消費滿 $100 即可享免運費
豚肉 Pork
燒厚豚肉 Grilled Pork Belly
鹽燒 / 汁燒$43.00赤豚荔枝卷 Bacon Rolls with Lichi
$31.00赤豚香腸巻 Bacon Rolls with Sausages
$31.00赤豚大蔥卷 Bacon Rolls with Leeks
$31.00香矛原塊豬頸肉 Grilled Pork Neck
牛肉 Beef
鹽燒厚牛舌 Grilled Beef Tongue
$50.00赤豚大蔥卷 Leeks Beef Rolls
鹽燒 / 汁燒$46.00燒牛肋條 Grilled Beef Rids
鹽燒 / 汁燒$50.00金菇牛肉卷 Mushroom Beef Rolls
鹽燒 / 汁燒$46.00
蔬菜 Vegetable
燒原條茄子🌶️ Grilled Eggplant with Gralic Flavor
$86.00蜜糖燒粟米 Grilled Corn with Honey Flavor
$34.00燒翠肉瓜 Grilled Zucchini
$24.00燒雞比菇 Grilled King Oyster Mushroom
$24.00燒冬菇 Grilled Mushroom
$24.00燒洋蔥 Grilled Onion
其他 Others
蒜蓉牛油炒雜菇 Mix Mushroom with Garlic Butter
$50.00蜜糖腸仔 Honey Sausage
$24.00燒墨魚丸 Honey Squid Balls
$24.00唐揚軟殼蟹 Fried Soft Shell Crab
Baka Burger X BBQ
蒜味煙三文魚炒飯 Smoked Salmon Fired Rice with Garlic Flavor
$134.00櫻花蝦海鮮炒飯 Seafood with Sakura Shrimp Fried Rice
$118.00日式鰻魚炒飯 Eel Fired Rice with Eel Sauce
$151.00咖哩海鮮炒飯 Curry Seafood Fired Rice
$118.00滑蛋親子丼 Chicken Rice with Scrambled Eggs
$106.00滑蛋牛肉丼 Beef Rice with Scrambled Eggs
$106.00滑蛋吉列豚肉丼 Culet pork Rice with Scrambled Eggs
$118.00滑蛋鰻魚丼 Eel Rice with Scrambled Eggs
$151.00日式咖哩吉列魚柳井 Japanese Curry Cutlet Fish Rice
$118.00日式咖哩雞扒井 Japanese Curry Chicken Rice
$118.00日式咖哩吉列豚肉丼 Japanese Curry Cutlet Pork Rice
$118.00日式咖哩牛肉丼 Japanese Curry Beef Rice
$118.00黑松露霜降牛肉炒飯 Beef Fired Rice with Black Truffle
海鮮 Seafood
鹽燒鯖魚 Grilled Mackerel
$62.00燒三文魚骨 Grilled Salmon Bone
$118.00燒三文魚鰭 Grilled Salmon Fin
雞肉 Chicken
鹽燒手羽先 Chicken Wings
$34.00七味手羽先 🌶️Spicy Chicken Wings
$34.00蜜糖芥末手羽先 Honey Mustard Chicken Wings
$34.00鹽燒雞皮串 Chicken Skins
$24.00鹽燒雞軟骨串 Chicken Soft Bone