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精選套餐 Highlighted Combo
2人小食套餐 Healthy Snacks combo for 2 person
暫時售罄$88.00糖水組合 (3包) Herbal Dessert Combo (3 pcs)
臟腑五行能量™健康茶 Visceral Energy in Five Elements™ (Herbal Tea)
【清肝明目】【低糖】金銀花杞子菊花茶 Honeysuckle, Chinese Wolfberry & Chrysanthemum Tea (500ml)
清熱解毒,平肝明目 Clears heat and removes toxic substances, calms the liver and brightens vision$35.00椰汁海底椰川貝雪耳露 Coconut Milk, Sea Coconut, Sichuan Fritillary & White Fungus Drink (500ml)
清熱潤燥,清心除煩 Clears heat and moistens dryness, clears the heart and relieves irritation$38.00高原沙棘金橘薏米露 Himalayas Seabuckthorn, Kumquat & Coix Seed Drink (500ml)
活血養肝,強健體魄 Promotes the circulation of blood$38.00黃金果羅漢茶 Golden Momordica Fruit Drink (500ml)
清肺利咽,潤腸通便 Clears the lungs and comforts the throat, moistens the intestine and promotes excretion$33.00鮮金橘薏米水 Fresh Kumquat & Coix Seed Drink (500ml)
健脾氣,利化濕,解肝鬱,暢氣機 Strengthens 'Qi' in the spleen and removes dampness. Disperses the liver and facilitates the circulation of 'Qi'$37.00紅棗桑椹汁 Chinese Date & Mulberry Drink (500ml)
補血養顏,安神益心 Replenishes the blood and brightens the skin, calms the mind and benefits the heart$38.00蕎麥核桃露 Buckwheat & Walnut Drink (500ml)
健腦補腎,潤燥滑腸 Strengthens the brain and replenishes the kidney, moistens dryness and intestine$38.00野生黑枸杞桑椹汁 Wild Black Goji Berry & Mulberry Drink (500ml)
養肝血,精明目,補腎虛,益精髓 Nourishes the blood of the liver, brightens the vision, replenishes the deficiency of kidneys, benefits the vital essence$38.00花旗參石斛麥冬茶 American Ginseng, Ephemerantha & Ophiopogonis Root Tea (500ml)
補氣提神,潤燥養陰 Replenish 'Qi' and stimulates the spirit, moistens the dryness and nourishes 'Yin'$38.00首烏芝麻茶 Polygonum Root & Sesame Tea (500ml)
養血補腎,烏髮美顏 Nourishes blood production and replenishes the kidneys, keeps the hair dark and promotes skin health$38.00清肝解毒土茯苓茶 TuFuLing Tea for Clearing the Liver and Removing Toxic Substances (500ml)
清肝解毒,滲利濕熱 Clears the Liver and removes toxic substances, relieves dampness heat$37.00【清肝利咽】【低糖】羅漢果夏枯草茶 Momordica Fruit & Self-Heal Spike Tea (500ml)
清肝熱,滋潤咽喉 Clears heat in the liver, moistens the throat$35.00【清熱瀉火】【無糖】廿四味 24 Herbs' Tea (350ml)
清熱毒,祛濕瀉火 Clears heat and toxic substances, removes dampness and expels 'Fire'$28.00冷壓有機少甜鮮檸檬茶 Freshly Cold Pressed Organic Lemon Tea (350ml)
生津提神 消食燒脂 ︳Promoting production of fluid and refreshing,Resolving food stagnation$36.00【生津潤燥】海底椰川貝杏仁茶 Sea Coconut, Sichuan Fritillary & Almond Tea (500ml)
