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精選套餐 Highlighted Combo
2人小食套餐 Healthy Snacks combo for 2 person
暫時售罄$88.00糖水組合 (3包) Herbal Dessert Combo (3 pcs)
臟腑五行能量™健康茶 Visceral Energy in Five Elements™ (Herbal Tea)
蜜棗貝杏雪梨茶 Preserved Jujube, Ussuri Fritillary, Almond & Pear Tea (500ml)
滋陰潤肺,生津止渴 Nourishes 'Yin' and moistens the lungs, promotes production of body fluid and relieves thirst$38.00【清肝明目】【低糖】金銀花杞子菊花茶 Honeysuckle, Chinese Wolfberry & Chrysanthemum Tea (500ml)
清熱解毒,平肝明目 Clears heat and removes toxic substances, calms the liver and brightens vision$35.00馬蹄鮮茅根竹蔗水 Water Chestnut, Fresh Cogongrass Rhizome & Sugar Cane Tea (500ml)
滋潤肺臟,清熱除煩 Moistens the Lungs, clears heat and relieves irritation$38.00椰汁海底椰川貝雪耳露 Coconut Milk, Sea Coconut, Sichuan Fritillary & White Fungus Drink (500ml)
清熱潤燥,清心除煩 Clears heat and moistens dryness, clears the heart and relieves irritation$38.00野生黑枸杞桑椹汁 Wild Black Goji Berry & Mulberry Drink (500ml)
養肝血,精明目,補腎虛,益精髓 Nourishes the blood of the liver, brightens the vision, replenishes the deficiency of kidneys, benefits the vital essence$38.00紅棗桑椹汁 Chinese Date & Mulberry Drink (500ml)
暫時售罄$38.00黃金果羅漢茶 Golden Momordica Fruit Drink (500ml)
暫時售罄$33.00花旗參石斛麥冬茶 American Ginseng, Ephemerantha & Ophiopogonis Root Tea (500ml)
補氣提神,潤燥養陰 Replenish 'Qi' and stimulates the spirit, moistens the dryness and nourishes 'Yin'$38.00鮮金橘薏米水 Fresh Kumquat & Coix Seed Drink (500ml)
健脾氣,利化濕,解肝鬱,暢氣機 Strengthens 'Qi' in the spleen and removes dampness. Disperses the liver and facilitates the circulation of 'Qi'$37.00蕎麥核桃露 Buckwheat & Walnut Drink (500ml)
健腦補腎,潤燥滑腸 Strengthens the brain and replenishes the kidney, moistens dryness and intestine$38.00高原沙棘金橘薏米露 Himalayas Seabuckthorn, Kumquat & Coix Seed Drink (500ml)
暫時售罄$38.00【潤肺補肝】高原沙棘雪杏薏米露 Himalayas Seabuckthorn, Apricot & Coix Seed Drink (500ml)
暫時售罄$39.00老陳皮川貝桔梗檸檬果露 Dried Citrus Peel, Sichuan Fritillary, Platycodon Root & Organic Lemon Drink (400ml)
暫時售罄$39.00化濕利水玉米鬚茶 Corn Stigma Tea for Clearing the Liver and Promoting the Circulation of Water (500ml)
暫時售罄$37.00【清熱瀉火】【無糖】廿四味 24 Herbs' Tea (350ml)
暫時售罄$28.00【清肝利咽】【低糖】羅漢果夏枯草茶 Momordica Fruit & Self-Heal Spike Tea (500ml)
清肝熱,滋潤咽喉 Clears heat in the liver, moistens the throat$35.00【清肝利膽】【低糖】綿茵陳雞骨草茶 Capillary Wormwood Herb & Abrum Cantonese Plant Tea (500ml)
