去骨海南雞 配油飯.萵筍絲.中湯 / boneless Hainan chicken w/ flavoured rice.shredded celtuce.chinese soup
$101.00焗鮮茄豬扒飯 / baked pork chop rice in tomato sauce
$87.00脆皮燒腩仔五寶飯 (燒腩仔 ‧ 燒鴨 ‧ 豉油雞 ‧ 紅腸 ‧ 鹹蛋) / crispy pork belly & assorted bbq items w/ rice
$92.00脆皮燒腩仔飯 / crispy pork belly w/ rice
$79.00蔥油煎蛋雞扒飯 / fried chicken steak and fried egg in scallion oil w/ rice
$72.00蔥油煎蛋豬扒飯 / fried pork chop and fried egg in scallion oil w/ rice
$72.00白咖喱香茅雞髀飯 / lemongrass chicken thigh in white curry w/ rice
$92.00皇牌黯然銷魂飯 ( 蜜汁叉燒煎蛋飯 ) / caramelized bbq pork & crispy fried egg w/ rice
$79.00脆皮腩仔 · 叉燒飯 / crispy pork belly & bbq pork w/ rice
$84.00叉燒 · 豉油雞飯 / bbq pork & soyed chicken w/ rice
環保餐具 / eco-friendly tableware
環保餐具 / eco-friendly tableware
$1.00不需要環保餐具 / no need eco-friendly tableware
can.teen精選. / can.teen recommendations.
蔥油煎蛋雞扒飯 / fried chicken steak and fried egg in scallion oil w/ rice
$72.00蔥油煎蛋豬扒飯 / fried pork chop and fried egg in scallion oil w/ rice
teen teen 焗飯. / teen teen baked rice.
焗鮮茄豬扒飯 / baked pork chop rice in tomato sauce
招牌去骨海南雞 / 特色川辣口水雞 / Signature boneless Hainan chicken / Sichuan chicken in chili sauce
去骨海南雞 配油飯.萵筍絲.中湯 / boneless Hainan chicken w/ flavoured rice.shredded celtuce.chinese soup
自家明爐燒味飯 / Homemade roasted siu mei with rice
皇牌黯然銷魂飯 ( 蜜汁叉燒煎蛋飯 ) / caramelized bbq pork & crispy fried egg w/ rice
$79.00脆皮燒腩仔五寶飯 (燒腩仔 ‧ 燒鴨 ‧ 豉油雞 ‧ 紅腸 ‧ 鹹蛋) / crispy pork belly & assorted bbq items w/ rice
$92.00脆皮腩仔 · 叉燒飯 / crispy pork belly & bbq pork w/ rice
$84.00蜜汁叉燒飯 / bbq pork w/ rice
$67.00脆皮燒腩仔飯 / crispy pork belly w/ rice
$79.00叉燒 · 豉油雞飯 / bbq pork & soyed chicken w/ rice
$72.00明爐燒鴨飯 / roasted duck w/ rice
$67.00鹽香雞 · 燒鴨飯 / poached chicken & roasted duck w/ rice
$72.00叉燒 · 燒鴨飯 / bbq pork & roasted duck w/ rice
$72.00脆皮腩仔 · 燒鴨飯 / crispy pork belly & roasted duck w/ rice
$84.00豉油雞飯 / soyed chicken w/ rice
$67.00豉油雞 · 鹽香雞飯 / poached chicken & soyed chicken w/ rice
$72.00脆皮腩仔 · 鹽香雞飯 / crispy pork belly & poached chicken w/ rice
$84.00叉燒 · 鹽香雞飯 / bbq pork & poached chicken w/ rice
$72.00豉油雞 · 燒鴨飯 / soyed chicken & roasted duck w/ rice
$72.00鹽香雞飯 / poached chicken w/ rice
$67.00脆皮腩仔 · 豉油雞飯 / crispy pork belly & soyed chicken w/ rice
是日湯品 / Soup of the day
青紅蘿蔔豬骨湯 / carrot w/ pork bone soup
飲品 / Drinks
凍奶茶 / iced milk tea
$23.00熱奶茶 / hot milk tea
$19.00凍咖啡 / iced coffee
$23.00凍檸檬水 / iced lemon water
$23.00凍檸檬茶 / iced lemon tea
$23.00熱檸檬水 / hot lemon water
$19.00紅豆冰 / classic red bean fleecy
$33.00熱咖啡 / hot coffee
$19.00熱檸檬茶 / hot lemon tea
$19.00百事可樂 (12oz) / Pepsi (12oz)
$19.00七喜 (12oz) / 7-up (12oz)
$19.00凍檸檬百事可樂 / Iced lemon pepsi
$23.00凍檸檬七喜 / Iced lemon 7-up
招牌白咖喱. / Signature white curry.
白咖喱香茅雞髀飯 / lemongrass chicken thigh in white curry w/ rice
鮮蝦濃湯米粉x燒味飯系列. / shrimp w/ rice vermicelli in broth x Siu Mei rice .
鮮蝦濃湯米粉·叉燒飯 / shrimp w/ rice vermicelli in broth .bbq pork w/ rice
$82.00鮮蝦濃湯米粉·豉油雞飯 / shrimp w/ rice vermicelli in broth.soyed chicken w/ rice
$82.00鮮蝦濃湯米粉·明爐燒鴨飯 / shrimp w/ rice vermicelli in broth .roasted duck w/ rice
$82.00鮮蝦濃湯米粉·鹽香雞飯 / shrimp w/ rice vermicelli in broth.marinated chicken w/ rice