關於帝京軒 Di King Heen
帝京軒 外賣美饌 DI KING HEEN CHINESE CUISINE MENU TAKEAWAY 高級中菜廳「帝京軒」屢獲殊榮,一直以當代粵式高級美饌而備受食客讚賞。中式廚藝團隊以新鮮精選食材、精妙技藝與獨到心思,為您帶來粵菜之精髓及精緻的粵式點心。現設外賣自取服務,讓您與親友於家中都可品嚐到酒店級美食。The award-winning Chinese restaurant, Di King Heen, offers exquisite all-time-favourite Cantonese cuisine to impress diners. The dining associate team carefully selected the freshness ingredients combining with culinary techniques and creativity, to present a mov [V]素食Vegetarian / [N]含花生、木本堅果及堅果製品Contains peanuts, tree nuts and nut products全單20%折扣
消費滿 $100 即可享免運費
地道港式早茶(1位用) Hong Kong Style Morning Dim Sum Bracket (Per Person)
$166.40$208.00咱家X.O醬薑蔥波士頓龍蝦(壹隻) Sautéed Boston Lobster with Ginger and Spring Onion in X.O Sauce
$510.40$638.00蟹油桂花蚌炒粉絲煲(例) Sautéed Laurel Clam with Mung Bean Vermicelli in Crab Paste Sauce
$374.40$468.00香蔥燒腩扣滋補海參(例) Braised Sea Cucumber with Roasted Pork Belly and Spring Onion
$310.40$388.00酸菜泉竹煮龍躉斑球(例) Braised Giant Garoupa Slices with Pickled Mustard Greens
$374.40$468.00風味香辣軟殼蟹煲(例) Stir Fried Soft Shell Crab with Ginger in Spicy Chili Sauce
$270.40$338.00籠香銀鈎臘味糯米飯 Fried Glutinous Rice with Dried Shrimps Air-dried Meat
$214.40$268.00古法鵝香鮮蝦荷葉絲苗 Fried Rice with Goose wrapped in Lotus Leaf Wrap
$190.40$238.00魚湯芫荽皮蛋斑球米線 Rice Noodle with Coriander Preserved Egg Garoupa Fillet in Fish Soup
$246.40$308.00芝士牛油焗蝦球伊府麵 Baked E-fu Noodle with Prawns and Cheese Butter
Special Set Menu
帝京軒中式二人套餐I (2位用) Di King Heen Chinese Set Menu I for Two Persons
暫時售罄$294.40$368.00熱門帝京軒中式二人套餐II (2位用) Di King Heen Chinese Set Menu II for Two Persons
暫時售罄$318.40$398.00熱門海鮮.薈萃. 二人套餐 (2位用) Deluxe Seafood Menu (For 2 Person)
暫時售罄$630.40$788.00帝京軒中式四人套餐III (4位用) Di King Heen Chinese Set Menu III for Four Persons
暫時售罄$1,014.40$1,268.00滋養保健聚寶盆菜(4位用) Deluxe Abalone Poon Choi (For 4 Person) (請提前兩小時預訂)
暫時售罄$1,568.00$1,960.00滋養保健聚寶盆菜(2位用) Deluxe Abalone Poon Choi (For 2 Person) (請提前兩小時預訂)
暫時售罄$788.00$985.00波士頓龍蝦.鮑魚 - 冬饗暖宴I (4位用) (即叫即做,需時約30分鐘) Boston Lobster.Abalones – Authentic Winter Set Menu I
暫時售罄$2,304.00$2,880.00波士頓龍蝦.鮑魚 - 冬饗暖宴I (6位用) (即叫即做,需時約30分鐘) Boston Lobster.Abalones – Authentic Winter Set Menu I
