Eggettes 精選雞蛋仔
Classic Eggette 原味雞蛋仔
$38.00Jasmine Tea Eggette 茉莉花茶雞蛋仔
$46.00Hangzhou Osmanthus Eggette 杭州桂花雞蛋仔
$46.00Dried Shrimps with Spring Onion Eggette 香蔥蝦米雞蛋仔
$58.00Yunnan Ham & Cheese Eggette (Limited Availability) 宣威火腿芝士雞蛋仔(每日限量)
Tea Mocktail 茗茶調飲
Add additional price for classic eggette, scones or tea cookies | 可加錢加配原味雞蛋仔、鬆餅或茶曲奇。
Peach Honey Green 白桃蜂蜜綠茶
Iced only | 只限凍飲White peach, organic honey and green tea | 白桃、有機蜂蜜及綠茶。Caffeine 5 stars, aroma 2 stars, aftertaste 1 star and body richness 1 star | 咖啡鹼5星、香氣2星、回甘1星及醇厚1星。$70.00Temple Beam 羅漢果珍珠菊普洱
Hot only | 只限熱飲Monk fruit, baby chrysanthemum and pu'er tea | 羅漢果、珍珠菊及熟普洱茶。Caffeine 1 star, aroma 1 star, aftertaste 4 stars and body richness 5 stars | 咖啡鹼1星、香氣1星、回甘4星及醇厚5星。$54.00Lychee Rose Green 荔枝玫瑰綠茶
Iced only | 只限凍飲Lychee, rose bud and green tea | 荔枝、玫瑰花及綠茶。 Caffeine 5 stars, aroma 2 stars, aftertaste 1 star and body richness 1 star | 咖啡鹼5星、香氣2星、回甘1星及醇厚1星。$70.00Wolfberry Oolong菊花杞子烏龍
Can choose hot drink or change to iced with additional price | 可選熱飲或加錢轉凍飲。Baby chrysanthemum, wolfberry and oolong tea | 珍珠菊、杞子及烏龍茶。Caffeine 3 stars, aroma 4 stars, aftertaste 5 stars and body richness 3 stars | 咖啡鹼3星、香氣4星、回甘5星及醇厚3星。$54.00Ginseng Oolong花旗蔘蜂蜜烏龍
Can choose hot drink or change to iced with additional price | 可選熱飲或加錢轉凍飲。American ginseng and oolong tea | 花旗蔘及烏龍茶。Caffeine 3 stars, aroma 4 stars, aftertaste 5 stars and body richness 3 stars | 咖啡鹼3星、香氣4星、回甘5星及醇厚3星。$54.00Berry Velvet 莓菓滇紅
Hero productIced only | 只限凍飲Blueberry, orange and black tea | 藍莓、橙及紅茶。Caffeine 2 stars, aroma 3 stars, aftertaste 4 stars and body richness 4 stars | 咖啡鹼2星、香氣3星、回甘4星及醇厚4星。$70.00Citric Blossom 香橙茉莉
Hot only | 只限熱飲Orange, Jasmine Tea | 橙、茉莉花茶。Caffeine 4 stars, aroma 5 stars, aftertaste 3 stars and body richness 2 stars | 咖啡鹼4星、香氣5星、回甘3星及醇厚2星。$54.00Lemongrass Cilantro Jasmine 香茅茉莉
Hero productIced only | 只限凍飲Lemongrass, parsley, lime and Jasmine tea | 香茅、蕃茜、青檸及茉莉花茶。Caffeine 4 stars, aroma 5 stars, aftertaste 3 stars and body richness 2 stars | 咖啡鹼4星、香氣5星、回甘3星及醇厚2星。$58.00
Oat Tea 燕麥奶調茶
Can choose hot or iced | 可選熱或凍飲。 Add additional price for classic eggette, scones or tea cookies | 可加錢加配原味雞蛋仔、鬆餅或茶曲奇。
Pu'er Oat 普洱燕麥奶
Hero productPu'er tea and oat milk | 熟普洱茶及燕麥奶。Caffeine 1 star, aroma 1 star, aftertaste 4 stars and body richness 5 stars | 咖啡鹼1星、香氣1星、回甘4星及醇厚5星。$54.00Rosy Green Oat 玫瑰綠茶燕麥奶
