關於豬隊友 Pigmates
雞蛋仔 炸物 專賣 🧇🍗🧋 Egg puffs, Waffles and Fried Foods 如果滿意我們的服務,希望你可以留言評分,謝謝你🙏🏼 Please comment if you are satisfied with our services
香蕉朱古力雞蛋仔 Banana Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$49.00港式豆花奶茶 Milk Tea with Tofu Pudding
$43.00紫菜肉鬆雞蛋仔 Seaweed with Pork Floss Egg Puffs
$61.00伯爵茶金莎醬格仔餅 Earl Grey Chocolate Hazelnut Spread Waffles
$55.00伯爵茶朱古力雞蛋仔 Earl Grey Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$49.00士多啤梨多多 Strawberry Yakult
$49.00咖啡朱古力雞蛋仔 Coffee Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$47.00雙重芝士雞蛋仔 Double Cheese Egg Puffs
$61.00黃金(咸蛋黃)雞蛋仔 Salted Egg Yolk Egg Puffs
$55.00荔枝多多 Lychee Yakult
雞蛋仔 Egg Puffs
原味雞蛋仔 Original Egg Puffs
$28.00粒粒朱古力雞蛋仔 Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$36.00手作芋泥雞蛋仔 Handmade Mashed Taro Egg Puff
$54.00伯爵茶雞蛋仔 Earl Grey Egg Puff
選用英國TWININGS | TWININGS of London$42.00香蕉雞蛋仔 Banana Egg Puffs
$41.00黑糖麻糬雞蛋仔 Brown Sugar Mochi Egg Puff
$61.00紫菜肉鬆雞蛋仔 Seaweed with Pork Floss Egg Puffs
$61.00黃金(咸蛋黃)雞蛋仔 Salted Egg Yolk Egg Puffs
$55.00香甜奶黃雞蛋仔 Egg Custard Egg Puffs
$41.00雙重芝士雞蛋仔 Double Cheese Egg Puffs
$61.00香蕉朱古力雞蛋仔 Banana Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$49.00薄荷朱古力雞蛋仔 Mint Chocolate Chips Egg Puff
$54.00咖啡朱古力雞蛋仔 Coffee Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
選用日本UCC | UCC of Japan$47.00抹茶朱古力雞蛋仔 Matcha Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
選用日本丸久小山園 | Kyoto Uji of Japan$49.00伯爵茶朱古力雞蛋仔 Earl Grey Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
選用英國TWININGS | TWININGS of London$49.00咖啡雞蛋仔 Coffee Egg Puffs
選用日本UCC | UCC of Japan$38.00抹茶紅豆雞蛋仔 Matcha Red Bean Egg Puffs
選用日本丸久小山園 | Kyoto Uji of Japan$49.00抹茶雞蛋仔 Matcha Egg Puffs
選用日本丸久小山園 | Kyoto Uji of Japan$39.00鹽燒紫菜粟米雞蛋仔 Seaweed with Sweet Corn Egg Puffs
$50.00豬柳蛋雞蛋仔 Sausage with Egg Egg Puff
$47.00抹茶黑糖麻糬雞蛋仔 Matcha Brown Sugar Mochi Egg Puff
$68.00芝麻肉鬆雞蛋仔 Sesame with Pork Floss Egg Puffs
$55.00麻辣肉鬆雞蛋仔 Mala Pork Floss Egg Puffs
$55.00金沙奶黃雞蛋仔 Salted Egg Yolk Custard Egg Puffs
$61.00芝士豬柳蛋雞蛋仔 Sausage with Egg and Cheese Egg Puff
$57.00芋泥肉鬆雞蛋仔 Mashed Taro with Pork Floss Egg Puff
$68.00法式檸檬芝士雞蛋仔 Lemon Tart Egg Puffs
$61.00雙重檸檬雞蛋仔 Lime and Lemon Egg Puffs
$42.00芝麻雞蛋仔 Sesame Egg Puffs
炸物 Fried Foods
請選擇1款調味 | Please Choose 1 Flavour
豬隊友大雞髀 Whole Chicken Thigh
$41.00鹽酥雞腿串 Salted Crispy Chicken Thigh
$24.00花枝丸 Cuttlefish Ball
$22.00咖哩大雞髀 Curry Whole Chicken Thigh
$43.00杏鮑菇 King Oyster Mushroom
$14.00長洲大魚蛋 Jumbo Fish Ball
$20.00鴛鴦地瓜QQ球 Sweet Potato Balls
$20.00珍寶日本蟹柳棒 Jumbo Imitation Crab Stick
$24.00司華力腸 Cervelat Sausage
$30.00香菇豬肉燒賣 Pork Shan Mai with Mushroom
$22.00香酥甜不辣 Tempura
$14.00雞軟骨串 Chicken Cartilage
$14.00茄子棒 Eggplant
格仔餅 Waffles
原味格仔餅 Original Waffles
内陷有花生醬、甜奶、白砂糖及植物牛油,可加錢加配紫菜和肉鬆 | Includes Peanut Butter, Condensed Milk, Sugar and Margarine, Can Add-on Extra Seaweed Topping and Extra Pork Floss Topping with Additional Price.$32.00原味金莎醬格仔餅 Original Chocolate Hazelnut Spread Waffles