清潤肺燥,生津潤喉 Clears and moistens the lungs-dryness, promotes production of body fluid and moistens the throat$38.00蜜棗貝杏雪梨茶 Preserved Jujube, Ussuri Fritillary, Almond & Pear Tea (500ml)
暫時售罄$38.00馬蹄鮮茅根竹蔗水 Water Chestnut, Fresh Cogongrass Rhizome & Sugar Cane Tea (500ml)
暫時售罄$38.00【潤肺補肝】高原沙棘雪杏薏米露 Himalayas Seabuckthorn, Apricot & Coix Seed Drink (500ml)
暫時售罄$39.00老陳皮川貝桔梗檸檬果露 Dried Citrus Peel, Sichuan Fritillary, Platycodon Root & Organic Lemon Drink (400ml)
暫時售罄$39.00化濕利水玉米鬚茶 Corn Stigma Tea for Clearing the Liver and Promoting the Circulation of Water (500ml)
暫時售罄$37.00【清肝利膽】【低糖】綿茵陳雞骨草茶 Capillary Wormwood Herb & Abrum Cantonese Plant Tea (500ml)
暫時售罄$35.00木棉花茵陳祛濕茶Bombax Flower & Capillary Wormwood Herb Dampness Removal Herbal Tea(500ML)
暫時售罄$38.00【健脾解毒】陳皮淮山綠豆露 Dried Citrus Peel, Chinese Yam & Mung Bean Tea (500ml)
暫時售罄$38.00鮮豐水梨汁 Preserved Jujube, Ussuri Fritillary, Almond & Pear Tea (500ml)
暫時售罄$40.00陳皮淮山綠豆露 Dried Citrus Peel, Chinese Yam & Mung Bean Tea (500ml)
臟腑五行能量™滋補湯 Visceral Energy in Five Elements™ (Herbal Soup)
【滋陰養顏】滋陰養顏‧蜜瓜花膠爵士湯 Honeydew Melon & Fish Maw Soup for Nourishing 'Yin' and Promoting Skin Health (380ml)
補肺氣,提免疫,滋肺陰,潤肌膚 Replenishes the 'Qi' of the lungs, improves immunity, nourishes 'Yin' of the lungs, moistens the skin$69.00【健脾養陰】【素】養陰健脾.木瓜蕃茄姬松茸腰果素湯 【Vegan】Papaya, Tomato, Agaricus subrufescens & Cashews Vegetarian Soup (380ml)
養陰生津,健脾開胃 ︳Nourishing yin and promoting fluid production,invigorating spleen and stimulate the appetite.$69.00【補腎健肺】補腎健肺‧蟲草菌絲黃精響螺湯 Cordyceps, Polygonatum Rhizome & Conch Soup for Nourishement of Kidneys and Health of Lungs (380ml)
健肺養腎,補氣強精 Strengthens the lungs and nourishes the kidneys, replenishes 'Qi' and strengthens the body's vital essence$69.00【舒筋活絡】舒筋活絡‧粉葛土茯苓牛大力祛濕湯 Pueraria Root, Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome & Callerya Speciosa Root Soup (380ml)
清熱祛濕,舒筋活絡Clears heat and removes dampness, relaxes tendons and activates meridians$69.00【生津養顏】生津養顏‧木瓜蕃茄花膠魚湯 Papaya, Tomato, Fish Maw and Filefish Soup (380ml)
暫時售罄$69.00【滋陰補肺】滋陰補肺‧印度椰子花膠雞湯 Indian Coconut, Fish Maw & Chicken Soup for Nourishment of 'Yin' & Replenishment of Lungs (380ml)
暫時售罄$72.00【滋陰潤肺】滋陰潤肺‧川貝杏汁百合豬𦟌湯 Sichuan Fritillary, Almond, Lily Bulb & Pork Soup for Lung Nourishment (380ml)
暫時售罄$69.00【健脾益氣】健脾益氣‧無花果猴頭菇響螺花膠烏雞湯 Fig, Hedgehog Mushroom, Conch, Fish Maw and Silky Chicken Soup(380ml)
暫時售罄$69.00【陰陽平補】【素】陰陽平補.生態黃耆黨參黃精淮山素湯 Ecological Astragalus, Codonopsis, Polygonatum & Yam Vegetarian soup (380ml)
