定食A: 和風三文魚炊飯 Teishoku A: Pan-fried Salmon with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$101.00定食 A: 鹽麴豚腩炊飯 Teishoku A: Shio-koji Pork Belly with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$88.00定食 A: 日式牛肉生薑燒炊飯 Teishoku A: Beef Shogayaki with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$88.00定食 A: 鹽燒厚切牛脷炊飯 Teishoku A: Salt-grilled Ox Tongue with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$92.00定食B: 和風三文魚炊飯 Teishoku B: Pan-fried Salmon with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$93.00蒲燒鰻魚炊飯 Kabayaki Eel with Japanese style seasoned rice
$93.00定食 B: 鹽燒厚切牛脷炊飯 Teishoku B: Salt-grilled Ox Tongue with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$84.00定食 B: 日式牛肉生薑燒炊飯 Teishoku B: Beef Shogayaki with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$80.00定食A: 鶏挽肉扒炊飯 (期間限定) Teishoku A: Tori Hanbagu Takikomi Gohan (Limited Time Only)
$101.00定食 B: 蒲燒鰻魚炊飯 Teishoku B: Kabayaki Eel with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
+$23 定食A (自選炊飯 配 關東煮或日式竹炭唐揚雞或烤菜 + 蜆汁味噌湯或枝裝/罐裝飲品) / +$15 定食B (自選炊飯 配 燒飯團或溏心日本蛋 + 蜆汁味噌湯或枝裝/罐裝飲品)
和風三文魚炊飯 Pan-fried Salmon with Japanese style seasoned rice
$78.00鶏挽肉扒炊飯 (期間限定) Tori Hanbagu Takikomi Gohan (Limited Time Only)
$78.00炙燒慢煮雞卷炊飯 Seared Sous Vide Chicken Roll with Japanese style seasoned rice
暫時售罄$59.00鹽燒厚切牛脷炊飯 Salt-grilled Ox Tongue with Japanese style seasoned rice
$69.00牛肉生薑燒炊飯 Beef Shogayaki with Japanese style seasoned rice
$65.00鹽麴豚腩炊飯 Shio-koji Pork Belly with Japanese style seasoned rice
$65.00蒲燒鰻魚炊飯 Kabayaki Eel with Japanese style seasoned rice
自選炊飯 配 關東煮 或 竹炭唐揚雞 或 烤菜 + 蜆汁味噌湯 或 枝裝/罐裝飲品
定食A: 和風三文魚炊飯 Teishoku A: Pan-fried Salmon with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$101.00定食 A: 鹽麴豚腩炊飯 Teishoku A: Shio-koji Pork Belly with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$88.00定食 A: 鹽燒厚切牛脷炊飯 Teishoku A: Salt-grilled Ox Tongue with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$92.00定食 A: 日式牛肉生薑燒炊飯 Teishoku A: Beef Shogayaki with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$88.00定食A: 鶏挽肉扒炊飯 (期間限定) Teishoku A: Tori Hanbagu Takikomi Gohan (Limited Time Only)
$101.00定食 A: 炙燒慢煮雞卷炊飯 Teishoku A: Seared Sous Vide Chicken Roll with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
暫時售罄$82.00定食 A: 蒲燒鰻魚炊飯 Teishoku A: Kabayaki Eel with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
定食 B
自選炊飯 配 燒飯團 或 溏心日本蛋 + 蜆汁味噌湯 或 枝裝/罐裝飲品
定食B: 和風三文魚炊飯 Teishoku B: Pan-fried Salmon with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$93.00定食B: 鶏挽肉扒炊飯 (期間限定) Teishoku B: Tori Hanbagu Takikomi Gohan (Limited Time Only)
$93.00定食 B: 鹽燒厚切牛脷炊飯 Teishoku B: Salt-grilled Ox Tongue with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$84.00定食 B: 蒲燒鰻魚炊飯 Teishoku B: Kabayaki Eel with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$108.00定食 B: 炙燒慢煮雞卷炊飯 Teishoku B: Seared Sous Vide Chicken Roll with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
暫時售罄$74.00定食 B: 鹽麴豚腩炊飯 Teishoku B: Shio-koji Pork Belly with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
$80.00定食 B: 日式牛肉生薑燒炊飯 Teishoku B: Beef Shogayaki with Japanese Style Seasoned Rice
烤菜 Grilled Vegetables
$23.00關東煮 Kantodaki
$25.00溏心日本蛋 Hanjuku Tamago
$10.00竹炭唐揚雞 Bamboo-charcoaled Chicken Karaage
$25.00蜆汁味增湯 Clam Miso Soup
$15.00溫泉日本蛋 Onsen Tamago
$13.00燒飯團 Grilled Onigiri
買任何炊飯/小食加$8配一枝裝/罐裝飲品 (原價 $13)
500ml枝裝 伊藤園玄米茶 Genmaicha
$13.00500ml枝裝 伊藤園綠茶 Green Tea
$13.00185ml罐裝 無糖黑咖啡 Black Coffee (no sugar)
$13.00185ml罐裝 蜂蜜檸檬汁 Honey Lemon Juice