暫時售罄$3,456.00$4,320.00波士頓龍蝦.鮑魚 - 冬饗暖宴I (12位用) (即叫即做,需時約30分鐘) Boston Lobster.Abalones – Authentic Winter Set Menu I
暫時售罄$6,912.00$8,640.00滋養保健聚寶盆菜(6位用) Deluxe Abalone Poon Choi (For 6 Person) (請提前兩小時預訂)
暫時售罄$2,338.40$2,923.00滋養保健聚寶盆菜(12位用) Deluxe Abalone Poon Choi (For 12 Person) (請提前兩小時預訂)
傳 統 美 點.即 叫 即 蒸
Traditional Dim Sum
地道港式早茶(1位用) Hong Kong Style Morning Dim Sum Bracket (Per Person)
一盅兩件,蝦餃燒賣,道盡港式真滋味。帝京軒呈獻早茶套餐,為你送上一系列熱騰騰的手工點心,喫一口絲滑奶茶,迎接晨光熹微。Surrounding by an abundant of handcrafted dim sum means a wonderful morning. Di King Heen is presenting you the authentic Hong Kong style ‘yum cha’ with details of craftsmanship. Sip a cup of silky milk tea to start up your brand new day.$166.40$208.00珍寶水晶鮮蝦餃(4件) Steamed Shrimp Dumpling(4pcs )
$70.40$88.00蟹籽玉帶燒賣皇(4件) Steamed Pork & Scallop Dumpling (4pcs)
$70.40$88.00山水豆腐花(每位) Sweet Bean Curd Pudding(Per Person)
$32.00$40.00蠔皇叉燒包(3件) Steamed Buns with BBQ Pork(3pce)
$46.40$58.00「星級手工點心」魚籽狀元龍蝦餃 (2件) Steamed Lobster & Shrimp Dumpling with Caviar (2pcs)
$102.40$128.00極尚六頭鮑魚酥 (每件) Baked 6 Head Abalone Puff Pastry (1pcs)
$102.40$128.00黑魚籽金湯龍蝦鮮竹卷 Steamed Shrimp Bean Curd Roll in Lobster Soup
$134.40$168.00「星級手工點心」懷舊魚翅餃(2件) Steamed Shrimp Dumpling with Shark's Fin(2pcs)
$62.40$78.00欖仁馬拉糕 Steamed Chinese Sponge Cake
$46.40$58.00迷你鮑魚珍珠雞(3件) Mini Abalone Glutinous Rice Dumpling(3pcs)
$62.40$78.00懷舊風味臘腸卷 (2件) Steamed Air-dried Sausage Rolls (2pcs)
$70.40$88.00鮑汁魚肚四寶扎 (2件) Steamed Beancurd Sheet Roll with Chicken and Fish Maw
$70.40$88.00秘醬川味金錢肚 (辣) Steamed Honeycomb Trip with Sichuan Chilli Sauce
$54.40$68.00山竹牛肉球(3件) Steamed Beef Ball with Bean Curd Shoot(3pce)
$46.40$58.00潮州蒸粉果(3件) Steamed Dumpling with Chaozhou Style (3pcs)
$46.40$58.00黑椒蘿蔔牛仔骨 (辣) Steamed Beef Rib and Black Pepper Sauce
$70.40$88.00陳皮紅豆沙(每位) Sweetened Red Bean Sweet Cream with Tangerine Peel (Per Person)
$32.00$40.00新疆棗皇糕 (3件) Steamed Red Dates Pudding (3 pcs)
$46.40$58.00鮮磨開心果露 (每位) Pistachio Sweet Soup (per person)
$46.40$58.00咱家XO醬蒸鳳爪(辣) Steamed Chicken Paws with XO Sauce
$46.40$58.00冰花黃金脆蛋散(3件) Golden Egg Fritter, Honey Sauce(3 pieces)
$54.40$68.00蛋白杏仁茶 (每位) Almond Sweet Cream with Egg White (Per Person)
$32.00$40.00鬆脆五仁合桃酥 (3件) Walnut Pastry (3 pieces)
