關於⭐ LAIBA Cocktails
LAIBA Beverages 是一個屢獲殊榮的手工瓶裝雞尾酒品牌。她為您帶來由國際級調酒師精心配製的著名雞尾酒。每款雞尾酒都按照經典配方製作及改良,開瓶後加冰即可飲用。只需30 秒,您即可安在家中調製及享用LAIBA 世界級雞尾酒 | LAIBA Beverages is an award-winning, craft-bottled cocktail brand. LAIBA brings its renowned cocktails, designed by the world's leading mixologists, straight to you. Every cocktail has been crafted to original recipes, finished in the bottle, and ready to serve. With LAIBA, it only takes 30 seconds, start to finish, to make a world-class cocktail.⭐ LAIBA Cocktails現已登陸戶戶小廚!
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