AUSTRALIA’S FAVOURITE GELATO NOW FRESHLY CHURNED IN HONG KONG. With 30 classic gelato flavours available year-round, including ever-popular favourites such as Pistachio Praline and Salted Caramel & White Chocolate, you are sure to find a favourite. Bring home the scoop of joy, or in this case tub, you deserve. 全港最頂尖意式雪糕店 全年提供 30 多款經典意式雪糕口味,包括人氣開心果果仁糖和海鹽焦糖白巧克力等,你一定會找到自己喜歡的味道,享受一球或一桶的喜悅。
$800.00TIRAMISU TART 意式芝士蛋糕撻
$800.00HOW NOW 牛牛很忙
$800.00BOMBE ALASKA 阿拉斯加炸彈
0.5 LITRE TUB 半公升桶裝雪糕
Select up to 3 Different Flavours 揀選最多 3 款口味$210.001 LITRE TUB 1 公升桶裝雪糕
Select up to 4 Different Flavours 揀選最多 4 款口味$350.001.5 LITRE TUB 公升桶裝雪糕
Select up to 5 Different Flavours 揀選最多 5 款口味$420.00
Pack of 4 Cones 脆甜筒 4 件裝
4 Pack of Cones. 脆甜筒 4 件裝$30.00Box of 6 Cones 脆甜筒 6 件裝
Box of 6 Cones 脆甜筒 6 件裝$50.00
Get These Home And Into Your Freezer Within 35 Mins. Remove 15-30 Mins Before Serving For The Perfect Eating Temperature. 建議在 35 分鐘內將蛋糕放進冷凍櫃。 建議在享用前 15-30 分鐘取出,以達到最佳享用溫度
HOW NOW 牛牛很忙
"Jersey Milk Gelato, Dulce de Leche, Dulce de Leche Gelato, Jersey Milk Soaked Sponge, Milk Crumb, Vanilla CreamGet These Home and Into Your Freezer Within 35 mins. Remove 15-30 Mins Before Serving For The Perfect Eating Temperature."澤西牛奶意式雪糕、焦糖奶醬、焦糖奶醬意式雪糕、泡滿澤西牛奶的海綿蛋糕、牛奶味碎碎、雲呢拿忌廉。最後鋪上黑白牛牛花紋作造型。$800.00STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM 士多啤梨忌廉
Vanilla Gelato, Strawberry Sorbet, Wild Strawberry Mousse, Soaked Sponge, Strawberry Gel. 雲呢拿意式雪糕、士多啤梨雪葩、野生士多啤梨慕斯、浸泡滿滿士多啤梨與瑪莎拉酒的海綿蛋糕、士多啤梨果膠,外層鋪滿農場直送的士多啤梨。$800.00BOMBE ALASKA 阿拉斯加炸彈
"Milk Chocolate Gelato, Raspberry Sorbet, Raspberry Gel, Chocolate Crunch, Torched Raspberry MeringueGet These Home and Into Your Freezer Within 35 mins. Remove 15-30 Mins Before Serving For The Perfect Eating Temperature."牛奶朱古力意式雪糕、覆盆子雪葩、覆盆子果膠、朱古力脆脆。外層為火焰覆盆子蛋白霜$800.00QUAD CHOC 朱古力四重奏
"Milk Chocolate Gelato, White Chocolate Gelato, Dark Chocolate Gelato, Toasted White Chocolate Parfait, Flourless Chocolate Sponge, Crunchy Caramel Milk ChocolateGet These Home and Into Your Freezer Within 35 mins. Remove 15-30 Mins Before Serving For The Perfect Eating Temperature.由牛奶朱古力、白朱古力及黑朱古力意式雪糕,與烤白朱古力芭菲共四種朱古力,再加無麵粉朱古力海綿蛋糕、焦糖牛奶朱古力脆脆,以絲絨朱古力外層完成造型。$800.00
TRANS CAKES 隨行隨吃特製蛋糕
Trans Cakes Can Be Eaten From The Fridge OR The Freezer. From The Fridge, They Have A More Mousse-Like Texture and An Extended Travel Time of up to 3 Hours. Perfect If You’re Traveling A Little Further. 特製蛋糕可在冰箱或冷凍櫃存放。當從冰箱取出時,口感更像慕斯的質地,並且能在室溫下保持長達 3 小時。
Tiramisu Mousse, Coffee Soaked Sponge, Coffee Ganache, Chocolate & Coffee Tart Shell, Italian Meringue 意式芝士蛋糕慕斯、泡滿咖啡的海綿蛋糕、軟心咖啡淋醬夾層、咖啡及朱古力味撻皮。唧上粒粒意式蛋白霜,再噴上絲絨朱古力完成外層。$800.00BOYSENBERRY CHEESECAKE 波森莓芝士蛋糕
"Lemon Curd, Boysenberry Cream Cheese Mousse, Biscuit Crumb Base, Chantilly Cream, Boysenberry PreserveTrans Cakes Can Be Eaten From The Fridge OR The Freezer. From The Fridge, They Have A More Mousse-Like Texture and An Extended Travel Time of up to 3 Hours. Perfect If You’re Traveling A Little Further."檸檬醬、波森莓忌廉芝士慕斯、金寶碎粒餅底。頂層為香緹鮮忌廉及波森莓醬唧花。$800.00