內餡有金莎朱古力榛子醬及意大利榛子粒,可加錢加配香蕉 | Includes Chocolate Hazelnut Spread and Italian Chopped Hazelnut, Can Add-on Extra Banana Topping with Additional Price.$41.00伯爵茶金莎醬格仔餅 Earl Grey Chocolate Hazelnut Spread Waffles
內餡有金莎朱古力榛子醬及意大利榛子粒,可加錢加配香蕉 | Includes Chocolate Hazelnut Spread and Italian Chopped Hazelnut, Can Add-on Extra Banana Topping with Additional Price.$55.00抹茶格仔餅 Matcha Waffles
選用日本丸久小山園,内陷有花生醬、甜奶、白砂糖及植物牛油,可加錢加配紫菜和肉鬆 | Kyoto Uji of Japan, Includes Peanut Butter, Condensed Milk, Sugar and Margarine, Can Add-on Extra Seaweed Topping and Extra Pork Floss Topping with Additional Price.$45.00伯爵茶格仔餅 Earl Grey Waffles
選用英國TWINNINGS,内陷有花生醬、甜奶、白砂糖及植物牛油,可加錢加配紫菜和肉鬆 | TWINNINGS of London, Includes Peanut Butter, Condensed Milk, Sugar and Margarine, Can Add-on Extra Seaweed Topping and Extra Pork Floss Topping with Additional Price.$47.00抹茶金莎醬格仔餅 Matcha Chocolate Hazelnut Spread Waffles
內餡有金莎朱古力榛子醬及意大利榛子粒,可加錢加配香蕉 | Includes Chocolate Hazelnut Spread and Italian Chopped Hazelnut, Can Add-on Extra Banana Topping with Additional Price.$53.00咖啡金莎醬格仔餅 Coffee Chocolate Hazelnut Spread Waffles
內餡有金莎朱古力榛子醬及意大利榛子粒,可加錢加配香蕉 | Includes Chocolate Hazelnut Spread and Italian Chopped Hazelnut, Can Add-on Extra Banana Topping with Additional Price.$53.00咖啡格仔餅 Coffee Waffles
選用日本UCC,内陷有花生醬、甜奶、白砂糖及植物牛油,可加錢加配紫菜和肉鬆 | UCC of Japan, Includes Peanut Butter, Condensed Milk, Sugar and Margarine, Can Add-on Extra Seaweed Topping and Extra Pork Floss Topping with Additional Price.$45.00
豬隊友港式奶茶 HK Style Milk Tea
可加錢加配QQ寒天球或紅豆,如選擇凍飲可選擇走甜或少甜以及走冰或少冰。 | Can add-on agar jelly ball or red bean with additional price, if choose cold drink can choose without sugar or less sugar and without ice or less ice. 送餐價已包含膠袋徵費 Delivery prices is included with the plastic bag charge
港式豆花奶茶 Milk Tea with Tofu Pudding
$43.00港式紅豆奶茶凍飲 Milk Tea with Red Bean Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$43.00港式QQ奶茶 Milk Tea with Agar Jelly Ball
QQ寒天球只限凍飲Only cold drink is available$43.00港式奶茶沙冰 HK Style Milk Tea Smoothie
$41.00港式奶茶凍飲 HK Style Milk Tea Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$32.00港式豆花奶茶沙冰 Milk Tea Smoothie with Tofu Pudding
$51.00港式紅豆奶茶沙冰 Milk Tea with Red Bean Smoothie
$51.00港式QQ奶茶沙冰 Milk Tea Smoothie with Agar Jelly Ball
$51.00香芋奶茶 Mashed Taro Milk Tea
豬隊友咖啡 Coffee
可加錢加配QQ寒天球或紅豆,如選擇凍飲可選擇走甜或少甜以及走冰或少冰。 | Can add-on agar Jelly ball or red bean with additional price, if choose cold drink can choose without sugar or less sugar and without ice or less ice. 送餐價已包含膠袋徵費 Delivery prices is included with the plastic bag charge
生椰咖啡凍飲 Coconut Latte Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$39.00咖啡凍飲 Coffee Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$32.00咖啡沙冰 Coffee Smoothie
$41.00生椰咖啡沙冰 Coconut Latte Smoothie
豬隊友宇治抹茶 Matcha
可加錢加配QQ寒天球或紅豆,如選擇凍飲可選擇走甜或少甜以及走冰或少冰。 | Can add-on agar jelly ball or red bean with additional price, if choose cold drink can choose without sugar or less sugar and without ice or less ice. 送餐價已包含膠袋徵費 Delivery prices is included with the plastic bag charge