Rose bud, green tea and oat milk | 玫瑰花、綠茶及燕麥奶。Caffeine 5 stars, aroma 2 stars, aftertaste 1 star and body richness 1 star | 咖啡鹼5星、香氣2星、回甘1星及醇厚1星。$54.00Honey Jig Oat 蜂蜜滇紅燕麥奶
Organic honey, black tea and oat milk | 有機蜂蜜、紅茶及燕麥奶。Caffeine 2 stars, aroma 3 stars, aftertaste 4 stars and body richness 4 stars | 咖啡鹼2星、香氣3星、回甘4星及醇厚4星。$54.00Jasmine Tea Oat 茉莉花茶燕麥奶
Jasmine tea and oat milk | 苿莉花茶及燕麥奶。Caffeine 4 stars, aroma 5 stars, aftertaste 3 stars and body richness 2 stars | 咖啡鹼4星、香氣5星、回甘3星及醇厚2星。$54.00
Classic Tea 經典茗茶
Can choose hot or iced | 可選熱或凍飲。 Add additional price for classic eggette, scones or tea cookies | 可加錢加配原味雞蛋仔、鬆餅或茶曲奇。
Delicate Green 浙江綠茶
Non-fermented green tea, aromatic as chestnut, mellow and fresh | 綠茶屬不發酵茶,茶湯香氣高爽帶嫩粟香及滋味鮮醇。Caffeine 5 stars, aroma 2 stars, aftertaste 1 star and body richness 1 star | 咖啡鹼5星、香氣2星、回甘1星及醇厚1星。$46.00Dark Jade 福建烏龍
Semi-fermented oolong tea, aromatic as ripen fruits, mellow with strong aftertaste | 烏龍茶屬半發酵茶,香氣馥鬱,有天然熟果香味,湯色橙黃明亮,滋味醇和回甘。Caffeine 3 stars, aroma 4 stars, aftertaste 5 stars and body richness 3 stars | 咖啡鹼3星、香氣4星、回甘5星及醇厚3星。$46.00Yunnan Jig 雲南滇紅
Fully fermented black tea, tastes sweetish and long lasting, with strong fragrance, mellow and rich | 紅茶屬於全發酵茶,喝後口中甜滑持久,香高味醇,滋味濃強。Caffeine 2 stars, aroma 3 stars, aftertaste 4 stars and body richness 4 stars | 咖啡鹼2星、香氣3星、回甘4星及醇厚4星。$50.00Ripen Pu'er 沈韻熟普洱
Post-fermented ripen pu'er with an aging fragrant, smooth body, calming and with long lasting aftertaste | 普洱熟茶屬後發酵茶,滋味醇和甘滑,香氣帶陳香。Caffeine 1 star, aroma 1 star, aftertaste 4 stars and body richness 5 stars | 咖啡鹼1星、香氣1星、回甘4星及醇厚5星。$46.00Jasmine Queen 茉莉花茶
Jasmine tea is naturally scented with the aroma of Jasmine blossoms, with deep floral aroma and rich green tea flavours | 茉莉花茶選用綠茶和新鮮茉莉花為原料窨製而成,香味來自天然茉莉花。香氣濃鬱及滋味濃醇。Caffeine 4 stars, aroma 5 stars, aftertaste 3 stars and body richness 2 stars | 咖啡鹼4星、香氣5星、回甘3星及醇厚2星。$46.00
Hand Brew Premium Tea 手泡名茶
Add additional price for classic eggette, scones or tea cookies | 可加錢加配原味雞蛋仔、鬆餅或茶曲奇。
Xihu Pre-Qingming Long Jing 西湖明前龍井
Xihu Long Jing has its renowned traits of flat shape with tipped ends. The drink is pale green, clear with bean taste, brisk and fresh | 杭州西湖龍井,外形扁平挺直,色澤翠綠微黃,香氣高雅,滋味醇和鮮爽。Caffeine 5 stars, aroma 2 stars, aftertaste 1 star and body richness 1 star | 咖啡鹼5星、香氣2星、回甘1星及醇厚1星。$130.002017 Fuding White Tea 2017年福鼎小白茶
