消費滿 $100 即可享免運費
精選產品最高可享 33 折扣 - 受條款與細則約束
北海道3.6牛乳(迷你裝) 200毫升 Milk Spc Select Mini 200ML
$9.98$14.9033% 折扣山內北海道牛奶味蛋卷 10件 Yamauchi Roll Cake - Milk 10PCS
$20.52$28.9029% 折扣山內宇治抹茶味蛋卷 10件 Yamauchi Roll Cake - Uji Matcha 10PCS
$20.52$28.9029% 折扣山內德之島黑糖味蛋卷 10件 Yamauchi Roll Cake - Brown Sugar 10PCS
$20.52$28.9029% 折扣九州 大阿蘇牛乳1L 1000毫升 Oaso Milk (1L) 1000ML
$18.91$25.9027% 折扣安怡 原味高鈣低脂牛奶飲品 180毫升X6 Anlene Concentrate Uht Milk (Regular) 180MLX6
$21.10$28.9027% 折扣安怡 黑芝麻高鈣低脂牛奶飲品 180毫升X6 Anlene Concentrate Uht Milk (Bs) 180MLX6
$21.10$28.9027% 折扣TOPVALU BP 拿鐵咖啡 500毫升 TOPVALU BP Latte Coffee 500ML
$6.94$8.9022% 折扣TOPVALU BP 清爽黑咖啡 500毫升 TOPVALU BP Clean Taste Black 500ML
$6.94$8.9022% 折扣瑞士小姐 特濃朱古力-即沖裝 10安士 Swiss Miss Chocolate Sensation 10OZ
$28.00$35.9022% 折扣瑞士小姐 香濃朱古力沖飲 10安士 Swiss Miss Rich Chocolate 10OZ
$28.00$35.9022% 折扣北海道特選3.6牛乳 1升 Uht Milk Hokkaido 1L
$23.92$29.9020% 折扣OLA 特級初榨橄欖油 1000毫升 OLA Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1000ML
$99.96$119.0016% 折扣Suntory Strong Zero有汽酒 雙重勁柚味 350ML Suntory Strong Zero Double Grape 350ML
$11.82$13.9015% 折扣Suntory Strong Zero有汽酒 雙重勁檸味 350ML Suntory Strong Zero Double Lemon 350ML
$11.82$13.9015% 折扣Suntory Strong Zero有汽酒 雙重沖繩香檬味 350ML Suntory Strong Zero Double Shekwasha 350ML
$11.82$13.9015% 折扣Suntory 優質麥芽生啤酒(6罐) 6X350ML Premium Malt (6 Can) 6X350ML
$76.42$89.9015% 折扣TOPVALU BP 大麥茶 2000毫升 TOPVALU BP Barley Tea 2000ML
$13.41$14.9010% 折扣TOPVALU 紅燒牛肉拉麵 472.4克 TOPVALU Braised Beef Noodles 472.4G
$32.31$35.9010% 折扣TOPVALU甜粟米(中國產) 220克 TOPVALU Sweet Corn 220G
$8.91$9.9010% 折扣
- 請客人確保在指定時間領取您的自取訂單,如您未能在晚上10時15分前領取訂單,商戶將自行處置貨物,恕不退款。若有任何疑問,歡迎致電戶戶送客戶服務團隊 5808 8718查詢。 Please ensure your timely arrival at the store to collect your items, either at the designated Target Pick-up Time or slightly before. The store will retain your items until 10:15 pm following the Target Pick-up Time. Should you fail to retrieve your items by this time, the store will proceed with their disposal. It is important to note that you will still be held accountable for the associated charges in the event of non-collection.
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