清肝濕熱,疏肝利膽 Clears the dampness-heat in the liver, disperses and benefits the liver and the gall bladder$35.00冷壓有機少甜鮮檸檬茶 Freshly Cold Pressed Organic Lemon Tea (350ml)
生津提神 消食燒脂 ︳Promoting production of fluid and refreshing,Resolving food stagnation$36.00清肝解毒土茯苓茶 TuFuLing Tea for Clearing the Liver and Removing Toxic Substances (500ml)
暫時售罄$37.00木棉花茵陳祛濕茶Bombax Flower & Capillary Wormwood Herb Dampness Removal Herbal Tea(500ML)
暫時售罄$38.00【健脾解毒】陳皮淮山綠豆露 Dried Citrus Peel, Chinese Yam & Mung Bean Tea (500ml)
暫時售罄$38.00【生津潤燥】海底椰川貝杏仁茶 Sea Coconut, Sichuan Fritillary & Almond Tea (500ml)
清潤肺燥,生津潤喉 Clears and moistens the lungs-dryness, promotes production of body fluid and moistens the throat$38.00鮮豐水梨汁 Preserved Jujube, Ussuri Fritillary, Almond & Pear Tea (500ml)
暫時售罄$40.00陳皮淮山綠豆露 Dried Citrus Peel, Chinese Yam & Mung Bean Tea (500ml)
暫時售罄$38.00首烏芝麻茶 Polygonum Root & Sesame Tea (500ml)
養血補腎,烏髮美顏 Nourishes blood production and replenishes the kidneys, keeps the hair dark and promotes skin health$38.00
臟腑五行能量™滋補湯 Visceral Energy in Five Elements™ (Herbal Soup)
【生津養顏】生津養顏‧木瓜蕃茄花膠魚湯 Papaya, Tomato, Fish Maw and Filefish Soup (380ml)
Papaya, Tomato, Fish Maw and Filefish Soup for Promoting Production of Body Fluid & Promotion of Skin Health健脾養陰,生津養顏 Strengthens the spleen and nourishes the ‘Yin’, promotes production of body fluid and promotes the skin health$69.00【健脾養陰】【素】養陰健脾.木瓜蕃茄姬松茸腰果素湯 【Vegan】Papaya, Tomato, Agaricus subrufescens & Cashews Vegetarian Soup (380ml)
暫時售罄$69.00【滋陰潤肺】滋陰潤肺‧川貝杏汁百合豬𦟌湯 Sichuan Fritillary, Almond, Lily Bulb & Pork Soup for Lung Nourishment (380ml)
補肺潤肺,滋陰健脾 ︳Replenishes and moistens the lungs, nourishes 'Yin' and strengthens the spleen.$69.00【滋陰養顏】滋陰養顏‧蜜瓜花膠爵士湯 Honeydew Melon & Fish Maw Soup for Nourishing 'Yin' and Promoting Skin Health (380ml)
補肺氣,提免疫,滋肺陰,潤肌膚 Replenishes the 'Qi' of the lungs, improves immunity, nourishes 'Yin' of the lungs, moistens the skin$69.00【滋陰補肺】滋陰補肺‧印度椰子花膠雞湯 Indian Coconut, Fish Maw & Chicken Soup for Nourishment of 'Yin' & Replenishment of Lungs (380ml)
補肺益氣,肌膚亮麗 Replenishes the lungs and benefits ‘Qi’, brightens the skin$72.00【補腎健肺】補腎健肺‧蟲草菌絲黃精響螺湯 Cordyceps, Polygonatum Rhizome & Conch Soup for Nourishement of Kidneys and Health of Lungs (380ml)