暫時售罄$69.00【補肺益氣】補肺益氣.石斛花旗參鮑魚湯 American Ginseng & Abalone Soup for Replenishment of Lungs & 'Qi' (380ml)
暫時售罄$69.00【補肺益氣】補肺益氣‧野生五指毛桃黨參響螺烏雞湯 Wild Hairy Fig, Codonopsis Root, Conch & Silky Chicken Soup (380ml)
臟腑五行能量™藥膳糖水 Visceral Energy in Five Elements™ (Dessert)
桑椹桑寄生蓮子糖水 Mulberry, Mulberry Mistletoe Stem & Lotus Seed Dessert (12oz)
補心氣,養肝血,潤肌膚,安心神 Replenishes 'Qi' in the heart, nourishes blood in the liverMoistens skin and calms the mind$42.00【補腎益腦】杜仲首烏芝麻糊 Eucommia Bark, Polygonum Root & Sesame Dessert (12oz)
益腦健髮,潤腸通便 ︳Benefits the brain & promotes hair health$42.00百合蓮子杏仁糊 Lily Bulb, Lotus Seed & Apricot Kernel Dessert (12oz)
滋陰潤肺,清除燥熱 ︳Moistens the lungs & clears dryness-heat.$42.00【養心安神】紅棗桂圓雪蓮子燉桃膠 Chinese Date, Longan, Chinese Honeylocust Seed and Peach Resin Dessert (12oz)
養心血,安心神,活氣血,養容顏 Nourishes the blood of the heart, calms the mind.Facilitates the ‘Qi’ and the blood circulation, promotes the health of skin$50.00椰汁桃膠雪蓮子西米露 Coconut Milk, Peach Resin, Chinese Honeylocust Seed and Sago Dessert (12oz)
和肝血,清心火,活氣血,養容顏 Harmonizes the blood of liver, clears the ‘Fire’ of the heart.Facilitates the ‘Qi’ and the blood circulation, promotes the health of skin$50.00木瓜紅棗雪耳糖水 Papaya, Chinese Date & White Fungus Dessert (12oz)
暫時售罄$40.00香芋椰汁紫米露 Taro, Coconut Milk & Purple Rice Dessert (12oz)
暫時售罄$42.00海帶百合蓮子綠豆沙 Kelp, Lily Bulb, Lotus Seed and Mung Bean Dessert (12oz)
療效龜苓膏™ Herbal Jelly™
皇方鮮土茯苓療效龜苓膏 Fresh Tu Fu Ling, Emperor Herbal Jelly (300g)
清濕熱毒,淨血護肝 Clears heat & removes toxic substance$61.00全素 精研鮮土茯苓膏 Vegan Fresh Tu Fu Ling Herbal Jelly (300g)
護肝解毒,清熱除濕 Clears heat & removes toxic substance$61.00
健康小食 Healthy Snack
淮山杞子豬肉燒賣TM Chinese Yam, Chinese Wolfberry & Pork Dim Sum (5pcs)
滋陰健脾,養肝明目 Strengthens the spleen & benefits the liver (H 只供熱食)$24.00全素 三菇牛蒡素菜包 Vegan Three-Mushroom & Burdock Vegetable Bun (1pc)
健脾胃,清熱滋陰 Strengthens the spleen & the stomach (H 只供熱食)$22.00健脾益腎健營豬肉包 Pork Bun (1pc)
健脾益腎,補肝潤燥 Strengthens the spleen & replenishes the kidneys (H 只供熱食)$22.00純素食品 - 松茸香菌菇北海道烏冬 Vegetarian Stewed Hokkaido Udon with Matsutake
【抗病毒產品】Anti-epidemic products
【抗病毒-預防/感染】清肺健脾湯 380ml
產品宣稱:清潤益肺,健脾化痰。適合者︰清潤益肺,健脾化痰;輔助調理呼吸道不適。感染者表現咳嗽,咽喉不適(疼痛)咽乾,全身乏力,納差,腹脹,大便之暢(或粘)之人。$76.00【抗病毒-預防/感染】清肺止咳飲 350ml
產品宣稱:舒緩咳嗽,咳痰,咽喉不適。適合者︰清潤益肺,健脾化痰;輔助調理呼吸道不適。感染者表現咳嗽,咽喉不適(疼痛)咽乾,呼吸不暢。或包含上述症狀的已感染病毒的患者。$47.00【抗病毒-康復】潤肺益氣化痰飲 350ml
生態農產品 Eco-farming
16年正宗新會老陳皮川貝桔梗燉有機檸檬Authentic Xin Hui 16 Years Dried Citrus Peel, Sichuan Fritillary, Platycodon Root & Organic Lemon Jam