抹茶牛乳凍飲 Uji Matcha with Milk Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$38.00抹茶紅豆牛乳凍飲 Uji Matcha with Red Bean and Milk Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$49.00宇治抹茶凍飲 Uji Matcha Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$35.00香芋抹茶牛乳 Mashed Taro Matcha Milk
$49.00宇治抹茶沙冰 Uji Matcha Smoothie
$43.00抹茶牛乳沙冰 Uji Matcha with Milk Smoothie
$46.00抹茶紅豆牛乳沙冰 Uji Matcha with Red Bean and Milk Smoothie
豬隊友果味飲品 Fruity
可加錢加配QQ寒天球或紅豆,如選擇凍飲可選擇走甜或少甜以及走冰或少冰。 | Can add-on agar jelly ball or red bean with additional price, if choose cold drink can choose without sugar or less sugar and without ice or less ice. 送餐價已包含膠袋徵費 Delivery prices is included with the plastic bag charge
士多啤梨多多 Strawberry Yakult
$49.00荔枝多多 Lychee Yakult
$49.00芒果多多 Mango Yakult
$49.00蜜桃多多 Peach Yakult
$49.00鮮榨雙檸茶凍飲 Lime and Lemon Tea Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$32.00芒果沙冰 Mango Smoothie
$43.00士多啤梨沙冰 Strawberry Smoothie
$43.00鮮榨雙檸多多 Lime and Lemon Yakult
$46.00荔枝梳打 Lychee Soda
$41.00芒果梳打 Mango Soda
$41.00鮮榨雙檸茶梳打 Lime and Lemon Tea Soda
$38.00荔枝果茶 Lychee Fruits Tea
可選擇凍飲或熱飲 | Can Choose Cold or Hot.$35.00蜜桃果茶 Peach Fruits Tea
可選擇凍飲或熱飲 | Can Choose Cold or Hot.$35.00鮮榨雙檸水凍飲 Lime and Lemon Juice Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$32.00芒果果茶 Mango Fruits Tea
可選擇凍飲或熱飲 | Can Choose Cold or Hot.$35.00士多啤梨果茶 Strawberry Fruits Tea
可選擇凍飲或熱飲 | Can Choose Cold or Hot.$35.00鮮榨雙檸水梳打 Lime and Lemon Juice Soda
$38.00蜜桃梳打 Peach Soda
$41.00士多啤梨梳打 Strawberry Soda
$41.00鮮榨雙檸水沙冰 Lime and Lemon Juice Smoothie
$41.00鮮榨雙檸茶沙冰 Lime and Lemon Tea Smoothie
$41.00荔枝沙冰 Lychee Smoothie
$43.00蜜桃沙冰 Peach Smoothie
$43.00鮮榨雙檸茶多多 Lime and Lemon Tea Yakult
豬隊友特飲 Others
可加錢加配QQ寒天球或紅豆,如選擇凍飲可選擇走甜或少甜以及走冰或少冰。 | Can add-on agar jelly ball or red bean with additional price, if choose cold drink can choose without sugar or less sugar and without ice or less ice. 送餐價已包含膠袋徵費 Delivery prices is included with the plastic bag charge
蜂蜜生薑果茶 Ginger with Honey Fruits Tea
可選擇凍飲或熱飲 | Can Choose Cold or Hot.$35.00特濃朱古力沙冰 Double Chocolate Smoothie
$47.00紅豆冰凍飲 HK Red Bean Frappe Cold
$47.00檸檬蘆薈梳打 Lemon with Aloe Vera Soda
不含蘆薈塊$41.00柚子蜂蜜梳打 Grapefruit with Honey Soda
$41.00柚子蜂蜜果茶 Grapefruit with Honey Fruits Tea
可選擇凍飲或熱飲 | Can Choose Cold or Hot.$35.00檸檬蘆薈凍飲 Lemon with Aloe Vera Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.不含蘆薈塊$32.00柚子蜂蜜凍飲 Grapefruit with Honey Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$32.00蜂蜜生薑凍飲 Ginger with Honey Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$32.00特濃朱古力凍飲 Double Chocolate Cold
可轉熱飲 | Can Change to Hot.$38.00檸檬蘆薈果茶 Lemon with Aloe Vera Fruits Tea
可選擇凍飲或熱飲 | Can Choose Cold or Hot.不含蘆薈塊$35.00蜂蜜生薑梳打 Ginger with Honey Soda
$41.00檸檬蘆薈沙冰 Lemon with Aloe Vera Smoothie
不含蘆薈塊$43.00柚子蜂蜜沙冰 Grapefruit with Honey Smoothie
$43.00蜂蜜生薑沙冰 Ginger with Honey Smoothie
$43.00益力多沙冰 Yakult Smoothie
$43.00香芋可可 Mashed Taro Cocoa