Bento
$98.00豚肩叉燒拉麵 Grilled Pork Ramen
$106.00和風慢煮雞胸便當 Slow-cooked Chicken Breast Bento
$88.00蒲燒鰻魚便當 Kabayaki Eel Bento
$108.00一口燒牛便當 Beef with Onion and Pepper Bento
$108.00汁燒豚肉片便當 Grilled Pork Bento
$88.001人套餐 Set for 1
1人套餐 Set for 1
1人套餐 Set for 1
包括主食,前菜及飲品 | Included main dish, appetizer and drink$118.00
前菜 Appetizer
燒雞泡魚乾 Dried Puff Fish
$58.00松露紋甲墨魚 Cuttlefish with White Truffle Dressing
串燒 Skewer
甜薯 Sweet Potato
$34.00五花豚 Pork Belly
$34.00柚子蜜燒手羽 (1隻) Chicken Wing with Yuzu Honey (1pc)
天婦羅 Tempura
粟米天婦羅 Corn Tempura
$58.00軟殼蟹天婦羅 (隻) Soft Shell Crab Tempura (pc)
燒物 Grilled Food
燒花魚一夜干 Grilled Atka Mackerel
$130.00清酒牛油燒帆立貝 Scallop with Sake and Butter
麵 (拉麵/ 拌麵) Ramen / Mixed Noodle
紫蘇燒豚梅肉拉麵 Plum and Pork Belly Ramen
$118.00辛燒豚梅肉拉麵 Spicy Pork Belly Ramen
$118.00豚肩叉燒拉麵 Grilled Pork Ramen
$106.00炙牛拉麵 Grilled Beef Ramen
丼 Don
丼飯汁微辣 | Don with mild spicy sauce
三盛燒肉丼 Deluxe Meat Don
包括煙燻雞、五花肉及牛舌 | Included smoked chicken, pork and ox tongue$130.00一口燒牛丼 Beef with Onion and Pepper Don
$118.00汁燒五花豚丼 Grilled Pork Don
$114.00鹽燒牛舌丼 Ox Tongue Don
$130.00蒲汁鰻魚飯 Kabayaki Eel Rice
$114.00芝士牛丼 (細) Mini Beef with Cheese Don
$62.00豚肉丼 (細) Mini Pork Don
便當 Bento
鹽燒牛舌拼五花豚便當 Ox Tongue and Grilled Pork Bento
$98.00汁燒豚肉片便當 Grilled Pork Bento
$88.00一口燒牛便當 Beef with Onion and Pepper Bento
$108.00蒲燒鰻魚便當 Kabayaki Eel Bento
$108.00和風慢煮雞胸便當 Slow-cooked Chicken Breast Bento
飲品 Drink
阿華田爆脆 (凍) Ovaltine Lover (Iced)
$47.00雪芝大紅袍 Signature Milk Foam Dahongpao Oolong Tea
$40.00雪芝茉莉雪芽 Signature Milk Foam Jasmine Green Tea
$40.00芒果百香烏龍 (凍) Mango and Passion Fruit Oolong Tea (Iced)
$43.00玫瑰荔枝烏龍 (凍) Rose and Lychee Oolong Tea (Iced)
$43.00沖繩黑糖珍珠牛乳烏龍 (凍) Okinawa Brown Sugar Milk Oolong Tea with Pearls (Iced)
$47.00鮮水果茶 (凍) Fresh Fruit Jasmine Green Tea (Iced)
$47.00香蕉朱古力奶昔(凍) Chocolate Banana Milkshake ( Iced )
$42.00士多啤梨奶昔(凍) Strawberry Milkshake ( Iced )
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