$46.40$58.00芒果楊枝甘露(每位) Chilled Mango Cream with Sago & Pomelo (Per Person)
$32.00$40.00「星級手工點心」蝦籽柚皮鵝掌獅子頭(1份) Steamed Pomelo Pith with Goose Web and Pork Ball in Dried Shrimp Roes Sauce(1pcs)
$118.40$148.00黑舞茸銀蒜蒸鬈毛豬排骨 Steamed Pork Rib with Maitake Mushroom and Garlic
煎 炸. 焗 點. 素點
Pan Fried.Deep Fried.Vegetarian Dim Sum
香煎臘味蘿蔔糕(3件) Pan-fried Turnip Cake with Air-dried Meat(3pcs)
$62.40$78.00海參鵝肝鹹水角(3件) Deep Fried Sea Cucumber Foiegras Glutinous Rice Dumpling(3Pcs)
$70.40$88.00「素點」如意上素四寶扎(2件) Steamed Bean Curd Roll with Assorted Mushroom (2pcs)
$62.40$78.00素食蜜汁焗叉燒餐包(3件) Baked Bun with BBQ Pork and Honey Sauce (3pcs)
$62.40$78.00「素點」碧綠羊肚菌素餃子(3件) Steamed Morel Mushroom Dumpling(3pcs)
$62.40$78.00素食燕窩奶黃煎堆仔(3件) Deep-fried Custard Sweet Dumpling Bird's Nest(3pcs)
$70.40$88.00「清心嚐素」煎釀新豬肉三鮮甜椒 (5件) Pan-fried Fresh Pepper with Ominpork (5pcs)
$134.40$168.00素食脆脆芝芯蝦春卷 (3件) Deep-fried Shrimp and Cheese Spring Roll (3pcs)
$62.40$78.00「素點」黑松露鮮菌楓葉果(3件) Steamed Dumpling with Black Truffle Sauce(3pcs)
$62.40$78.00素食「素點」脆香牛肝菌腐皮卷 Pan-fried Bean Curd Roll with Porcini Mushroom(3pcs)
$62.40$78.00素食「素點」香煎新豬肉蓮藕餅(3件) Pan-fried Ominpork Stuffed Lotus Root(3pcs)
$62.40$78.00素食「清心嚐素」雙喜烤麩 (小食份量) Biased Bran Gluten with Bamboo Shoot and Fungus
$102.40$128.00素食「清心嚐素」脆皮燻素鵝 (小食份量) Deep-fried Crispy Bean Curd Roll
$102.40$128.00素食「清心嚐素」醬燒黑虎掌杏仁鍋巴盞 (3件) Braised Sarcodon Aspratus with Almond (3pcs)
$118.40$148.00素食「清心嚐素」胡麻高纖鮮淮山(小食) Chilled Wild Yam with Sesame Sauce
布 拉 腸 粉
Steamed Rice Roll
豉油皇銀芽鮮蝦炒腸粉 Fried Rice Roll and Shrimp with Soy Sacue
$126.40$158.00香茜瑤柱牛肉腸粉 Steamed Rice Roll with Beef, Coriander and Conpoy
$70.40$88.00「素點」香菇醬羅漢上素腸粉 Steamed Vegetarian Rice Roll with Mushroom Sauce
$62.40$78.00素食羊肚菌露筍帶子腸粉 Steamed Rice Roll with Scallop and Morel Mushroom
$102.40$128.00農場雞蛋叉燒腸粉 Steamed Rice Roll with BBQ Pork and Egg
$70.40$88.00蔥花櫻海老炸兩腸粉 Steamed Crispy Rice Roll with Cherry Shrimps
滋 味.小 吃
油鹽水浸北京菜薳 Poached Choy Sum with Salty Light Broth
$86.40$108.00鮑魚汁燉雞腳 Marinated Chicken Paws with Abalone Sauce
$86.40$108.00鮑魚汁蝦籽琵琶豆腐 (5件) Pe-par Tu Fu w/ Shrimp Roes & Abalone Sauce (5pcs)
$110.40$138.00黑蒜雪花牛柳粒 Wok-fried Diced Wagyu Beef with Black Garlic
