關於Seoul Recipe
Hong Kong based Korean food importer, manufacturer and distributor. Seoul Recipe aims to deliver a unique and genuine food experience to its customers by offering quality, authentic Korean food and ingredients.免運費
消費滿 $100 即可享免運費
韓式燒牛肉飯 Bulgogi Beef
$88.00韓式甜辣醬炸雞飯 Spicy Fried Chicken
$88.00韓式豆腐茄子飯(素食) Tofu & Eggplant (vegetarian)
$88.00辣炒豬肉飯 Sweet Spicy Pork
$88.00牛肉解酒湯套餐 Beef Hangover Soup Set 얼큰 소고기 해장국
$88.00滑豆腐牛肉湯套餐 Soft Tofu Soup with Beef Set 고기 순두부찌개
$78.00韓式粉絲套餐 Japche Combo
$75.00人蔘雞湯套餐 Ginseng Chicken Soup Set 삼계탕
$88.00韓國菜乾大醬牛肉湯套餐 Korean Dried Radish & Beef Soup Set
$88.00魚糕紫菜包飯 Fishcake Gimbap
Fried Chicken
圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only
SR 招牌醬汁韓式炸雞 SR Signature Spicy Chicken (10pcs)
닭강정$163.00SR 招牌韓式炸雞 SR Signature Fried Chicken (10pcs)
후라이드 치킨$158.00
Lunch Box & Seasonal Menu
* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice * 圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only
韓式燒牛肉飯 Bulgogi Beef
불고기主菜 + 羽衣甘藍車厘茄沙律 + 韓式小菜 + 飯 Main + tomato kale green salad + daily side dishes + rice* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice * 圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only$88.00韓式甜辣醬炸雞飯 Spicy Fried Chicken
닭강정主菜 + 羽衣甘藍車厘茄沙律 + 韓式小菜 + 飯 Main + tomato kale green salad + daily side dishes + rice* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice * 圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only$88.00韓式豆腐茄子飯(素食) Tofu & Eggplant (vegetarian)
가지두부主菜 + 羽衣甘藍車厘茄沙律 + 韓式小菜 + 飯 Main + tomato kale green salad + daily side dishes + rice* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice * 圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only$88.00辣炒豬肉飯 Sweet Spicy Pork
제육볶음主菜 + 羽衣甘藍車厘茄沙律 + 韓式小菜 + 飯 Main + tomato kale green salad + daily side dishes + rice* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice * 圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only$88.00🌱 韓式微菜苗拌飯 Korean Sprout Bibimbap
Korean air-flown micro sprout is use and comes with homemade bibim sauce and fried egg采用新鮮韓國空運微菜苗,配用自家製韓式拌飯醬及煎蛋$88.00
圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only
韓式粉絲套餐 Japche Combo
잡채 콤보$75.00韓式泡菜炒飯套餐 Kimchi Fried Rice Combo
김치볶음밥 콤보$75.00
* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice * 圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only
魚糕紫菜包飯 Fishcake Gimbap
어묵볶음김밥* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice$68.00豬肉紫菜包飯 Pork Gimbap
제육볶음김밥* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice$68.00牛肉紫菜包飯 Beef Gimbap
불고기김밥* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice$68.00吞拿魚紫菜包飯 Tuna Gimbap
참치김밥* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice$68.00炸豆腐紫菜包飯(不含蛋) Fried Tofu Gimbap (No Egg)
유부김밥* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice$68.00
Soup & Rice
* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice * 圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only
排骨湯套餐 Galbi Soup Set 갈비탕
套餐包括米飯+韓式小菜+韓國泡菜 Comes with rice + daily side dishes + korean kimchi* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice$88.00牛肉解酒湯套餐 Beef Hangover Soup Set 얼큰 소고기 해장국
套餐包括米飯+韓式小菜+韓國泡菜 Comes with rice + daily side dishes + korean kimchi* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice$88.00人蔘雞湯套餐 Ginseng Chicken Soup Set 삼계탕
套餐包括湯、飯及三款是日小菜 Comes with rice + 3 kinds of daily side dishes + soup*** Ginseng chicken soup is in clear soup* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice$88.00滑豆腐牛肉湯套餐 Soft Tofu Soup with Beef Set 고기 순두부찌개
套餐包括米飯+韓式小菜+韓國泡菜 Comes with rice + daily side dishes + korean kimchi* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice$78.00韓國菜乾大醬牛肉湯套餐 Korean Dried Radish & Beef Soup Set
套餐包括湯、米飯及三款是日小菜 Comes with purple rice + 3 kinds of daily side dishes + soup* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice$88.00牛肉海帶湯套餐 Seaweed Beef Soup Set 쇠고기 미역국
套餐包括米飯+韓式小菜+韓國泡菜 Comes with rice + daily side dishes + korean kimchi* 隨機使用紫米或白米飯 Randomly in purple rice or white rice$78.00
圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only
(限定)韓式炸醬飯 Jjajang Rice 자장밥
包韓國泡菜 Comes with Korean Kimchi$70.00
Side Dish
圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only
韓式煎雞蛋卷 Korean Egg Rolls 계란 말이 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$28.00涼拌蕨菜 Korean Mountain Vegetable - Gosari 고사리 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$28.00涼拌菠菜 Braised Spinach 시금치 나물 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$28.00釜山魚糕 Busan Fishcake 부산 오뎅 볶음 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$38.00涼拌辣青瓜 Spicy Cucumber Salad 오이무침 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$18.00涼拌大豆芽 Braised Bean Sprout 콩나물 무침 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$18.00蓮藕 Lotus Roots 연근 조림 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$28.00炒茄子 Stir-fried Eggplant 가지볶음 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$28.00炒雞泡魚乾 Stir Fried Dried Filefish 쥐포채 무침 80g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$48.00韓式甜辣醬明太魚 Sweet & Spicy Pollack Stips 명태회 무침 130g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$48.00辣炒乾魷魚乾 Spicy Stir Fried Squid 80g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$48.00辣椒炒魚仔 Stir Fried Spicy Anchovies 멸치 볶음 80g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$48.00海帶沙律 Seaweed Salad 미역무침 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$28.00黑豆 Black Beans 콩자반 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$28.00辣醬燜豆腐 Braised Tofu 두부조림 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$28.00醃辣蘿蔔乾 Korean Dried Radish Strips 무말랭이 무침 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$28.00辣青瓜泡菜 Fresh Cucumber Kimchi 오이 소박이 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$28.00涼拌野菜 Mountain Vegetable - Chi Namul 취나물 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$28.00醋醃什錦蔬菜 Homemade Veggie Pickles 채소피클 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$18.00醃青辣椒 Homemade Green Chilli Pickles 고추 장아찌 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$18.00醃黃蘿蔔 Seasoned Yellow Radish 단무지 무침 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$18.00紫蘇籽粉醃白蘿蔔絲 Perilla Radish Salad 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$18.00醃粉紅色蘿蔔 Pickled beetroot Radish 비트 쌈무 100g
Served as one of the authentic Korean side dishes. It goes well with steamed rice, grilled meat, perfect for Korean bibimbap, and any Korean meal.傳統韓式拌菜之一。配白飯 、燒肉 、自製韓國拌飯或其他韓國料理都一流$18.00
圖片只供參考 Photo is for reference only
牛蒡茶 Burdock Tea
$20.00Trevis有汽水(青檸味) Trevis Sparkling (Lime) 500ml
트레비 라임 스파클링$12.00韓國海太梨汁 [Haitai] Crushed Pear Juice (238ml)
[해태] 갈아 만든 배$8.00