Fresh Meat 新鮮肉類
新鮮「太極黑豚」脢頭瘦 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Collar Butt Meat
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 脢頭,或作梅頭,豬的肩胛肉 | 肉味:肉味充實 | 肉質:肉層厚實,有口感分明 | 煮法:煲湯、炆、燒。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: full-fledged flavour | texture: muscular, thread-like meat | cooking: making soup, stewing & BBQ.$120.00新鮮「太極黑豚」脢頭半肥瘦 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Collar Butt with fat
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 脢頭,或作梅頭,豬的肩胛肉 | 肉味:肉味充實| 肉質:肉層厚實,有口感分明 | 煮法:煲湯、炆、燒。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: full-fledged flavor | texture: thread-like meat, crispy fat | cooking: making soup, stewing, BBQ.$96.00新鮮「太極黑豚」瘦肉 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Lean Pork
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 肉味:清純、柔和 | 肉質:結實而有咬口 | 煮法:主要用來煲湯。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: pure and mild |texture: firm and chewy due to thick muscle fiber | cooking: making soup.$78.00新鮮「太極黑豚」冧肉 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Rump Meat
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 肉味:清純而豐富 | 質感:有咬口 | 煮法:蒸、炒、煲湯 。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: flavorful and pure | texture: lean with a bite | cooking: steaming, pan-frying, making soup.$82.00新鮮「太極黑豚」肉眼豬扒 (有骨) Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Loin Chop (Bone in)
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 肉味:肉味充實 | 肉感:鬆軟中帶咬口 | 煮法:煎、烤、焗。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: full-fledged flavour | texture: tender with grainy bite | cooking: frying, baked.$96.00新鮮「太極黑豚」五花腩 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Belly
約300g | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 肉味:脂層馥郁帶甜、肉富油香 | 肉質:脂層脆、肉鬆軟 | 煮法:煎、炒、炆、燒烤。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: sweet fat with full-fledged flavor meat | texture: crispy fat and tender meat| cooking: frying, stewing, BBQ.$108.00新鮮「太極黑豚」免治豬肉(半肥瘦) Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Minced Half-Fat Lean pork
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 肉味:油香融和肉味 | 質感:鬆軟中帶咬口 | 煮法:蒸、煎肉餅、炸肉丸。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: sweetness from fat mellows with meat flavor | texture: tender with grainy bite | cooking: steaming, frying.$78.00新鮮「太極黑豚」大𦟌 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Premium Pork Shank
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 大𦟌,豬的後小腿 | 肉味:濃郁 | 質感:清爽而結實。炆燉後變得油潤 | 煮法:炆、燉、煲湯。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: bold and flavorful | texture: light, strong and firm; smooth after stewing | cooking: stewing, making soup.$132.00
Fresh Bone 新鮮骨類
新鮮「太極黑豚」妃排 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Spare Ribs Upper Position
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 妃排,又名排骨邊 | 肉味:肉味清爽 | 肉質:軟腍 | 煮法:適合煎、炒、煮、炸 * 為方便運送及烹調,會切成少段處理。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: mild & crispy | texture: tender | cooking: frying, stewing* will be cut into segments for easier handling and transportation.$108.00新鮮「太極黑豚」一字排 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Spare Ribs
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 一字排,又名金沙骨 | 肉味:清爽,帶骨香 | 肉質:富有彈性 | 煮法:蒸、炆、燒、炸。* 為方便運送及烹調,會切成少段處理。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives |taste: crispy taste with fragrance of bone | texture: bouncy | cooking: steaming, stewing, grilling & frying.* Will be cut into segments for easier handling and transportation.$102.00新鮮「太極黑豚」唐排 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Neck Bone
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 唐排,又名骨排 | 肉味:骨香肉濃 | 肉質:纖瘦細緻 | 煮法:煲湯。* 為方便運送及烹調,會切成少段處理。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: flavourful | texture: lean & delicate | cooking: ideal for making soup* Will be cut into segments for easier handling and transportation$96.00新鮮「太極黑豚」腩排 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Belly Spare Ribs
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 腩排,又名豬小排,偶會附有軟骨 | 肉味:油香濃厚 | 肉質:有質感、彈牙 | 煮法:燒、炸、炆、焗為主。軟骨部份除去多餘脂肪後煲湯亦可。* 為方便運送及烹調,會切成少段處理。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: rich & flavourful | texture: firm & bouncy | cooking: barbecue, grilling, roasting & frying. Some Chinese soup recipes would use the cartilage. *may contain cartilage.* will be cut into segments for easier handling and transportation.$96.00新鮮「太極黑豚」西施骨 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Blade Bone
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 西施骨,又名豬扇骨。附帶軟骨 | 肉味:肉味清雅 | 肉質:軟滑而結實| 煮法:煲湯、炒* 為方便運送及烹調,會切成少段處理。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: mild and clear | texture: smooth and firm | cooking: making soup, pan-frying.* will be cut into segments for easier handling and transportation.$96.00新鮮「太極黑豚」豬尾骨 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Tail Bone
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 豬尾骨,豬髖骨的一部份 | 肉味:肉味充實,骨香濃郁 | 肉質:嫩滑但結實 | 煮法:煲湯。* 為方便運送及烹調,會切成少段處理。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: flavorful meat with strong fragrance of bone | texture: smooth and firm | cooking: making soup.* will be cut into segments for easier handling and transportation.$78.00新鮮「太極黑豚」豬尾全條 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Whole Pig Tail
約900克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 肉味:肉味鮮甜 | 肉感:有豐富骨膠原 | 煮法:燉、煲湯。* 為方便運送及烹調,會切成少段處理。Approximate 900g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: strong fragrance of meat | texture: rich in collagen | cooking: stewing, making soup.* Will be cut into segments for easier handling and transportation.$234.00新鮮「太極黑豚」脊骨 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Spine
約300克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 肉味:骨香髓味為主,肉清淡 | 質感:肌肉纖維較粗,成條狀,口感較粗糙 | 煮法:煲湯。* 為方便運送及烹調,會切成少段處理。Approximate 300g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: flavorful bone & marrow | texture: chewy | cooking: making soup.* Will be cut into segments for easier handling and transportation.$90.00新鮮「太極黑豚」筒骨 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Marrow Bone
約900克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 肉味:骨味香濃 | 肉感:骨香髓味為主 | 煮法:燉、煲湯。* 為方便運送及烹調,會切成少段處理。Approximate 900g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: strong fragrance of bone | texture: smooth and firm | cooking: stew, making soup* will be cut into segments for easier handling and transportation.$178.00
Others 其他
新鮮「太極黑豚」豬手 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pork Hock
約1200克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 肉味:肉味鮮甜 | 肉感:肉質結實彈牙,有豐富骨膠原 | 煮法:炆 、炸。* 為方便運送及烹調,會切成少段處理。Approximate 1200g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: flavorful meat with strong fragrance of bone | texture: smooth and firm, rich in collagen | cooking: stewing, frying.* Will be cut into segments for easier handling and transportation.$180.00新鮮 「太極黑豚」豬腳 Fresh "Tai Chi Pig" - Pig Feet
約600克 | 無激素 無防腐劑 | 肉味:肉味鮮甜 | 肉感:肉質結實彈牙,有豐富骨膠原 | 煮法:炆、燉。* 為方便運送及烹調,會切成少段處理。Approximate 600g | no hormone no preservatives | taste: flavorful meat with strong fragrance of bone | texture: smooth and firm, rich in collagen | cooking: stewing, making soup.* will be cut into segments for easier handling and transportation.$96.00