$134.40$168.00鐵板蒜鹽燒薄牛舌 Fried Sliced Beef Tongue with Black Garlic
$134.40$168.00小黃瓜伴海蜇頭(辣) Marinated Jelly Fish Head with Cucumber
$86.40$108.00紅燒妙齡乳鴿伴脆蝦片(每隻) Deep-fried Young Pigeon with Crispy Prawn Cracker
$126.40$158.00魚湯鮮茄魚腐泡翡翠蔬 Poached Vegetable with Fish Fritter and Tomato
$118.40$148.00海蜇燻蹄薄切 Marinated Jelly Fish with Slice Pork Knuckles
$86.40$108.00黑松露鵝肝腐皮卷(6件) Pan-fried Bean Curd Roll with Foiegras & Black Truffle
$150.40$188.00蒜子火腩炆斑頭腩煲 Braised Garoupa Head with Pork Belly and Garlic
$134.40$168.00柱侯蘿蔔炆牛筋腩 Braised Beef Brisket and Tendon with Turnip
$126.40$158.00啫啫蒜子蝦乾芥蘭 Fried Kale with Garlic, Shrimp Paste & Dried Shrimp
$102.40$128.00七味金磚脆豆腐 (6件) Deep-Fried Bean Curd with Chill Sauce (6pc)
$78.40$98.00蒜蓉粉絲蒸魚雲 Steamed Fish Head with Bean Vermicelli and Garlic
$134.40$168.00糖醋鮮蝦炸小雲吞 (6件) Deep-fried Shrimp Wonton w/ Sweet & Sour Sauce
$110.40$138.00金沙酥香魷魚鬚 Fried Squid Tentacle with Salt Egg Yolk
$126.40$158.00蜜餞燒豬頸肉 Barbecued Pork Cheek with Honey Sauce
$118.40$148.00海苔芙蓉煎墨魚餅 (4件) Pan-fried Cuttlefish Cake with Seaweed (4pcs)
粥 粉 麵 飯
Congee. Fried Rice & Noodle
籠香銀鈎臘味糯米飯 Fried Glutinous Rice with Dried Shrimps Air-dried Meat
$214.40$268.00魚湯芫荽皮蛋斑球米線 Rice Noodle with Coriander Preserved Egg Garoupa Fillet in Fish Soup
$246.40$308.00芝士牛油焗蝦球伊府麵 Baked E-fu Noodle with Prawns and Cheese Butter
$214.40$268.00古法鵝香鮮蝦荷葉絲苗 Fried Rice with Goose wrapped in Lotus Leaf Wrap
$190.40$238.00瑤柱海參福建炒絲苗 Fried Rice with Sea Cucumber, Conpoy and Fujian Style
$198.40$248.00艇家蝦米蟹肉龍鬚炒鴛鴦米(米粉,粉絲)(辣) Fried Twins Vemicelli with Assorted Seafood & Chilli
$230.40$288.00蠔皇鮮菇牛肉濕炒河粉 Fried Flat Rice Noodle with Mushroom & Sliced Beef
$190.40$238.00生滾香茜皮蛋斑片粥 (壹位) Garoupa fillet Congee with Coriander and Pickled Egg(per person)
$134.40$168.00頭抽瑤柱銀芽肉絲炒麵 Fried Noodle with Shredded Conpoy and Soy Sauce
$190.40$238.00蝦頭油紫菜帶子炒絲苗 Fried Rice with Scallop and Seaweed
$214.40$268.00鮮茄滑蛋帶子炒讚岐烏冬 Stif-fried Udon with Egg, Scallop and Tomato
$214.40$268.00「素」竹笙羅漢燴上素 配 脆脆麵 Stir-fried Assorted Fungus and Mushroom with Bamboo Piths with Crispy Noodle
$206.40$258.00素食薑蔥鮑魚滑雞粥(壹位) Abalone Chicken Congee with Ginger and Scallion(per person)
$134.40$168.00乾蔥豆豉雞球炒讚岐烏冬 Stif-fried Udon with Chicken, Scallion and Black Bean Sauce