Lao Bai Cha (aged white tea) become richer and mellower over years. Particularly beneficial to digestive system and anti-aging | 老白茶在多年的存放過程中轉化,滋味變得醇和,對脾胃及抗氧化尤其有益。Caffeine 4 stars, aroma 2 stars, aftertaste 2 star and body richness 2 star | 咖啡鹼4星、香氣2星、回甘2星及醇厚2星。$82.00Nanyan Hong Xin Tie Guan Yin 自家茶園傳統南巖紅心鐵觀音
Produced from Fook Ming Tong's own farm in traditional hand process. Its leaves are heavy as iron, mellow and strong aftertaste with orchids fragrance | 產自福茗堂自家茶園,以傳統手工精製,葉質肥厚,湯色澄黃,滋味甘醇,回甘力強及帶蘭花香。Caffeine 3 stars, aroma 4 stars, aftertaste 5 stars and body richness 3 stars | 咖啡鹼3星、香氣4星、回甘5星及醇厚3星。$118.00Yunnan Supreme Black Tea 雲南滇紅金針
Full of aroma of golden pekoe, top grade among Yunnan black tea. The taste is smooth and subtle | 雲南滇紅金針重芽香、滋味醇和濃強,屬滇紅中的上品。 Caffeine 2 stars, aroma 3 stars, aftertaste 4 stars and body richness 4 stars | 咖啡鹼2星、香氣3星、回甘4星及醇厚4星。$118.002015 Yunnan Pa Sha Pu'er(Raw) 2015年雲南帕沙普洱(生茶)
Pasha pu'er tea originated in Yunnan, Menghai region. Naturally fermented over years, the taste becomes mature and with strong aftertaste | 原產於雲南勐海,以自然的方式存放,不經過人工發酵處理的茶,陳香顯露,滋味濃厚回甘。Caffeine 1 star, aroma 1 star, aftertaste 4 stars and body richness 5 stars | 咖啡鹼1星、香氣1星、回甘4星及醇厚5星。$118.00Yunnan Pu'er(Ripen) 雲南特選普洱(熟茶)
Yunnan pu'er is pressed into mini tea discs. The drink is clear and in burgundy red. The taste is smooth and strong | 雲南特選普洱,外形壓成小茶餅。湯色紅濃,陳香及濃醇。 Caffeine 1 star, aroma 1 star, aftertaste 4 stars and body richness 5 stars | 咖啡鹼1星、香氣1星、回甘4星及醇厚5星。$82.0090's Yunnan Pu'er(Ripen) 九十年代雲南普洱(熟茶)
This aging tea, the 90's ripen pu'er is smooth and rich, with the piling flavors and pure aroma mellowed out after aging | 雲南普洱熟茶經渥堆發酵後,經年月轉化後口感更為醇厚,陳香持久。Caffeine 1 star, aroma 1 star, aftertaste 4 stars and body richness 5 stars | 咖啡鹼1星、香氣1星、回甘4星及醇厚5星。$130.00Fuding Jasmine Silver Needle 福鼎茉莉銀針
Jasmine silver needle is Fuding Da Bai Cha scented with fresh Jasmine. The taste is mild and fresh, exudes an elegant floral scent | 茉莉銀針是以福鼎大白茶樹茶青用茉莉鮮花窨製。花香鮮靈及醇爽。Caffeine 4 stars, aroma 5 stars, aftertaste 3 stars and body richness 2 stars | 咖啡鹼4星、香氣5星、回甘3星及醇厚2星。$118.00
Kids Drinks 兒童調飲
Marshmallow Chococcino 棉花糖朱古力
Can choose hot or iced | 可選熱或凍飲。Marshmallow, chocolate and oat milk | 棉花糖、朱古力及燕麥奶。$58.00Peachy fresh orange 白桃鮮榨橙汁
Iced only | 只限凍飲White peach and orange juice | 白桃及橙汁。$70.00
Crepe 可麗餅
Smoked Salmon & Avocado Crepe 煙三文魚牛油果可麗餅
$106.00Smoked Ham, Egg & Chinese Crepe 煙火腿滑蛋芝士可麗餅
$82.00Coconut and Peanut Butter Slice Crepe 椰絲花生牛油片可麗餅