健肺養腎,補氣強精 Strengthens the lungs and nourishes the kidneys, replenishes 'Qi' and strengthens the body's vital essence$69.00【健脾益氣】健脾益氣‧無花果猴頭菇響螺花膠烏雞湯 Fig, Hedgehog Mushroom, Conch, Fish Maw and Silky Chicken Soup(380ml)
健脾補氣及滋陰養血 | Strengthens the spleen and benefits 'Qi', nourishes 'Yin' and blood.$69.00【舒筋活絡】舒筋活絡‧粉葛土茯苓牛大力祛濕湯 Pueraria Root, Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome & Callerya Speciosa Root Soup (380ml)
清熱祛濕,舒筋活絡Clears heat and removes dampness, relaxes tendons and activates meridians$69.00【陰陽平補】【素】陰陽平補.生態黃耆黨參黃精淮山素湯 Ecological Astragalus, Codonopsis, Polygonatum & Yam Vegetarian soup (380ml)
暫時售罄$69.00【補肺益氣】補肺益氣.石斛花旗參鮑魚湯 American Ginseng & Abalone Soup for Replenishment of Lungs & 'Qi' (380ml)
暫時售罄$69.00【補肺益氣】補肺益氣‧野生五指毛桃黨參響螺烏雞湯 Wild Hairy Fig, Codonopsis Root, Conch & Silky Chicken Soup (380ml)
臟腑五行能量™藥膳糖水 Visceral Energy in Five Elements™ (Dessert)
木瓜紅棗雪耳糖水 Papaya, Chinese Date & White Fungus Dessert (12oz)
暫時售罄$40.00香芋椰汁紫米露 Taro, Coconut Milk & Purple Rice Dessert (12oz)
暫時售罄$42.00桑椹桑寄生蓮子糖水 Mulberry, Mulberry Mistletoe Stem & Lotus Seed Dessert (12oz)
暫時售罄$42.00【補腎益腦】杜仲首烏芝麻糊 Eucommia Bark, Polygonum Root & Sesame Dessert (12oz)
暫時售罄$42.00百合蓮子杏仁糊 Lily Bulb, Lotus Seed & Apricot Kernel Dessert (12oz)
暫時售罄$42.00海帶百合蓮子綠豆沙 Kelp, Lily Bulb, Lotus Seed and Mung Bean Dessert (12oz)
暫時售罄$43.00【養心安神】紅棗桂圓雪蓮子燉桃膠 Chinese Date, Longan, Chinese Honeylocust Seed and Peach Resin Dessert (12oz)
暫時售罄$50.00椰汁桃膠雪蓮子西米露 Coconut Milk, Peach Resin, Chinese Honeylocust Seed and Sago Dessert (12oz)
療效龜苓膏™ Herbal Jelly™
皇方鮮土茯苓療效龜苓膏 Fresh Tu Fu Ling, Emperor Herbal Jelly (300g)
清濕熱毒,淨血護肝 Clears heat & removes toxic substance$61.00全素 精研鮮土茯苓膏 Vegan Fresh Tu Fu Ling Herbal Jelly (300g)
護肝解毒,清熱除濕 Clears heat & removes toxic substance$61.00
健康小食 Healthy Snack
淮山杞子豬肉燒賣TM Chinese Yam, Chinese Wolfberry & Pork Dim Sum (5pcs)
暫時售罄$24.00全素 三菇牛蒡素菜包 Vegan Three-Mushroom & Burdock Vegetable Bun (1pc)
暫時售罄$22.00純素食品 - 松茸香菌菇北海道烏冬 Vegetarian Stewed Hokkaido Udon with Matsutake
暫時售罄$78.00健脾益腎健營豬肉包 Pork Bun (1pc)
【抗病毒產品】Anti-epidemic products
【抗病毒-預防/感染】清肺健脾湯 380ml
暫時售罄$76.00【抗病毒-康復】潤肺益氣化痰飲 350ml
產品宣稱:補益氣陰,潤肺化痰。適合者︰脾虛肺失清潤,聚濕生痰之人調理身體。感染者康復期表現口咽乾,微咳有痰,咽喉不適,乏力,納差,大便不暢(或粘)之人。$47.00【抗病毒-預防/感染】清肺止咳飲 350ml
生態農產品 Eco-farming
16年正宗新會老陳皮川貝桔梗燉有機檸檬Authentic Xin Hui 16 Years Dried Citrus Peel, Sichuan Fritillary, Platycodon Root & Organic Lemon Jam