$198.40$248.00燒汁豬頸肉炒讚岐烏冬 Stif-fried Udon with Pork Neck in Brown Sauce
$190.40$238.00豉汁涼瓜斑頭腩炒河粉 Fried Flat Rice Noodle with Bitter Melon, Garoupa Head and Belly
$190.40$238.00京蔥海參蝦籽炆伊府麵 Braised E-fu Noodle w/ Sea Cucumber, Spring Onion & Shrimp Rose
$246.40$308.00豉椒味菜排骨炒麵 (兩面黃)(4件) Deep-fried Crispy Noodle with Pork-rib and Plickled Vegetable
$214.40$268.00「素」蟲草花羊肚野菌三色藜麥 Steamed Quinoa Rice with Morel Mushroom and Assorted Fungus
$206.40$258.00素食紅燒茄子班頭腩炒河粉 Fried Flat Rice Noodle with Garoupa Belly and Eggplant
$198.40$248.00豉汁涼瓜排骨炒麵 (兩面黃) Fried Crispy Noodle with Pork-ribs and Bitter Cucumber
$198.40$248.00柱侯醬蘿蔔牛筋腩撈粗麵 Braised Thick Noodle with BeefBrisket in Chu Hou Sauce
$198.40$248.00金銀蒜班頭腩蒸絲苗 Steamed Garoupa Head and Belly with Crushed Garlic and Fried Rice
$190.40$238.00韭黃銀芽肉絲煎脆麵 (脆麵4件) Pan-fried Crispy Noodle with Chives and Shredded Pork
$190.40$238.00「素」松茸白玉素湯泡飯 Braised Rice with Matsutake and Mushroom
$174.40$218.00素食「素」香菇醬銀芽撈生麵(辣) Braised Noodle with Assorted Mushroom in Chilli Sauce
$158.40$198.00素食大澳蝦醬牛崧炒絲苗 Fried Rice with Minced Beef and Shrimp Paste Sacue
$190.40$238.00鮑魚汁薑蔥牛肉撈粗麵 Braised Flat Noodle and Sliced Beef with Abalone Sauce
Deluxe “Casserole Cuisine “
咱家X.O醬薑蔥波士頓龍蝦(壹隻) Sautéed Boston Lobster with Ginger and Spring Onion in X.O Sauce
不附送鍋具.圖片只供參考$510.40$638.00酸菜泉竹煮龍躉斑球(例) Braised Giant Garoupa Slices with Pickled Mustard Greens
不附送鍋具.圖片只供參考$374.40$468.00蟹油桂花蚌炒粉絲煲(例) Sautéed Laurel Clam with Mung Bean Vermicelli in Crab Paste Sauce
不附送鍋具.圖片只供參考$374.40$468.00香蔥燒腩扣滋補海參(例) Braised Sea Cucumber with Roasted Pork Belly and Spring Onion
不附送鍋具.圖片只供參考$310.40$388.00風味香辣軟殼蟹煲(例) Stir Fried Soft Shell Crab with Ginger in Spicy Chili Sauce
不附送鍋具.圖片只供參考$270.40$338.00紅燒生炆花尾龍躉斑翅(例) Braised Giant Garoupa Fin and Belly
不附送鍋具.圖片只供參考$550.40$688.00魚香茄子明蝦球煲(例) Sautéed Prawn with Eggplant in Sichuan Sauce
不附送鍋具.圖片只供參考$350.40$438.00花雕紅棗鳳凰雞(半隻) Braised Chicken with Red Date and Rice Liquor (half bird)
不附送鍋具.圖片只供參考$294.40$368.00紅燈籠麻辣牛筋腩(例) Braised Beef Brisket with Tendon and Turnip in Spicy Chili Sauce
不附送鍋具.圖片只供參考$294.40$368.00蜜椒焗水庫魚雲(例) Sautéed River Fish Head in Black Pepper Sauce